Featured Student Work

This page features the Spartan Daily Newspaper, newsletters, and journals created by students of San Jose State University.

All Theater Production Images (Theatre Productions)

Asian American Literature: Discourses & Pedagogies (English and Comparative Literature)

ISSN 2154-2171

Asian American Literature: Discourses & Pedagogies focuses on the production, collection, and distribution of accessible high quality research on Asian American Literature for students, teachers, and the general public.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Current Controversies (Political Science)

Current Controversies is a series of journals written by students in Political Science 100W.

Geist (Philosophy)

Geist is a journal sponsored by San Jose State University's Philosophy Club, The Symposium.

McNair Research Journal SJSU

The McNair Research Journal SJSU features the work of SJSU McNair Program student scholars, who are recruited from underrepresented groups for graduate study level preparation.

The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program was established by Congress in 1986 after the tragic explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger that killed seven crew members, including Dr. McNair. Since the McNair Scholars Program’s inception at SJSU in 1996, McNair has successfully recruited 300 low-income and first generation students and individuals who are underrepresented at the doctoral level.

Picturing Our Library: Watercolors by SJSU Art Students (Gallery Shows)

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library and San José State University Department of Art and Art History are honored to present Picturing Our Library: Watercolors by SJSU Art Students, an exhibition in celebration of the library’s 10th anniversary. The exhibit was displayed in the library from September 3-30, 2013.

Rendered by San José State University art students under the instruction of Professor Gale Antokal, a collection of eighteen watercolors captures the remarkable vantage points of interior and exterior landscapes of the King Library. Our library is a center for knowledge, a symbol of innovation, a place of reflection, and it is a playground for the curious and imaginative. Highlighting the multiplicity our library, each watercolor presents our library as a monumental feat of architecture, intellectual resources, and cumulative experiences from our community. Our library gives its patrons as much as we give it, and the heart of our library is the bond we have chosen to cherish and develop over the past 10 years. Our library is a hub of possibility—whether inside it, outside it, or beyond it—our library is always with us.

School of Information Student Research Journal (School of Information)

ISSN 2575-2499

A Scholarly Publication for Graduate Student Authors

The Student Research Journal (SRJ) is the foremost double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal developed and led by current graduate students at San Jose State University's School of information. Our goal is threefold: to empower budding researchers, to publish relevant content of the highest quality, and to build an international community of student researchers.

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Based at the School of Information at San José State University, a School within the College of Global and Professional Education, the SRJ is developed and led by current graduate students at the School of Information.

To learn more about the editorial process, go here.

Join the editorial team!

The SRJ recruits Content Editors and Copy Editors, as well as the positions of Managing Editor Communications Coordinator and Editor-in-Chief. For additional information email the Editor-in-Chief at sjsu.ischool.srj@gmail.com.

Secrecy and Society (School of Information)

ISSN 2377-6188

#Stay Home (Yohan Libot, Unsplash)

Call for Papers

Volume 3, number 2 of Secrecy and Society explores the problem of "pandemic secrecy,” or the concealment of information during the COVID-19 global crisis. To contribute to this special issue, see the current call for papers.

Spartan Daily (School of Journalism and Mass Communications) (Spartan Daily)

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The Spartan Daily is the student newspaper currently distributed three days a week on the San Jose State campus and in the surrounding community. It covers news, sports, arts and entertainment, tech and opinion relating to the campus and its students.

San José State University’s student newspaper has experienced several title changes over the years: The Normal Times (Oct. 1909–June 1920); The College Times (Sept. 1921–Oct. 1921); State Teachers College Times (Nov. 1921–June 1926); State College Times (Sept. 1926–April 1934); and Spartan Daily (April 1934–present).

Summertimes, a supplement to the Spartan Daily, was published during the summer months from 1936 to the 1980s.

View issues by year at this link.

To contact the editorial staff of the Spartan Daily, please direct correspondence to spartandaily @ gmail.com. To contact the Spartan Daily advertising staff, please contact spartandailyadvertising @ gmail.com. You may also contact the staff at 408-924-3283.

Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science (Justice Studies)

ISSN 2324-6561

Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science is a professional-quality, peer-reviewed academic journal, publishing SJSU student research in justice studies and forensic science. The journal features student research papers and book reviews.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

XGC: Xicana/o Graduate Council Newsletter (Chicana and Chicano Studies)

XGC is the Xicana/o Graduate Council Newsletter of the Department of Mexican American Studies.