Submissions from 2025
Examining equity and graduation rates at two institutions using a course deficit model and the collaborative learning through active sense-making in physics curriculum, Cassandra A. Paul and David J. Webb
Submissions from 2022
Percent grade scale amplifies racial or ethnic inequities in introductory physics, Cassandra A. Paul and David J. Webb
Contested Agency and Authorship in Middle School Girls’ Climate Science Digital Storytelling: Disentangling Individual and Collective Agency, Elizabeth Smullen and Elizabeth M. Walsh
Introduction: Climate Change Education Must Be Education for Justice: Historical and Conceptual Foundations for Centering Equity in Climate Change Education, Katherine Sover and Elizabeth M. Walsh
Engaging the racist science of human intelligence: Towards a more just science education future, Tammie Visintainer
Justice and Equity in Climate Change Education: Exploring Social and Ethical Dimensions of Environmental Education, Elizabeth M. Walsh
Submissions from 2021
Empowering K-12 Science Teachers as Equity Advocates and Designers of Transformative Justice-Centered Science Learning Communities, Tammie Visintainer
Broadband Access and Constituent Experiences Under COVID-19 Shelter-In-Place Orders: California Assembly District 30, Ahoura Zandiatashbar, Luis E. Poza, Tammie Visintainer, and Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz
Submissions from 2020
Exploring the Teaching and Learning of Socioscientific Issues: Intersections of Race, Place, and Health Inequities, Tammie Visintainer
Walking the Walk: Preparing Secondary Science Teachers as Equity Advocates, Designers, and Social Change Agents, Tammie Visintainer
Relative Impacts of Different Grade Scales on Student Success in Introductory Physics, David J. Webb, Cassandra A. Paul, and Mary A. Chessey
Submissions from 2019
“I think at first glance people would not expect me to be interested in science”: Exploring the racialized science experiences of high school students of color, Tammie Visintainer
Submissions from 2017
Exploring the Teaching and Learning of Health Outcomes: Intersections of Race, Place, and Socioeconomic Status, Tammie Visintainer
"Scientists Do What We Do": Empowering Youth of Color as Learners and Doers of Community-Based Scientific Research, Tammie Visintainer
Exploring the Physics Summer Program Experiences of Undergraduate Students Underrepresented in the Physical Sciences, Tammie Visintainer, Andrew R. Elby, Angela Little, Gina Quan, and Ana Aceves
Lifelong and lifewide science learning, Tammie Visintainer and Marcia C. Linn