Submissions from 2024
Affect, learning, and teacher education: Getting stuck in social justice, Erica E. Colmenares and Scott Jarvie
Building Dharmic* Solidarity to Expand the Discourse about Religious Diversity in US Higher Education, Sachi Edwards, Nirinjan Kaur Khalsa-Baker, Funie Hsu, Asha Shipman, Simran Kaur-Colbert, Vineet Chander, and Monica Sanford
GEOGRAPHIES OF US: Ecosomatic Essays and Practice Pages, Sondra Fraleigh and Shannon Rose Riley
INTRODUCTION: Locating Geographies of Us, Sondra Fraleigh and Shannon Rose Riley
The reincarnation of the Asian Buddhist peril: White Christian nationalism and contestations of mindfulness in K-12 public schools, Funie Hsu/Chhî
Engaged Buddhism in the United States, Funie Hsu
Vietnamese Buddhism in America, Todd Le Roy Perreira
A CRITICAL ECOSOMATICS: Cultivating Awareness and Imagination, Shannon Rose Riley
MOVING WITH CATS, Shannon Rose Riley
Book Review: Maria W. Stewart and the Roots of Black Political Thought, Jennifer Rycenga
Review of The Cambridge Companion to Women in Music since 1900, Jennifer Rycenga
Uncaged Optimism, Jennifer Rycenga
Assembling the Puzzle Pieces: The Unionist Unified, Prudence Crandall, and the Canterbury Female Academy, Jennifer Rycenga and Nick Szydlowski
Submissions from 2023
Compassion and Care Through Musical Social Emotional Learning, Scott N. Edgar, Kara Ireland D'Ambrosio, and Elise Hackl
Collective obituary for Nel Noddings, Liz Jackson, D. C. Phillips, Susan Verducci, Lynda Stone, Barbara Stengel, Lynn Sargent De Jonghe, Cris Mayo, Michael S. Katz, and Robert Lake
Telling Time in the Fiction of Mary Hearne and Daniel Defoe, Erik L. Johnson
Reflections from the Classroom: Students Engage Steinbeck's Work with the Arts at San José State University, Daniel Lanza Rivers
BEKI’s Halycon Days: The Imperious Rattle of the Bodacious Queen Fisher, Jennifer Rycenga
Review of The Creation of Modern Quaker Diversity, Jennifer Rycenga
Introduction to Decolonizing and Indigenizing the “Religion and Science” Discourse, Lisa L. Stenmark
THE TROUBLE WITH ELITISM: William Deresiewicz’s Critique of Neoliberal Higher Education in the United States, J. Todd Ormsbee
Submissions from 2022
“THE MASTER OF A PEN:” Rewriting Robinson Crusoe in the Life and the Adventures of a Haunted Convict, Rebecca Kling
The Land Doesn't Stretch, Daniel Lanza Rivers
The Many Values of Community-Science, Jennifer Rycenga
Submissions from 2021
Exploring the “Light” of the Hidden [Space of] Curriculum: A Film ‘Re’View, EunKyoung Chung and Erica Colmenares
Exploring Student Teachers’ “Stuck Moments”: Affect[ing] the Theory-Practice Gap in Social Justice Teacher Education, Erica Colmenares
El Chavo del Ocho as an "Intimate Publics" in Venezuela, Erica Eva Colmenares
Exploring student teachers’ ‘stuck moments’: affect[ing] the theory-practice gap in social justice teacher education, Erica Eva Colmenares
El Chavo del 8: Projecting an Image of Community, Childhood, and Identification, Daniel Friedrich and Erica Colmenares
#LANDBACK: A Paradox of Decolonization and Reparations, Kerri Malloy
A Conversation about Native American Genocide, Kerri J. Malloy
Renewing the world: disrupting settler-colonial destruction, Kerri J. Malloy
Review of In Defense of Loose Translations: An Indian Life in an Academic World by Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, Kerri J. Malloy
Unsettling the Status Quo: Indigenous Memory Activism in North America, Kerri J. Malloy
Exploring the Impact of Field-Based Supervision Practices in Teaching for Social Justice, Detra Price-Dennis and Erica Colmenares
Into the Woods: The Creaturely and the Queer in 20th Century US American Hunting Narratives, Daniel Lanza Rivers
Elemental Relations: Fire & Culture, Daniel Lanza Rivers
The Sun in its Glory: The Diffusion of Jonathan Dymond’s Works in the United States, 1831-1836, Jennifer Rycenga
Sufi Reformism and the Politics of Enchantment in Nasser’s Egypt (1954–1970), Arthur Shiwa Zárate
Submissions from 2020
Supporting Emerging Teachers’ Dispositions toward Teaching and Learning for Racial and Social Justice, Annie S. Adamian and Erica Eva Colmenares
California Indian Genocide and Healing, Kayla Begay and Kerri Malloy
Resonancias de El Chavo del 8 en la niñez, educación y sociedad latinoamericana, Erica Colmenares
Calling Educators to Increase Student Learning through Teacher-Led Professional Development, Erica Colmenares, E. Stevens, N. Aguilar-McKay, and C. Zartman
Resonancias del Chavo del 8 en la niñez, educación y sociedad latinoamericana, Daniel Friedrich and Erica Colmenares
The Country Wife by William Wycherley, Erik L. Johnson
The Way of the World by William Congreve, Erik L. Johnson
Reflections of the Past in the Present: Landscape, People, and Narrative, Kerri Malloy
Conceptualizing Global Indigenous Rights, Kerri J. Malloy
Genocide in Guatemala and Central America, Kerri J. Malloy
Remembrance and Renewal at Tuluwat: Restoring the Center of the World, Kerri J. Malloy
Rising from the Terminal Narrative: Rhetoric of anti-Indian Violence in the United States, Kerri J. Malloy
[Screening for] Gather: The Fight to Revitalize our Native Foodways, Kerri J. Malloy
‘Like a Cord Snapping’: Toward a grounded theory of how devout Mormons leave the LDS Church, J. Todd Ormsbee
Characterological Itineracy: The Career of Calvin Philleo, Jennifer Rycenga
Imagining and Treasuring Places We Love: CZU Fire Reflections, Jennifer Rycenga
Review: Flaming? The Peculiar Theopolitics of Fire and Desire in Black Male Gospel Performance, Jennifer Rycenga
Beyond the Moral Economy: Material Theologies and the Agency of Things in Contemporary Islamic Economic Thought, Arthur Zárate
Submissions from 2019
Affective methodologies, Erica Colmenares and EunKyoung Chung
Empowering Political Voice Through Town Hall Meetings, Erica Colmenares and Roy Danovitch
Affective (An)Archive as Method, Erica Eva Colmenares and Jenna Kamrass Morvay
Affective (An)Archive as Method, Erica Eva Colmenares and Jenna Kamrass Morvay
Remaking Education at Anarchist-Inspired Alternative School, Roy Noah Danovitch and Erica Eva Colmenares
Revitalizing and Recuperating Meta-Theater: Henry Fielding’s Rehearsal Plays, Erik L. Johnson
Telling Time in the Novels of Mary Hearne, 1718–19, Erik L. Johnson
A Paradox of Transitional Justice: Settler Colonialism without Regime Change, Kerri Malloy
In Plain Sight but Unseen: Healing in Northwestern California, Kerri Malloy
Representation of Native American Experience in US History, Kerri Malloy
Book Review: Phenomena of Power: Authority, Domination, and Violence, Kerri J. Malloy
Building Bridges: From Teacher Education Program to First-Year Teaching for Equity and Critical Inclusivity, Jodene Morrell, Erica Eva Colmenares, and Britt K. Hamre
Enraged Against Us: Practicing Non-Violence at the Canterbury Academy, Jennifer Rycenga
Review of Jonathan’s Loves, David’s Laments: Gay Theology, Musical Desires, and Historical Difference, by Dirk von der Horst, Jennifer Rycenga
Finding Metaphysics and Meaning in Self-Help Literature, Arthur Shiwa Zárate
The American Sufis: Self-Help, Sufism, and Metaphysical Religion in Postcolonial Egypt, Arthur Shiwa Zárate
Submissions from 2018
Columbus or Indigenous Peoples Day?, Kerri J. Malloy
Echoes of 71 Days before the Opportunities of the Next 1,461, Kerri J. Malloy
From Intangible to Tangible: Touching the Legacy of Genocide Prevention, Kerri J. Malloy
Marshall, Whitman and Baum: Selections from the American Terminal Narrative, Kerri J. Malloy
[Review of] Law In and As Culture: Intellectual Property, Minority Rights and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by Caroline Joan “Kay” S. Picart, Kerri J. Malloy
The Afterlife of an (An)archive, Jenna Morvay and Erica Colmenares
Exploring the Impact of Field-Based, Supervisory Practices in Teaching for Social Justice, Detra Price-Dennis, Molly Cutler, and Erica Eva Colmenares
Intellect and Abolition: Reconstructing the Curriculum at Prudence Crandall’s Academy for Young Ladies and Little Misses of Color, Jennifer Rycenga
Why I Go Outside in this Era of Contempt, Jennifer Rycenga
The American Sufis: Self-Help, Sufism, and Metaphysical Religion in Postcolonial Egypt, Arthur Zárate
Worlds Unseen: Islamic Reform and Euro-American Spiritualism and Psychical Research in Mid-Twentieth-Century Egypt, Arthur Shiwa Zárate
Submissions from 2017
El Chavo del 8 as an “Intimate Public” in Venezuela: What happened to the Good Life?, Erica Colmenares
El Chavo del 8 as an “Intimate Public” in Venezuela: What Happened to the Good Life?, Erica Colmenares
Coda: El Chavo del 8’s Connections and Reverberations, Erica Colmenares and Daniel Friedrich
The Mary Daly Reader, Mary Daly, Jennifer Rycenga, and Linda Barufaldi
Daniel Friedrich & Erica Colmenares: El Chavo del Ocho as a New Direction in Comparative Education, Daniel Friedrich and Erica Colmenares
Introduction: Resonances of El Chavo del 8 in Latin American Childhood, Schooling, and Societies, Daniel Friedrich and Erica Colmenares
Resonances of El Chavo del Ocho in Latin American Childhood, Schooling, and Societies, Daniel Friedrich and Erica Colmenares
Dividing and Affixing Identity: Public Law 100-580 The Hoopa-Yurok Settlement Act, Kerri Malloy
Tuluwat: From Apology to Support, Kerri Malloy
Candlelight: Memorialization in Absence of a Memorial, Kerri J. Malloy
Fractional Representation: The Northwestern California Genocide Project, Kerri J. Malloy
Klamath Connections: creating cultural awareness through interdisciplinary study and community partnerships in the next generation of STEM professionals, Kerri J. Malloy
Tuluwat: Acknowledging Historical Trauma at the Municipal Level, Kerri J. Malloy