The Mineta Transportation Institute at San José State University conducted this study to review the issues and implications involved in the project in question. The primary objective of this study was to use an advanced integrated land use and transportation model to evaluate transit and supportive land use and pricing policies; the Sacramento MEPLAN model was used to simulate these policies. The model represents the effect of changes in the transportation system on land use. If the land use and transportation interaction is not represented, then the analysis of transit and highway alternatives may be biased. For example, if the land used induced travel effect is not represented in a transit alternative, then vehicle miles traveled (VMT), congestion, and emissions may be overestimated and VMT, congestion, and emissions may be underestimated in a highway alternative. Moreover, the more comprehensive representation of induced travel effects in the Sacramento MEPLAN model increases sensitivity to policies such as transit, land use measures, and pricing policies.
Publication Date
Publication Type
Sustainable Transportation and Land Use
MTI Project
Mineta Transportation Institute URL
Travel demand management, Urban development, Urban planning, Vehicle monitoring
Recommended Citation
Robert A. Johnston. "Applying an Integrated Model to the Evaluation of Travel Demand Management Policies in the Sacramento Region, MTI Report 01-03" Mineta Transportation Institute (2001).