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Publication Date

Spring 2024

Degree Type

Thesis - Campus Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


English and Comparative Literature


Selena Anderson; Nicholas Taylor; Tyler Eveland


A collection of satirical short stories centered around various media subcultures and workplaces, “A Good Day to Sell Out” combines comedic scenarios with non-fiction inspired prose and earnest characters to evoke a sense of emotional whiplash. Though each story stands as a self-contained work of fiction, the project features many reoccurring characters throughout, thus when read in the proper order the grand narrative comes full circle in the final story. The collection explores the challenge of making ethical decisions in different media-centered workplaces and raises questions about the overconsumption of pop-culture-based media. “A Good Day to Sell Out” derives its inspiration from my lived experiences in student filmmaking and working at a media distribution company for three years. While the different subcultures covered in each story vary, the collection ultimately holds a mirror up to an overstimulated modern-day America and asks: “Is distraction from constantly consuming media stimuli really all there is to life?”
