
About This Journal

The Contemporary Tax Journal is produced and published twice annually by the San Jose State University Masters of Science in Taxation (MST) Program in the Lucas Graduate School of Business. This is a peer-reviewed, student-managed online journal featuring work of SJSU MST students, as well as original articles from tax practitioners, academics and graduate students.

The journal launched in 2011 to offer SJSU MST students an avenue for enriching their graduate tax learning by engaging with tax compliance, planning and policy areas through writing, editing and researching. The Contemporary Tax Journal also enables students and the MST Program to provide a community service through broader understanding of the tax law. Two sections of each journal provide this service - "Focus on Tax Policy" and "Tax Enlightenment." "Tax Enlightenments" explain current tax topics for readers of all levels of tax knowledge. Additional student-authored sections are “Feature” with summaries of the MST program’s annual TEI-SJSU High Tech Tax Institute or other MST-sponsored tax conference, and “Tax Maven” where a student interviews a well-known person in the tax world who also shares advice for tax students and emerging tax professionals.

Some of our articles can be listened to via a podcast, generally an eight to ten minute excerpt of the article. Click here for a links to these podcasts. This publication is available at this website, via Scholarworks and is included in EBSCO Publishing products.

The Contemporary Tax Journal aims to help tax students, tax and accounting practitioners, academic, and policymakers gain insights into technical and policy aspects of tax laws.

For article submissions, please contact Professor Annette Nellen at annette.nellen@sjsu.edu.