
On March 27, 2012, the Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) continued its support of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Futures Program by conducting the Twelfth National Garrett Morgan Symposium and Videoconference on Sustainable Transportation. The ongoing mission of this national videoconference is to stimulate the minds of young people, and to encourage them to pursue challenging academic programs, including mathematics and science—an education pathway that will prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s challenging transportation careers. Participating schools were: Edna Brewer Middle School, Oakland, CA; Monument Middle School, Rio Dell, CA; Morada Middle School, Stockton, CA; Redland Middle School, Rockville, MD (two teams); St. Callistus School, Garden Grove, CA; and Tupelo Middle School, Tupelo, MS. Students were addressed by retired United States Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta and current Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, who appeared via videoconference link from the US Department of Transportation site in Washington DC. Each school asked a question of Secretary LaHood, who engaged with the students and provided encouragement to complete their educations. This year’s student presentations included the “Mazu SI” – a methane-and- solar-ink-powered car; a “green plan” for the city of Rio Dell, CA, to convert city vehicles from gas to electric and install an electric charge station for city and public use; a biofuel/ hybrid school bus; a multifuel-injection system for buses; a sustainable-energy vanpool, a solar/wind/water-powered train; and a “flying airport.” Teacher Aaron Saas and representatives from Morada Middle School, the Caltrans District 10 winning team, traveled to San Jose, CA, in June 2012 to attend MTI’s annual scholarship banquet and to accept the grand prize cash award and a plaque.

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MTI Project



Alternative fuels; Education; Renewable energy sources; Transportation; Garrett Morgan


