
Submissions from 2016


Intrinsic and Extrinsic Science: A Dialectic of Scientific Fame, Gregory J. Feist

Mediated Public Diplomacy: Frame-building contest between the United States and Pakistan on the death of Osama bin Laden, Nisha Garud-Patkar

Understanding Believability of Entertainment vs. Science Satirical News Online in Context of Level of Satire and Source Reputability, Nisha Garud-Patkar

Uprising to Proxy War: How Time Inc. and Newsweek framed the Syrian conflict (2011-2016) from War versus Peace Journalism Perspective, Nisha Garud-Patkar

Islamic State vs. Al Qaeda: Comparative Analysis of Terror Propaganda through Images Published in Dabiq and Inspire, Nisha Garud-Patkar and Enakshi Roy


Cuestionario de proceso sensorial en adultos: Comparación de resultados entre población de USA y de Chile: resultados preliminares/Sensory processing questionnaire in adults: Comparison of results between USA and Chile population: Preliminary results, Silvia Gómez, Megan Chang, Dianne Parham, and Erna Imperatore


Exercises in Crisis Management Training, Daniel C. Goodrich and Frances L. Edwards


Funciones sensoriales en niños menores de 3 años diagnosticados con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) / Sensory Processing in Toddlers Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Juliana Gutiérrez, Megan Chang, and Erna Imperatore Blanche


Hybrid query optimization for hard-to-compress bit-vectors, Gheorghi Guzun and Guadalupe Canahuate


Performance evaluation of word-aligned compression methods for bitmap indices, Gheorghi Guzun and Guadalupe Canahuate


Final Progress Report California Open Educational Resources Council, Katherine Harris


White Paper: OER Adoption Study: Using Open Educational Resources in the College Classroom, Katherine Harris and Committee Members California OER Council


Archive, Katherine D. Harris


Leading for Diversity Video-Facilitator's Guide, Rosemary Henze, Gilberto Arriaza, and Edmundo Norte


Transport of Dirac electrons in a random magnetic field in topological heterostructures, Hilary M. Hurst, Dimitry K. Efimkin, and Victor Galitski


Real-space mean-field theory of a spin-1 Bose gas in synthetic dimensions, Hilary M. Hurst, Justin H. Wilson, J. H. Pixley, I. B. Spielman, and Stefan S. Natu

Sexy women and drunk men in popular Bollywood item songs: Implications for sexual violence, Parul Jain, Enakshi Roy, Imran Mazid, and Nisha Garud-Patkar


"Life Beyond Life": Reading Milton's Areopagitica through Enlightenment Vitalism, Erik L. Johnson


The art of resilience: photo-stories of inspiration and strength among people with HIV/AIDS, Allison Kabel, Michelle Teti, and Ni Zhang

Stress Factors and Sleep Quality Among Occupational Therapy Graduate Students, Justin Lin, Brian Huynh, Inge Verschueren, and Megan Chang


Instructors' Perceptions of their Students' Conceptions: The Case in Undergraduate Mathematics, Wes Maciejewski

A Framework for Students’ Mathematical Foresight, Wes Maciejewski and Bill Barton


Mathematical Foresight: Thinking In The Future To Work In The Present, Wes Maciejewski and Bill Barton


Episodic Future Thinking In Mathematical Situations, Wes Maciejewski, Reece Roberts, and Donna Rose Addis


Developing flexible procedural knowledge in undergraduate calculus, Wes Maciejewski and Jon R. Star


Identifying Barriers to the Use of Public Transportation Among Older Adults, Alexandra Mauro, Regan Kyler, Megan Chang, Matthew Heffernan, Carolyn Glogoski, Alice Chen, and Brien Bowles

Active Choice, Passive Consumption: Exploring New Media Consumption Habits Among College Students and their Influence on Traditional Student Media, Hans K. Meyer, Burton Speakman, and Nisha Garud-Patkar


Exploring New Media Consumption Habits Among College Students and their Influence on Traditional Student Media, Hans K. Meyer, Burton Speakman, and Nisha Garud-Patkar

Stress Factors and Engagement Among Occupational Therapy Graduate Students, Megan Blanton Moreno, Jessica Pham, Alrice Lai, Jennafer Hope, Kristine Young, and Megan Chang


Review: Dolan, Josephine and Estella Tincknell, eds. Aging Femininities: Troubling Representations., Carol Mukhopadhyay


Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson: A Reluctant First Lady, Christina Mune


Are e-books for everyone? An evaluation of academic e-book platforms' accessibility features, Christina Mune and Ann Agee


Research Mathematicians & Mathematics Educators: Collaborations For Change, Greg Oates and Wes Maciejewski

Visual Terror: Analysis of ISIS Propaganda Through Images Published in Dabiq, Enakshi Roy and Nisha Garud-Patkar


Genesis: How the Gay Birders of North America Came to Be, Jennifer Rycenga

"Progress in Every Moral and Intellectual Growth”: African-Americans and Prudence Crandall in her Kansas Years (1877-1890), Jennifer Rycenga


Review of Baby, You Are My Religion: Women, Gay Bars and Theology before Stonewall, by Marie Cartier, Jennifer Rycenga


Review of Fannie Barrier Williams: Crossing the Borders of Region and Race, by Wanda A. Hendricks,, Jennifer Rycenga

Insecurities: Tracing Displacement and Shelter, Virginia San Fratello, Ronald Rael, and Rael San Fratello

Promoting Vaginal Birth & Reducing Primary Cesareans, Laura Senn

Relating Stress Factors to Life Satisfaction in OT Graduate Students, Lee Sonko and Megan Chang

God’s Authority! A Frame Analysis of Kim Davis’ Refusal to Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses, Burton Speakman and Nisha Garud-Patkar


Factors Leading to Rapid Response Team Interventions in Adult Medical-Surgical Patients, Christine Tarver and Diane Stuenkel


Another Way to Talk: Exploring Photovoice as a Strategy to Support Safe Disclosure Among Men and Women With HIV, Michelle Teti, Donaldson Conserve, Ni Zhang, and Mary Gerkovich


The Play Experience for Siblings of Children with Autism, Cynthia Ting, Jennifer Ullman, Megan Chang, Jennifer Jordan-Wong, Chelsea Upham, and Sara Wykoff


50th Anniversary of Anti-Napalm Shipment Protest in Alviso, CA, Gil Villagran


Biography of Gil Villagran, Gil Villagran


Napalm Response, Gil Villagran


Police Response to Trump Protest, Gil Villagran


The Vietnam War, Yet Another War Based on an Unquestioned & Discredited CIA "Intelligence", Gil Villagran


When Presidents Commit War Crimes, Justice is the Final Victim, Gil Villagran


The Promise of an Energy Tracker Curriculum for Promoting Home-School Connections and Youth Agency in Climate Action, Elizabeth M. Walsh, Derek Jenkins, and Eugene Cordero

Chronic stress is associated with indicators of diet quality in habitual breakfast skippers, Adrianne Widaman, Megan Witbracht, Shavawn Forester, Kevin Laugero, and Nancy Keim

Relationships Between Sensory Processing Patterns and Play Experiences, Krista Yee, Nathan Nam, Christine Huynh, Larkin Petralli, Naomi Starr, and Megan C. Chang


Prosodic processing in developmental dyslexia: A case study in Standard Chinese, Yi Yuan, Aijun Li, Yua Jia, Jianhua Hu, and Balázs Surány


Phonetic realizations of post-nuclear accent under dual-focus conditions in Standard Chinese, Yi Yuan, Aijun Li, Yuan Jia, Jianhua Hu, and Balázs Surány

American Popular Psychology in Egypt: Muhammad al-Ghazali, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, and the Social Benefits of Religion, 1956–1969, Arthur Zárate

Rethinking Islamic ‘Moral Economy’, Arthur Zárate

The Virtues of Wealth and Desire in Contemporary Islamic Thought, Arthur Zárate


Evaluating an Instagram intervention promoting seat belt use, Ni Zhang, Stacy Drake, and Katilyn McIntire


Sharing for Health: A Study of Chinese Adolescents’ Experiences and Perspectives on Using Social Network Sites to Share Health Information, Ni Zhang, Michele Teti, Kellie Stanfield, and Shelly Campo


Strategies Employed by Community-Dwelling Japanese-American Elders to Maintain Social Participation, Maxine Ziprin, Marissa Oshige, Megan Chang, Mary Corey, Jenny Knowles, and Rose Ngo

Submissions from 2015


The Dilemmas and Issues of Immigration to United States of America and Globalization, Yudhi Ahuja


Learning Computer Skills: Meanings and Influences on Occupations for Older Adults, Lynne Andonian


Learning Language in Autism: Maternal Linguistic Input Contributes to Later Vocabulary, Janet Bang and Aparna Nadig


East Oakland Innovators: Integrating Design Thinking and CBPR for Community-Driven Change, Rachel Berkowitz, Thea Anderson, Jessica Vechakul, Jaspal S. Sandhu, Jessica Luginbuhl, and Bina Shrimali


Preferred activities and wellbeing: A study of occupation, Erna Imperatore Blanche, Megan Chang, and L. Diane Parham


Understanding Sleep Patterns Among Older Adults in a Subsidized Housing Facility: A Pilot Study, Megan Chang, Abigail Paquia, Sammie Wong, and Jean Koketsu

Preferred Activity and Well Being: A Study of Occupation, Megan Chang, L. Diane Parham, and Erna I. Blanche


[Review of] Creating Multicultural Change on Campus, Erica Colmenares and Laura Vernikoff


Carbon Command, Eugene Cordero


Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration among Sri Lankan Men, Ruvani W. Fonseka, Alexandra M. Minnis, and Anu Manchikanti Gomez


Making All Children Count: Teach For All and the Universalizing Appeal of Data, Daniel Friedrich, Mia Walter, and Erica Eva Colmenares


Making All Children Count: Teach For All and the Universalizing Appeal of Data, Daniel Friedrich, Mia Walter, and Erica Eva Colmenares


Automated Transit Networks (ATN): A Review of the State of the Industry and Prospects for the Future, MTI Report 12-31, Burford Furman, Sam Ellis, Lawrence Fabian, and Peter Muller


[Review of] A Squatter's Republic: Land and the Politics of Monopoly in California, 1850–1900, by Shelton Tamara Venit, Glen Gendzel


Seeking mathematics success for college students: a randomized field trial of an adapted approach, Taras Gula, Carolyn Hoessler, and Wes Maciejewski


The Legacy of Rudolph Ackermann and Nineteenth-Century British Literary Annuals, Katherine D. Harris

Barriers to Older Adults’ Use of Public Transportation, Matt Heffernan, Megan Chang, Carolyn Glogoski, Regan Dodson-Kyler, and Alexandra Mauro

Charged skyrmions on the surface of a topological insulator, Hilary Hurst


Women in Physics Hosts Career Panel, Hilary M. Hurst


Charged skyrmions on the surface of a topological insulator, Hilary M. Hurst, Dimitry K. Efimkin, Jiadong Zang, and Victor Galitski

Using Two Questionnaires to Understand Adult Sensory Processing Behaviors, Amanda Lord, Colleen McNeil, Emily Langston, Jessica Durand, and Megan Chang


Flipping the calculus classroom: an evaluative study, Wes Maciejewski


Mathematical tasks, study approaches, and course grades in undergraduate mathematics: a year-by-year analysis, Wes Maciejewski and Sandra Merchant


Massive Open Online Librarianship: Emerging Practices in Response to MOOCs, Christina Mune

“Be Ashamed of Nothing But Sin”: Prudence Crandall, Levi Kneeland, and Connecticut Baptists, Jennifer Rycenga

Black Minds Matter: The Lives, Aspirations and Legacies of the Black Students of Prudence Crandall, Jennifer Rycenga

Intellect and Abolition: Reconstructing the Curriculum at Prudence Crandall’s Academy for Young Ladies and Little Misses of Color, Jennifer Rycenga

Networks, Recruits, and Protégés: The Ripple Effect from Prudence Crandall’s Academy for Ladies and Little Misses of Color, Jennifer Rycenga


Review of Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Disenchantment, by Paul Maltby, Jennifer Rycenga

Nurse-Physician Co-Leadership: Exploring a strategy to enhance quality and patient safety in U.S. hospitals, Laura Senn


Advanced vs. Basic Search: Digital Perception and Library Learning, Jill Strykowski


The Green Ninja Project: Using social media for public education and engagement, Anne Marie Todd and Eugene Cordero

The Play Experience for Siblings of Children with Autism, Jennifer Ullman, Jennifer Jordan-Wong, Cynthia Ting, Chelsea Upham, Sara Wykoff, and Megan Chang


[Review of] Teaching that Matters: Engaging Minds, Improving Schools, Laura Vernikoff and Erica Colmenares


Ferguson, Vietnam, Afghanistan: Variations on a Theme, Gil Villagran


Hi Rob, Viet Memorial, Gil Villagran


John McCain: War Hero or War Criminal?, Gil Villagran


The Relationship of Social Philosophy (aka ideology) to Social Policy (access the benefits of society), Gil Villagran