The Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) presented a workshop at the request of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee. The half-day discussion was offered on a timely, relevant, and critical topic, given the revelations that Osama bin Laden and al Qaida may have been planning rail attacks in the United States. While these plans were not well developed, it did underscore that terrorists do plan to expand their attacks beyond Europe and Asia. MTI presented the forum because it strongly believes that passenger rail security must be given much greater attention, especially because of the open nature of the mode and the millions of people who travel by rail each day, whether on intercity rail, subways, light rail, or commuter rail. The panel addressed the areas of primary concern and vulnerability.
Publication Date
Publication Type
Security and Counterterrorism, Transit and Passenger Rail
MTI Project
Mineta Transportation Institute URL
Recommended Citation
MTI. "Rail Security: Critical Insights and Applications" Mineta Transportation Institute (2012).