Submissions from 2012
Neighborhood Crime and Travel Behavior: An Investigation of the Influence of Neighborhood Crime Rates on Mode Choice – Phase II, Christopher Ferrell and Shishir Mathur
A Decision-Support Framework For Using Value Capture to Fund Public Transit: Lessons From Project-Specific Analyses, Shishir Mathur and Adam Smith
Low-stress bicycling and network connectivity, M. Mekuria, P. Furth, and Hilary Nixon
An examination of women’s representation and participation in bicycle advisory committees in California, Hilary Nixon and C. DeLuca
Submissions from 2011
What Do Americans Think About Federal Transportation Tax Options? Results from Year 2 of a National Survey, Asha Weinstein Agrawal and Hilary Nixon
Do-It‐Yourself Urban Design: Making Local Improvements through Unauthorized Alterations of Urban Space, Gordon Douglas
Metropolitan Growth Policies and New Housing Supply: Evidence from Australia's Capital Cities, Ralph B. McLaughlin
Do fast food restaurants cluster around high schools? A geospatial analysis of proximity of fast food restaurants to high schools and the connection to childhood obesity rates, Hilary Nixon and Lauren Doud
Understanding household preferences for alternative-fuel vehicles technologies, Hilary Nixon and J. D. Saphores
Submissions from 2010
What Do Americans Think About Federal Transportation Tax Options? Results from a National Survey, Asha Weinstein Agrawal and Hilary Nixon
'The Edge of the Island': Neighborhood Identity and Evolving Community in 'Liminal Places', Gordon Douglas
Roads: Leading Indicators Show Ramp-Up in Activity, SHISHIR MATHUR and Kunal Katara
Submissions from 2009
Green Transportation Taxes and Fees: A Survey of Californian, Asha Weinstein Agrawal, Jennifer Dill, and Hilary Nixon
Cultural Sincerity in Urban Development, Gordon Douglas
What is Glamour? The Production & Consumption of a Working Aesthetic, Gordon Douglas
Linking highway improvements to changes in land use with quasi-experimental research design: A better forecasting tool for transportation decision-making, R. G. Funderburg, Hilary Nixon, and M. G. Boarnet
Effect of Suburban Transit Oriented Developments on Residential Property Values, Shishir Mathur and Christopher Ferrell
Submissions from 2008
Neighborhood Crime and Non-Auto Mode Choice, Shishir Mathur, Christopher Ferrell, and Emy Mendoza
Submissions from 2007
High-Speed Rail Projects in the United States: Identifying the Elements of Success Part 2, Allison deCerreno and Shishir Mathur
Housing Silicon Valley: A 20 Year Plan to End the Affordable Housing Crisis, Shishir Mathur and Alicia Parker