Document Type
Publication Date
January 2014
Publication Title
Proceedings from the California Academic Research Libraries Conference 2014
Library and Information Science
Staffing changes within academic libraries that employ the liaison librarian model, while potentially disruptive and unsettling, provide leadership opportunities to the organization. The liaison librarian model is predicated upon strong subject and background expertise and the cultivation of positive relationships with departments and faculty. Given successful liaison librarian-teaching faculty relationships, shifting from one librarian to another can be a daunting experience for everyone involved. This poster will investigate this issue, particularly expectations from both parties, correlating current professional skill sets and needs assessments, and developing and establishing new models for library support and cross training.
Recommended Citation
Emily Chan, Yiping Wang, and Adriana Poo. "Successfully Transferring Academic Liaison Departments: Promoting Subject Area Flexibility and Cross Training" Proceedings from the California Academic Research Libraries Conference 2014 (2014).
This is a poster presented at the California Academic & Research Libraries 2014 Conference and published in the CARL 2014 Conference Proceedings. It can also be found online at this link.