Publication Date

Spring 2011

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical Engineering


Thuy T. Le


asynchronous design, asynchronous digital design, asynchronous logic, low power

Subject Areas

Electrical Engineering


This thesis summarizes research undertaken at San José State University between January 2009 and May 2011, which introduces a new method of achieving low power by reducing the dependency of the clock signal in the design. A clock signal consumes power even when the circuit is idle, but asynchronous circuits by default move into the idle state and involve no transition in the circuit during that state. In addition, in an active system, only the subsystem that is in use dissipates power. This work mainly focused on obtaining low power by implementing asynchronous logic. The work also studied the measure of power consumption using asynchronous logic by designing a simple Display Controller. The Display Controller was designed using Verilog HDL and synthesized using Synopsys Design Compiler. The work also studied the trade–offs in power, area, and design complexity in asynchronous design.

The power consumed by the synchronous and asynchronous display controllers was measured, and the asynchronous design consumed about 17% less power than its synchronous counterpart. The area of the asynchronous design was twice that of the synchronous one. Power can be reduced by reducing the dependency of the clock signal in the design by choosing asynchronous logic.
