The mission of the M.S. program in I/O Psychology is to provide students a fundamental grounding in theory, research, and application in the field of I/O Psychology. As a culminating experience, students in the I/O program complete a master's thesis: an original empirical research project resembling articles in academic journals consisting of four sections (Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion) that is conducted with the support and assistance of a three-person faculty committee.
The thesis is a vivid, public demonstration of the student's ability to take primary responsibility for all aspects of a research project, utilize and communicate their analytic and data-based decision making skills, and work collaboratively with faculty over an extended period of time.
Because the I/O program encourages students to develop their own research interests, the theses listed below cover an amazingly wide range of topics, including diversity, leadership, and numerous job-related attitudes and behaviors. As evidence of the impact of their work, many of our students' theses have been cited by other researchers and writers. As you can tell, we're extremely proud of our students' research!
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Fostering Affective Commitment and Work Engagement Through Mentoring, Luis Portillo
The Relationship between Job Embeddedness and Work Engagement, Raymond William Ringl
Making the Right Impression: An Exploratory Study of Job Applicants' Social Networking Sites, Ka Weng Sitou
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The Relationship Between Servant Leadership and Job Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study, Rupa Amin
Differences and Similarities between Female Managers and Female Entrepreneurs, Maria Cespedes
The Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Career Opportunities as Moderators of the Relationship between Work Engagement and Job Satisfaction, Farideh Forootan
Effects of Stress and Co-Rumination on Creativity and Performance, Subha Govindarajan
The Examination of the Moderating Variables of Job Exposure and Need for Cognition on the Effects of Type of Job Preview on Pre-Hire Outcomes, Ashley Jo Hacnik
The Effect of Competence, Likeability, and Sex on Performance Evaluations of Managers, Connie Kehn
An Examination of the Theory of Planned Behavior on Faking an Overt Integrity Test, Janie Marie Kuhlman
Performance Management and Performance: The Mediating Role of Engagement, Mina Luong
Effects of a Virtually Abroad Program on Students' Cross-Cultural Competence, Emalynn Lucie Robinson
Making Hiring Decisions Using Facebook: How Job Applicants are Evaluated, Tatyana Rozenblum
Effects of Middle Management Support for Improvement on Perceived Organizational Performance Capabilities, Stacy Sakellarides
Generational Differences in Intrinsic and Extrinsic Workplace Motivation, Caitlin Elizabeth Shea
Measuring Employee Perceptions of Organizational Tolerance for Failure, Perla Yael Slutzky
Affectivity and Impulsivity as Predictors of Workplace Deviance, Brittany Trice
Motivating Employees Through Thick and Thin: The Relationship Between Hospital Employee Aspirations and Body Mass Index, Amanda Kay Wentz
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
An Examination of Management Practices as Predictors of Employee Work Engagement, Jennifer Joy Brown
The Relationship Between Diversity and Performance in Major League Baseball Teams: Conflict's Mediating Effect, Michelle Maureen Campion
Exploring the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and organizational climates for creativity, Michael Joseph Cilla
The Effects of Mere Exposure on Responses to Foreign-Accented Speech, Lea Grossman
Assessing the Dimensionality of Active Listening in the Workplace, Trevor Wayde Hanna
Examination of the Relationship between User Participation and Technology Acceptance in Post-Implementation, Ekta Menghrajani Makhijani
Polytasking and Job Stress across Cultures, Ashwini Palekar
Moderating Role of Justice Perception in the Relationships between Stressors and Strains, Jashaswini Rath
Socio-Cultural Adaptation in Relation to Value Congruence and Acculturation, Meng-Yin Shih
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Bullying in High-Tech Professions, Sonja Ellefson
Effects of Telework and Remote Management on Job Performance Outcomes, Gavin Michael Jensen
Predicting Work and Organizational Engagement with Work and Personal Factors, Andrea Kittredge
Social Support as Moderator of Job-Specific or Generic Stressors with Strains, Kaci Deeana Mabe
Relationships Among Perceived Ethnic Discrimination, Job Attitudes, and Behaviors, Hikaru McGowan
Perceived Organizational Support and Counterproductive Work Behavior: How Personality Moderates the Relationship, Sarah Monnastes
Employment Decisions as a Function of an Applicant's Accent, Lam Thanh Nguyen
Time Allocation: A Measurement Tool of Productivity in the Workplace, Trevor Olsen
Stress and Coping Due to Global Virtual Teamwork, Irina Alexandra Shargo
Investigation of the Curvilinear Job Performance-Voluntary Turnover Relationship and Various Moderating Effects in the Technology Industry, Tricia Mae Vitocruz
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Implications of social support and culture in the context of work-related stress, Maria Amren
Comparing Generation X to Generation Y on work-related beliefs., Susana Fernandez
A comparison of overrater, underrater and in agreement on performance, Aleksandra Karolina Gajek
Determinants of job satisfaction and turnover among physicians., Dustin Kaplan
Host majority group members' acculturation attitudes towards immigrant groups., Kanako Miwa
The role of tenure as a moderator to work engagement and job satisfaction, Julie Katherine Rice
Examination of the factors that predict job satisfaction., Amani Shoman
Job engagement : examining the relationship with situational and personal factors, Smita Vanam
Role stressors, coworker support, and work engagement : a longitudinal study, Jerry Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Readiness for change : can readiness be primed?, Lisbeth S. Andersen
Social support and facet satisfaction across cultures, Jeffrey Paul Berlin
Goal orientation-creativity relationship : openness to experience as a moderator, Maria Diana D Borlongan
Examining the relationship between transformational leadership and engagement, Ritu Koppula
Evaluation of a career workshop program using multiple levels, Tracy Rosario
Values in relation to acculturation and adjustment, Heather Elizabeth Simonovich
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Transformational leadership, change readiness, and creativity, Stephanie Lutz Allen
Telecommuting and job satisfaction : examining workaholism and work/life balance, Kristi Arrington
Commuting in relation to work-life and home-life satisfaction, Jennifer L. Campbell
Knowledge management and employee productivity, Christina Michelle Gomez
Relationship between graduate admission measures and student success, Jui S. Maru
Predictors of job engagement with extraversion as the moderating variable, Thanh-Thao Phan
Organizational empowerment and hardiness as predictors of innovativeness, Leif Christian Roberg
The relationship between readiness for change and job-related attitudes, Christine Marie Squillaci
A study of the effect of dress on performance among tellers, Stephanie Marie Wright
Gender and ethnic stereotypes, Candice Joy Yee
The impact of culture and personal value on distributive behavior, Crystal Ho-Fung Yu
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Role stressors and job engagement : towards understanding positive psychology, Gisela Garcia
Antecedents and mediating factors of organizational alignment, Cynthia Schoolcraft Hannah
The moderating role of optimism as related to work resources and work engagement, Matthew M. Jezzi
Predicting psychological safety and its outcome in the workplace, Diana Mi Sook Kim
Predictors and outcomes of perceived race and accent discrimination, Guhapriya N. Margam
The relationships between leadership styles and employee engagement, Joshua M. Metzler
Age, tenure, and attribution : key concepts of the psychological contract, Alicia Motta
Correlates of re-enlistment intentions among Army National Guardmembers, Christiana Woodward
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Nurturing intrapreneurship : a cross-cultural analysis of organizational climates, Rangapriya Narasimhan
Employee value congruence with supervisors and coworkers : a cross-cultural study, Rachel Pickworth
Predicting individual creative performance from contextual factors, Kyla Ann Vandree
Volunteer motivation, satisfaction, and continuance : the role of training, Pamela M. Wells
The negative work-related outcomes of perceived ethnic and sex discrimination, Corbin C. Wong
Value congruence and occupational stress during major organizational change, Mark D. Zajack