Asian American Literature: Discourses & Pedagogies focuses on the production, collection, and distribution of accessible high quality research on Asian American Literature for students, teachers, and the general public.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Volume: Volume 12 (2023)
Front Matter
AALDP Cover Volume 12
Joanne Lamb
Editor's Introduction
Introduction to Volume Twelve: Counting Our Blessings
Noelle Brada-Williams
In Praise of Limes, Poets, and Mentors: A Conversation with Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Noelle Brada-Williams and Elizabeth Asborno
"Loving You No Matter What You Do": Ai's Dramatic Monologues, 1970s Asian American Feminisms, and Reproductive Justice
Catherine Irwin
David Henry Hwang’s Yellow Face: Fictional Autoethnography and Parody on Racial Stereotypes
Quan Manh Ha and Jacob Christiansen
Course Design as Critical Creativity: Intersectional, Regional, and Demographic Approaches to Teaching Asian American Literatures
Thomas X. Sarmiento
The Modular Fiction of Ken Liu
Elizabeth Lawrence
Book Reviews

Managing Editor
Noelle Brada-Williams, San Jose State University
Assistant Managing Editor
Elizabeth J. Asborno, San Jose State University
Editorial Board
Karen Chow, De Anza College
Wei Ming Dariotis, San Francisco State University
Eileen Fung, University of San Francisco
Pamela Thoma, Washington State University
Rowena Tomaneng, San Jose City College