Document Type


Publication Date

January 2015

Publication Title

Physical Review B



Issue Number





Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Physics


We utilize numerical linked-cluster expansions (NLCEs) and the determinantal quantum Monte Carlo algorithm to study pairing correlations in the square-lattice Hubbard model. To benchmark the NLCE, we first locate the finite-temperature phase transition of the attractive model to a superconducting state away from half filling. We then explore the superconducting properties of the repulsive model for the d-wave and extended s-wave pairing symmetries. The pairing structure factor shows a strong tendency to d-wave pairing and peaks at an interaction strength comparable to the bandwidth. The extended s-wave structure factor and correlation length are larger at higher temperatures but clearly saturate as temperature is lowered, whereas the d-wave counterparts, which start off lower at high temperatures, continue to rise near half filling. This rise is even more dramatic in the d-wave susceptibility. The convergence of NLCEs breaks down as the susceptibilities and correlation lengths become large, so we are unable to determine the onset of long-range order. However, our results extend the conclusion, previously restricted to only magnetic and charge correlations, that NLCEs offer a unique window into pairing in the Hubbard model at strong coupling.


This article originally appeared in Physical Review B, volume 91, issue 24, 2015, published by the American Physical Society. ©2015 American Physical Society. The article can also be found online at this link.
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