Publication Date

Spring 2012

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication Studies


Kathleen McConnell


Chicana Feminism, Law and Everyday, Marriage, Performance Studies, Power and Agency, Queer Theory

Subject Areas

Communication; GLBT studies; Rhetoric


This study explores as an ideograph in the law and everyday life through an analysis of private and public texts and embodied acts. The purpose of this study was to engage intersectionally as a power structure with wide-ranging influence over society to locate resistance. Utilizing rhetorical methods, this work examined archives and repertoires through an autohistoria of a queer Chicano male before the passage of Proposition 8, the California Constitutional Amendment that banned for LGBTQ couples. By exploring through metaphors and performative writing, this study constructs in the tradition of the shaman to present new possibilities for and queer theory.
