Publication Date

Spring 2010

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




Jessica W. Chin


Coaches, Decision Making, First Aid, Youth Soccer

Subject Areas



The purpose of this study was to assess the first aid knowledge of coaches of youth soccer and to assess the decision making ability of those coaches in hypothetical athletic situations. The study investigated coaches with passing scores on the First Aid Assessment test (FAA) and first aid and CPR certification; years of coaching experience and scores on the FAA; the difference between years of coaching experience and return to play; the relationship between first aid and CPR certification and education level and the scores on the FAA and education level. Coaches completed a FAA test, Game Situation Data Sheet (GSDS), and a brief demographic information sheet.

Thirteen (11.4%) coaches out of 114 coaches earned a passing score on the First Aid Assessment test. Of the 114 coaches that completed the demographic data sheet, 31 (27%) reported being current first aid certified and 24 (21%) reported being current CPR certified. Of those 55 coaches, only 13 coaches passed the FAA test. This shows that coaches currently certified in first aid and CPR were more successful in passing the FAA test. A coach's decisions to return an injured athlete to competition are dependent upon the game situation and the rank of player involved (starter, backup, or bench player).
