University Scholar Series: Tatiana Shubin
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Moving in Circles: the Beauty and Joy of Mathematics for Everyone
Tatiana Shubin joined the faculty of San Jose State University in 1985 after earning her Ph.D. in Mathematics from University of California, Santa Barbara. In 1998, she founded San Jose Math Circle and the Bay Area Math Adventures. In 2006, Shubin became a co-founder of the first Math Teachers' Circle in the US. This circle proved to be a seed which germinated to produce the entire Math Teachers' Circle Network. She launched the Navajo Nation Math Circles project in 2012, became a co-founder and co-director of the Alliance of Indigenous Math Circles, which aimed at spreading the culture of problem solving and the joy of doing mathematics to Native American students and teachers everywhere in the US.
In 2006, she won the Northern California, Nevada, and Hawaii Section (a.k.a. Golden Section) of the Mathematical Association of America Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. In 2017, she received the Mary P. Dolciani Award which recognizes a pure or applied mathematician who is making a distinguished contribution to the mathematical education of students in the United States or Canada. Shubin also translated and edited several books published by the American Mathematical Society in the MSRI Mathematical Circles Library book series. She is also the chair of the Editorial Board of the series.
Date of Event
Spring 3-27-2019
Math, Circles, San Jose Math Circles, Navajo Nation Math Circles, Alliance of Indigenous Math Circles, Math Teachers' Circle Network
Applied Mathematics | Mathematics | Other Mathematics
Recommended Citation
Shubin, Tatiana, "University Scholar Series: Tatiana Shubin" (2019). University Scholar Series. 35.