Submissions from 2006
Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Multifiber WDM Networks with Non-uniform Fiber Cost, Christos Nomikos, Aris Pagourtzis, Katerina Potika, and Stathis Zachos
Endless Caresses: Queer Exuberance in Large-Scale Form in Rock, Jennifer Rycenga
Lesbian Compositional Process: One Lover-Composer's Perspective, Jennifer Rycenga
Sweatshop Wages: Are the Jobs Worth the Sweat? The Real Choice is: Sweat or Starve? Or More Accurately: Sweat and Nearly Starve, Gil Villagran
Wake-Up Wal-Mart National Bus Tour in San Jose, Gil Villagran
Queering the Popular Pitch, Sheila Whiteley and Jennifer Rycenga
Submissions from 2005
Boundary Labelling of Optimal Total Leader Length, M Bekos, M Kaufmann, Katerina Potika, and A Symvonis
Beto, El Escritor de Cartas de los Braceros (English), Gil Villagran
Beto, El Escritor de Cartas de los Braceros (Spanish/Espanol), Gil Villagran
El DIF: Mexico's Social Services System, Gil Villagran
Email to Cindy Sheehan, Gil Villagran
The Problem with Religions, Gil Villagran
Effects of constant temperature regimes between 9.8oC and 32oC on development rates of Protophormia terraenovae (R-D) in British Columbia, Canada, J. A. Warren and G. S. Anderson
Submissions from 2004
Designing More Effective Log-In and Sign-In Pages., Abbas Moallem
Multiword Expression Filtering for Building Knowledge Maps, Shailaja Venkatsubramanyan and J. Perez-Carballo
A Farewell from Gil Villagran after 32 Years of Social Work, Gil Villagran
Development Rates of a Forensically Important Calliphorid, Protophormia terraenovae (R-D) and their use in case analysis, Jodie-A. Warren and Gail S. Anderson
Submissions from 2003
(Mis)Understanding Change in Agro-Environmental Technology in Africa: Charting and Refuting the Myth of Population-Induced Breakdown, Aharon deGrassi
SECOLAS at 50: Imagining the future, Anne Fountain
Usability of Software On-line Documentation: A User Study, Abbas Moallem
Religion and Spirituality, Jennifer Rycenga
Submissions from 2002
Queerly Amiss: Sexuality and the Logic of Adorno's Dialectics, Jennifer Rycenga
Tales of Change within the Sound: Form, Lyrics, and Philosophy in the Music of Yes, Jennifer Rycenga
Submissions from 2000
Mary Daly: Grand Agitator and Revolting Hag, Carol S. Anderson and Jennifer Rycenga
Alcohol, tobacco, and pharmaceutical industry funding: Considerations for organizations serving lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, Laurie A. Drabble
Price Discrimination by Coupon Restriction, Aharon Hibshoosh, U Zion, and U Speigel
Maria Stewart, Black Abolitionist, and the Idea of Freedom, Jennifer Rycenga
[Review of] Reclaiming the Spiritual in Art: Contemporary Cross-Cultural Perspectives, Edited by Dawn Perlmutter and Debra Koppman, Jennifer Rycenga
Frontline Feminisms: Women, War, and Resistance, Marguerite Waller and Jennifer Rycenga
Submissions from 1999
International Perspective-View of the Concept of Diversity in Other Countries, Jose A. Aguiñaga
Training providers: Working with lesbian clients., Laurie Drabble
What addiction professionals need to know about welfare reform and child welfare., B Grossman and Laurie Drabble
Leading for Diversity Final Cross-Case Report, Rosemary Henze, Anne Katz, Edmundo Norte, Susan Sather, and Ernest Walker
Needed: Global Recognition of the Value of Human Life, Gil Villagran
Submissions from 1998
Printer Carriage Motion Control Experiment, Burford Furman
Current Minimum Wages are Uncceptable [Sic], Gil Villagran
Submissions from 1997
Sisterhood: A Loving Lesbian Ear Listens to Progressive Heterosexual Women's Rock Music, Jennifer Rycenga
The Perils and Pleasures of Being an Out Lesbian Academic; or, Speech from the Scaffold, Jennifer Rycenga
Submissions from 1996
[Review of] The Sound of the Dove: Singing in Appalachian Primitive Baptist Churches by Beverly Bush Patterson, Jennifer Rycenga
Submissions from 1995
Towards a More Hands-on, Design-oriented Course on Mechanisms, Burford Furman
A Strategy for an Agency Response to the Contract for America's Dismantling of Human Services, Gil Villagran
Submissions from 1993
Citation Functions and Related Determinants, Mengxiong Liu
Submissions from 1990
Electrochemistry of YBa2Cu3O7-δ Above Tc and RF Dissipation Below Tc, Juana Vivó Acrivos
Submissions from 1977
Government publications: United States government publications in area studies – East Asia, Jo Whitlatch
Submissions from 1976
Government publications: Health effects of environmental pollutants, Jo Whitlatch