University Scholar Series: Ellen Middaugh

University Scholar Series: Ellen Middaugh


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Coming of Age in the Era of Outrage: Digital Media and Youth Civic Development

Over the past decade, political discourse has been marked by an increasing use of out­rage language, exacerbated by the dynamics of social and participatory media. To­day's adolescents and young adults are learning how to be citizens in an environment where emotionally provocative language and personal insults accompany much of their exposure to news and political talk. In this presentation, I will sharing findings from a series of studies that shed light on the impact of outrage language on youth in­terest in political engagement, their capacity for evaluating political information and the potential for innovative classroom practices to address these dynamics.

Date of Event

Spring 4-24-2019


Digital Media, Youth Civic Engagement, social media, civic education, young adults


Early Childhood Education | Education


Ellen Middaugh, Ph.D is an Assistant Professor of Child and Adolescent Development. Her research examines the impact of technological change on youth civic develop­ment and applications for civic education in and out of schools.

University Scholar Series: Ellen Middaugh
