Submissions from 2023
To Save the Republic: The California Workingmen’s Party in Humboldt County, Daniel Cornford
Working People of California, Daniel Cornford
Abandoning their beloved land: The Politics of Bracero Migration in Mexico, Alberto García
Bill and Mike: How Two Irishmen Slaked the Thirst of California’s Great Cities, Glen Gendzel
Devotion, Humanism and Manuscript Culture in Tudor Wales and the Marches: ‘The Book of Ieuan ap Wiliam ap Dafydd ab Einws’ (NLW, Llanstephan MS 117) and His World1, Katharine K. Olson
Comte, Auguste, Mary Pickering
Submissions from 2022
[Review of] Adolph Sutro: King of the Comstock Lode and Mayor of San Francisco, by William R. Huber, Glen Gendzel
“A Very Crushable, Kissable Girl": Queer Love and the Invention of the Abnormal Girl Among College Women in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, Wendy L. Rouse
Submissions from 2021
“It’s in the Air”—Sponsored Editorial Content as a Path for Stealth Government Propaganda: The Case of Israeli Media, Anat Balint
Regulating bracero migration: How national, regional, and local political considerations shaped the bracero program, Alberto García
[Review of] Rethinking Rufus: Sexual Violations of Enslaved Men by Thomas A. Foster, Libra Hilde
[Review of] Till Death Do Us Part: The Letters of Emory and Emily Upton, 1868-1870 Ed. Salvatore G. Cilella Jr., Libra Hilde
Slavery, Fatherhood, & Paternal Duty, Libra Hilde
Elapsed Century of a Forgotten Province—Pingyuan in Light of Ecological Changes and Communist Rule, Xiaojia Hou
Submissions from 2020
A Historiography of Populism and Neopopulism in Latin America, Michael Conniff
Beyond Big Data: Teaching Introductory U.S. History in the Age of Student Success, Bridget Ford, Katherine Chilton, Christopher Endy, Michael Henderson, Brad A. Jones, and Ji Y. Son
Removing Confederate Statues, Libra Hilde
[Review of] Heavy Laden: Union Veterans, Psychological Illness, and Suicide. By Larry M. Logue and Peter Blanck, Libra Hilde
Slavery, Fatherhood, and Paternal Duty in African American Communities over the Long Nineteenth Century, Libra R. Hilde
Submissions from 2019
[Review of] America's West: A History, 1890–1950, by David M. Wrobel, Glen Gendzel
[Review of] California at War: The State and the People during World War I, by Diane M. T. North, Glen Gendzel
African American Soldiers and the Civil War, Libra Hilde
Submissions from 2018
Round Table California History at the College Level, Glen Gendzel
Needles as Weapons: Southern Women and Civil War Relief, Libra Hilde
The Missions through the Gold Rush: Native California History, Libra Hilde
Submissions from 2017
Populism during the Estado Novo, Michael Conniff
Big Brother and Big Business: Government Regulation and the Constitution in United States History, Glen Gendzel
Fatherhood and Slavery, Libra Hilde
Football!, Libra Hilde
Indigenous People of the Yosemite Valley, Libra Hilde
Our Father': Slavery and Fatherhood in the American South, Libra Hilde
[Review of] Villainous Compounds: Chemical Weapons and the American Civil War by Guy R. Hasegawa, Libra Hilde
Submissions from 2016
Dying to Better Themselves: West Indians and the Building of the Panama Canal, written by Olive Senior, Michael L. Conniff
Submissions from 2015
[Review of] A Squatter's Republic: Land and the Politics of Monopoly in California, 1850–1900, by Shelton Tamara Venit, Glen Gendzel
Atlanta's Living Legacy: A History of Grady Memorial Hospital and Its People, by Martin Moran, Patricia Hill
Submissions from 2014
[Review of] Tropic of Hopes: California, Florida, and the Selling of American Paradise, 1869–1929, by Henry Knight, Glen Gendzel
The People versus the Octopus: California Progressives and the Origins of Direct Democracy, Glen Gendzel
Making a Case for Academic Values, Patricia Hill
Submissions from 2012
[Review of] The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic By Robert L. O'Connell, Jonathan P. Roth
Submissions from 2011
The Seduction of Brazil: The Americanization of Brazil during World War II, Michael Conniff
What the Progressives Had in Common, Glen Gendzel
Submissions from 2010
Resisting McCarthyism: To Sign or Not to Sign California's Loyalty Oath [Review essay], Glen Gendzel
Submissions from 2009
Path of Empire: Panama and the California Gold Rush, Michael Conniff
It Didn’t Start with Proposition 187: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Nativist Legislation in California, Glen Gendzel
Pride, Wrath, Glee, and Fear: Emotional Responses to Senator Joseph McCarthy in the Catholic Press, 1950-1954, Glen Gendzel
Submissions from 2008
Not Just a Golden State: Three Anglo ‘Rushes’ in the Making of Southern California, 1880-1920., Glen Gendzel
Submissions from 2005
Roth on Rosenstein, 'Rome at War: Farms, Families and Death in the Middle Republic', Jonathan P. Roth
Submissions from 2003
[Review of] Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming, Jonathan Roth
Submissions from 2002
Authorized to Heal: Gender, Class, and the Transformation of Medicine in Appalachia, 1880-1930, by Sandra Lee Barney, Patricia Hill
Submissions from 2000
[Review of] Columbia Papyri IX: The Vestis Militaris Codex. American Studies in Papyrology 39, Jonathan Roth
Submissions from 1999
African American Midwifery in the South: Dialogues of Birth, Race and Memory, by Gertrude Jacinta Fraser, Patricia Hill
Submissions from 1998
Morning Glories: Municipal Reform in the Southwest, by Amy Bridges, Patricia Hill
Submissions from 1997
Political Culture: Genealogy of a Concept, Glen Gendzel
International Orphans': The Chinese in Thailand During World War II, E. Bruce Reynolds
Submissions from 1996
Submissions from 1995
Competitive Boosterism: How Milwaukee Lost the Braves, Glen Gendzel
The Length of the Siege of Masada, Jonathan Roth
Submissions from 1993
Natural Allies: Women's Associations in American History, by Anne Firor Scott, Patricia Hill
Submissions from 1992
Women's Groups and the Extension of City Services in Early Twentieth-Century Dallas, Patricia Hill
Submissions from 1982
Black Labor on a White Canal: West Indians in Panama, 1904-1980, Michael Conniff