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Asian American Literature: Discourses & Pedagogies (English and Comparative Literature)

Asian American Literature: Discourses & Pedagogies focuses on the production, collection, and distribution of accessible high quality research on Asian American Literature for students, teachers, and the general public.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

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Comparative Philosophy (College of Humanities and the Arts)

Comparative Philosophy: An International Journal of Constructive Engagement of Distinct Approaches toward World Philosophy

Comparative Philosophy is a peer-reviewed, open-access/non-profit international journal of philosophy. With comparative philosophy understood as a general way of doing philosophy through cross-tradition engagement toward world philosophy, the Journal emphasizes the constructive engagement of distinct approaches and resources from different philosophical traditions (whether distinguished culturally or by style/orientation) for the sake of their joint contribution to the contemporary development of philosophy and society worldwide.

See About this Journal for complete coverage of this publication.

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International Journal of Forensic Social Sciences (Justice Studies)

The International Journal of Forensic Social Sciences is an official journal of the Forensic Social Sciences Association (FSSA), which is affiliated with the Universite de Reims, Law Faculty, and San Jose State University. It is a leading peer-reviewed journal that publishes original empirical work, conceptual articles and theoretical overviews or reviews, as well as articles on good practice or practice evaluation from around the world. It seeks to encourage professionals as well as academic researchers to submit material for publication with a view to advancing knowledge, disseminating good practice, and fostering the forensic social sciences. The principal objective of the journal is to facilitate international exchange, stimulate debate and to encourage closer bonds between academic research and practitioners working in the field. All topics relating to application of social sciences to justice systems, government expert witness testimony, criminal and civil investigations, expert witness testimony at trials, litigation consulting, and media expert testimony are welcome, particularly those assessing how research can be applied to enhance policy and practice. The journal has an international readership and author base.

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International Journal of Missing Persons (Justice Studies)

The International Journal of Missing Persons publishes international research in all areas related to missing persons. It is published by San Jose State University and the Forensic Social Sciences Association, which is affiliated with the Universite de Reims, Law Faculty.

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Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies

The Beethoven Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies at San José State University. The journal features articles on all aspects of Beethoven scholarship, including the many diverse approaches that the field now encompasses, as well as reviews of recently published Beethoven books and scores.

Creative Commons License
Unless otherwise noted, the contents of The Beethoven Journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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Journal for Regenerative Futures (Connie L. Lurie College of Education)

Introductory text for Journal for Regenerative Futures.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

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Learning Hub

Welcome to the first issue of the Learning Hub online journal. In our first issue we will provide a sample of features to come in this journal. We have a few of the stellar pieces of research to share in this issue and encourage readers to volunteer to contribute to this effort. We are most interested in investigating what kinds of contributions to teaching and learning happen in a fully staffed library learning commons as its staff collaborates across the various disciplines taught in the school.

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McNair Research Journal SJSU

The McNair Research Journal SJSU features the work of SJSU McNair Program student scholars, who are recruited from underrepresented groups for graduate study level preparation.

The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program was established by Congress in 1986 after the tragic explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger that killed seven crew members, including Dr. McNair. Since the McNair Scholars Program’s inception at SJSU in 1996, McNair has successfully recruited 300 low-income and first generation students and individuals who are underrepresented at the doctoral level.

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School of Information Student Research Journal (School of Information)

A Scholarly Publication for Graduate Student Authors

The Student Research Journal (SRJ) is the foremost double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal developed and led by current graduate students at San Jose State University's School of information. Our goal is threefold: to empower budding researchers, to publish relevant content of the highest quality, and to build an international community of student researchers.

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Based at the School of Information at San José State University, a School within the College of Global and Professional Education, the SRJ is developed and led by current graduate students at the School of Information.

To learn more about the editorial process, go here.

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The SRJ recruits Content Editors and Copy Editors, as well as the positions of Managing Editor Communications Coordinator and Editor-in-Chief. For additional information email the Editor-in-Chief at

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Secrecy and Society (School of Information)

#Stay Home (Yohan Libot, Unsplash)

Call for Papers

Volume 3, number 2 of Secrecy and Society explores the problem of "pandemic secrecy,” or the concealment of information during the COVID-19 global crisis. To contribute to this special issue, see the current call for papers.

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SWITCH (Art and Art History)

SWITCH is the new media art journal of the Computers in Art, Design, Research, and Education (CADRE) Laboratory for New Media of the School of Art and Design at San Jose State University. Published since 1995, SWITCH is one of the earliest online journals focusing on art and technology. The mission of SWITCH aims to critically evaluate developments in art and technology with community, research and openness.

SWITCH is interested in fostering a critical viewpoint on issues and developments in the complex, and sometimes opaque crossovers between art and technology through practice, research, outreach, and participation.

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The Contemporary Tax Journal (Lucas Graduate School of Business)

The Contemporary Tax Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published by the San Jose State University Masters of Science in Taxation (MST) Program in the Lucas Graduate School of Business. Published twice annually, this student managed online journal features work of SJSU MST students, as well as original articles from tax practitioners, academics and graduate students. See About This Journal for additional information about this publication.

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Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science (Justice Studies)

Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science is a professional-quality, peer-reviewed academic journal, publishing SJSU student research in justice studies and forensic science. The journal features student research papers and book reviews.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

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