School of Information Student Research Journal | Vol 1 | Iss 2

Volume 1, Issue 2 (2011)

The Editorial Team is pleased to present the second issue of the SLIS Student Research Journal (SRJ). We were fortunate, for this issue, to have maintained all of the original members of the inaugural editorial team. It is no easy feat to produce a journal of this quality while doing class work and balancing other responsibilities such as a job and family. Our editors stayed the course. Maria Otero-Boisvert has stepped in as Editor-in-Chief and Stacey Nordlund took over the reins as Managing Editor. Former Editor-in-Chief, Suzanne Scott, did an outstanding job of transitioning the work to us and getting us started in our training. We continue to benefit from the sage guidance and support of our faculty advisor, Dr. Anthony Bernier. Lastly, the editors of SRJ are grateful for the continuing support of the School of Library and Information Science at San José State University, and the excellent technical support provided by bepress Digital Commons.

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Invited Contribution



Maria Otero-Boisvert
Managing Editor
Stacey Nordlund
Editorial Team
Cynthia Cohen
Susan E. Edwards
Samantha Godbey
James Hicks
Margo Padilla
Kimberly A. Price
Theresa Putkey
Colleen Vincent