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Interview with Alpha Andromeda which is the drag name for Nicolas Garcia, a performance artist active in Queer Silicon Valley and the Drag Queens of Silicon Valley and she also works with Silicon Valley Pride, conducted as part of the Mosaic Atlas project. Alpha identifies as culturally Chinese and Mexican and is a native of Santa Clara and the South Bay.Topics include Pride, drag performance as art and fashion design, and studio art and make-up in drag performance. As part of the Mosaic Atlas project, SJSU students and faculty from the Anthropology and Geography Departments interviewed people who support and produce art throughout the Bay Area.
Recommended Citation
Nicolas Garcia and Cody Howell. "Mosaic Atlas: Interview with Alpha Andromeda" Mosaic Atlas Interviews (2021).
Willow Glen, San José
Participant Website
1855 Hamilton Ave, #203, San José, CA. 95125
Willow Glen, San José