Master’s Theses and Graduate Research
Master's Projects from 2003
Coping and Social Support for Parents of Children with Autism, Edith H. Luther
Public Health Nurse Interventions for Women in Dependency Drug Court, Ann Somervell
Barriers to Domestic Violence Screening in the Emergency Department, Lisa Yonaka
Master's Projects from 2000
The Lived Experience of Older Mexcian American Adults with Type 2, Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, Lizza C. Abella
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of A Teaching Program on the Care Provided to Jewish Clients, Ilana Cood Withop
The Relationship Between Companion Animals and Health Status Among Older Adults Living in the Community, Agnes M. Eytchison
Accommodationg Nursing Students with Learning Disablities, Debrayh Gaylle
Perceived Barriers by Hispanic Mothers in Obtaining Primary Health Care for Their Childern, Michael Allen Hart
Reducing the Potential for Falls Among Community Dwelling Older Adults, Sharon-Xiaowen Hu
Prominent Signs of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity in the Adult, Marcia Katz
A Comparison of Perceived Nurse Practitioner Practice Barriers, Katherine Kinner
Attitudes, knowledge, and practice strategies of nurse practitioners in the state of California regarding complementary therapy, Steven J. Lenthe
Culture of Origin and Illness Attribution: The Implications of Cross-Cultural Awareness for Health Care Professionals, Eri Matsumoto-Lyons
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the "Youth Leadership" Class in the Prevention of Adolescent Depression, Jacqueline Oria
Factors Influencing Compliance in the Treatment of Elderly Hypertensive Vietnamese Clients, Cuong Phu Pham
Nurse Practitioners' Attitudes and Knowledge Toward CPT Coding, Tanya Lee Sa
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Comparing nursing student learning using lecture and lecture with CD-ROMs, Brenda A. Achelpohl-Chagolla
Quality of Life and Locus of Control of Migraineurs, Lesley L. Allen
Family Communication and Competence Among Siblings of Pediatric Oncology Patients, Kimberly Olvera Butler
An Evaluation of a Nurse Case-Managed Program for Children with Diabetes, Jean Y. Caravalho
Assessment of Nurse Practitioner Management of Breast Cancer Screening, Renee M. Comee
Pet-facilitated occupational therapy : efficacy in a psychiatric setting, Ciara Cox
Childern Witnessing Domestic Violence, Meghan Denzel
Symptom perception and symptom reporting in chronically ill older persons, Virginia Lassins Fujihara
A Comparison of Domestic Violence Screening, Attitudes, and Knowledge Base, Terry Gardner
Nurses' personal health habits and cardiovascular disease risk factors, Ashraf M. Hosseinian
Self-Esteem: The Impact of a Course in Growth and Development on Fifth Grade Students, Mary Jang
A Study of Nursing Students and Intrinsic Spirituality, Christine Anderson Madsen
The Effect of Pain Management Education on Nurses' Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Opioids and Adjuvants, Lynne Hopper McCoy
Effects of Collaborative Learning on Test Scores of First Semester Nursing Students, Theresa Sue Rivera
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Health Education Program for Classroom Assistants, Patricia A. Robinson
Women's Perception of Provider, Social, and Program Support in an Outpatient Drug Treatment Program, Melaine Marie Salmon
Differentiation in Roles of School Nurse and Unlicensed Assistive Personnel, Lynn Shieh
Great Suffering, Great Compassion: A Transcultural Opportunity for School Nurses Caring for Cambodian Refugee Children, Teresa L. Tellep
Master's Projects from 1998
The Level of Confidence of School Nurses to Perform 46 Specified School Nursing Services, Camille Maysonave Brinks
Are We asking the Right Questions? An Evaluation of Client Reportability to Medical Providers Concerning Concurrent Use of Alternative Therapies, Nektarios Butterfield
Nurse Practitioner Utilization of Computer Technologies in Practice, Jo Ann Dumas
The Differences in Health Beliefs and the Frequency of Mammograms among Older Women, Angela E. Hall
Length of Pregnancy and Birthweight Between Black and White Women, Christine Herdt
The lived experiences of patients who have experienced a stroke, Jeannine Lipka-Blachly
Does the Congestive Heart Failure Program Improve Patient's Functional Health Status?, Lily Lu
The Effectiveness Of A Strength Training Program On Extremity Strength, Flexibility, And Balance Of Elderly Women, Patricia L. Murphy
Nurse Practitioners' Practices Related to Testicular Cancer and Testicular Self-Examination, April E. Schwegel
Depression in Immigrant Chinese-American Elders, Sandy Chen Stokes
Master's Projects from 1997
Patient Satisfaction with a Nurse Managed Lipid Clinic, Memuna Ali
Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction in the Hypertension Management Clinic, Charu Bahuguna
Community case management by a certified rehabilitation nurse, Karen Blair
Testing of the Corbin and Cherry Evaluation Tool for Chronic Illness Management, Julie Cheitlin Cherry
Progressive muscle relaxation: A stress management program for nursing students, Susan Cunningham
An HIV/AIDS Educational Workshop for Adolescents, Sharron Anne Daggett
Healthy Back Promotion Program: Barriers to Implementation, A. Alice Endter
A replication study of nurse manager competencies, Gerald Michael Georgette
The Differences Between Women and Men in the Length of Time Between Onset of Cardiac Symptoms and Undergoing a Cardiac Catheterization, Anita Gertsch
Caregiver Assessment of Problem Behaviors in Relatives With Dementia, Barbara J. Glaze
What is the Physicians' Opinion of the Nurse Practitioner Role and Function?, Theresa J. Grimes
Screening for Domestic Violence: Performance and Barriers, Linda S. Hoffman
Evaluation of The Effectiveness of a Direct Observed Therapy Program With Vietnamese Tuberculosis Patients, Jacqueline T. Mac
Wheels at Camp, Judith A. Medlin
Pain and quality of life in cancer patients enrolled in a hospice program, Cindy Parks
Congestive Heart Failure And Quality Of Life: Can Patient Education Make A Difference?, Mary Beth Perniz
Evaluation of Nurse Practitioner Management of Obese Patients, Sevasti Simotas
What motivates or influences nurses to become hospice nurses?, Teresa Ann Simpson
Parish Nursing: A Resource and an Opportunity, Janice W. Swing
The Impact of an Educational Program on Anxiety of Student Nurses Related to Perinatal Loss, Connie Telles
Identifying Polypharmacy in the Older Adult: A Survey of Nurse Practitioners, Leslyn Ann Watson
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The relationship of the work environment and job satisfaction of staff nurses, Cecilia Almazan-Cayabyab
Dependent elder care : the impact on caregiver burden, Laura M. Bour
Primary concerns of primiparas in the first ten days postpartum following early discharge, Lori A. Collett
Assessing the impact of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting on quality of life of patients with cancer, Rose G. Conde
The elicitation of experience-based knowledge from expert PICU nurses, Helen K. Daley
Level of function scores of elderly after receiving psychiatric home care, Janet M. Duffey
A replication study of a blood pressure monitoring program, Kathleen Hansell
Partnerships between health care agencies and faith communities, Rebecca M. Herr
How do school age children teach their toddler age siblings?, Joanne Hing
Home health nurses' knowledge of diabetes and diabetic patient outcomes : a replication study, Valerie D. Isaacson
Pretravel health practices : a study of characteristics of international travelers over 60, Liza G. Israel-Schifferling
Breast Self-Examination Teaching for Women in Chemical Dependency Programs, Michelle B. Lessard Jungwirth
Learning styles among students enrolled in an LVN to RN program in a community college setting, Heidi L. Lopez
The Implementation of Specialized Physical Health Care Services-A Descriptive Model of the Training of Unlicensed Assistive Personnel, Janet Chang Needman
Determinants of prerequisite criteria for associate degree nursing programs, Wendy L. Ogden
Breast self-examination and the mastectomy patient, Gail Pieper
Prevalence of tardive dyskinesia in the elderly after 20 years on neuroleptics, Shirlee B. Smith
A replication study of the process in becoming a nurse entrepreneur, Dawn Patricia Tamagni
Social climate and work experience : a relationship analysis, Carry A. Thacker
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
The knowledge base of women regarding hysterectomy, Margaret Love Andrews
Knowledge and attitudes of nurse educators toward computer use for hospital inservice education, Jocelyn A. Barrera
A pilot study describing neurologic assessment tools used by school nurses to determine at-risk learners in the grade school population, Carol Pette Bergner
Health needs assessment of eighth graders in three suburban elementary public school districts, Gerri L. Carlton
Barriers that prevent older women from performing Breast Self-Examinations, Christine M. Derenzi
The attitudes of school nurses in special education toward nursing care plans and documentation, Margaret Estrada Fischer
An audit of home health charts as a basis for clinical pathway development, Margaret Faye Harris
Incidence of aspiration pneumonia in patients receiving enteral nutrition, Karen J. Jones
Career patterns of nurse-midwives in a specific geographical area, Samara Isobel Kemp
The use of puretone audiometry and tympanometry to identify hearing loss and middle ear disease in school age children, Janet Mannina
Perceived level of satisfaction among persons with mental illness served by academic nurse managed centers, Mary E. Meyer
Cardiac education as a means to reduce risk factors in the outpatient setting, Henretta N. Milton
The role of the school nurse as perceived by school administrators, Sarah Louise Perez
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Post-stroke depression, Joan A. Albers
Subjective complaints and return to employment after mild traumatic brain injury, Sarra Chaffin