Submissions from 2021
Abortion experiences and preferences of transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive people in the United States, Heidi Moseson, Laura Fix, Sachiko Ragosta, Hannah Forsberg, Jen Hastings, Ari Stoeffler, Mitchell R. Lunn, Annesa Flentje, Matthew R. Capriotti, Micah E. Lubensky, and Juno Obedin-Maliver
Community norms of the Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory (MDDI) among cisgender sexual minority men and women, Jason M. Nagata, Emilio J. Compte, Chloe J. Cattle, Jason M. Lavender, Tiffany A. Brown, Stuart B. Murray, Annesa Flentje, Matthew R. Capriotti, Micah E. Lubensky, Juno Obedin-Maliver, and Mitchell R. Lunn
Community norms of the Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory (MDDI) among gender minority populations, Jason M. Nagata, Emilio J. Compte, F. Hunter McGuire, Jason M. Lavender, Tiffany A. Brown, Stuart B. Murray, Annesa Flentje, Matthew R. Capriotti, Micah E. Lubensky, Juno Obedin-Maliver, and Mitchell R. Lunn
Community norms for the eating disorder examination questionnaire (EDE-Q) among cisgender bisexual plus women and men, Jason M. Nagata, Emilio J. Compte, Stuart B. Murray, Rebecca Schauer, Erica Pak, Annesa Flentje, Matthew R. Capriotti, Micah E. Lubensky, Mitchell R. Lunn, and Juno Obedin-Maliver
Perceptual integration of linguistic and non-linguistic properties of speech, Lynne C. Nygaard and Christina Y. Tzeng
Alcoholics Fanonymous: The relationships between reasons for drinking, aggression, and team identification in sports fans, Sean Pradhan, Nicholas A. Lee, Susan Snycerski, and Sean Laraway
From 'Shark-Week' to 'Mangina': An Analysis of Words Used by People of Marginalized Sexual Orientations and/or Gender Identities to Replace Common Sexual and Reproductive Health Terms, Sachiko Ragosta, Juno Obedin-Maliver, Laura Fix, Ari Stoeffler, Jen Hastings, Matthew R. Capriotti, Annesa Flentje, Micah E. Lubensky, Mitchell R. Lunn, and Heidi Moseson
Disclosing accommodation needs: exploring experiences of higher education students with disabilities, Sara A. Smith, Erin Woodhead, and Christina Chin-Newman
The Vaccines Are Here. Trust the Science, Susan Snycerski, The San Francisco Chronicle
Impact of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist Relative to Its Design and Intended Use: A Systematic Review and Meta-Meta-Analysis, Kenji T. Sotto, Barbara K. Burian, and Mary E. Brindle
Patients with alcohol use disorders and their concerned others: Concordance of lived experience as amoderator of treatment outcomes, Christine Timko, Michael A. Cucciare, Kathleen M. Grant, Lance Brendan Young, Fernandas Rossi, Mai Chee Lor, and Erin Woodhead
Dose-dependent sensorimotor impairment in human ocular tracking after acute low-dose alcohol administration, Terence L. Tyson, Nathan H. Feick, Patrick F. Cravalho, Erin E. Flynn-Evans, and Leland S. Stone
A second chance for a first impression: Sensitivity to cumulative input statistics for lexically guided perceptual learning, Christina Y. Tzeng, Lynne C. Nygaard, and Rachel M. Theodore
Hippocampal subfield volumetry from structural isotropic 1 mm3 MRI scans: A note of caution, Laura E.M. Wisse, Gaël Chételat, Ana M. Daugherty, Robin de Flores, Renaud la Joie, Susanne G. Mueller, Craig E.L. Stark, Lei Wang, Paul A. Yushkevich, David Berron, Naftali Raz, Arnold Bakker, Rosanna K. Olsen, and Valerie A. Carr
Health outcomes among detoxification patients: The role of chronic pain, Erin L. Woodhead, Deborah Brief, Maureen Below, and Christine Timko
Participation in 12-Step Programs and Drug Use Among Older Adults With Cannabis Use Disorder: Six-Month Outcomes, Erin L. Woodhead, Deborah Brief, Maureen Below, and Christine Timko
College students’ disclosure of mental health problems on campus, Erin L. Woodhead, Christina Chin-Newman, Kristina Spink, Marlon Hoang, and Sara A. Smith
Submissions from 2020
U.S. Army combat capabilities development command - Aviation & missile center novel techniques for characterizing and testing aircraft handling qualities, Ed Bachelder and Bimal Aponso
SCOPE - Pilot Workload Estimation Using Control Response: Theoretical Development and Practical Demonstration, Edward Bachelder
Development and Open Trial of a Psychosocial Intervention for Young Children With Chronic Tics: The CBIT-JR Study, Shannon M. Bennett, Matthew Capriotti, Christopher Bauer, Susanna Chang, Alex E. Keller, John Walkup, Douglas Woods, and John Piacentini
Interpersonal Behavior Therapy (IBT), Functional Assessment, and the Value of Principle-Driven Behavioral Case Conceptualizations, Glenn M. Callaghan and William C. Follette
A technology pathway program in data technology and applications, Valerie A. Carr, Morris E. Jones, and Belle Wei
Interdisciplinary computing applied computing for behavioral and social sciences, Valerie Carr, Morris Jones, and Belle Wei
Control force compensation in ground-based flight simulators, William W. Chung, Peter M.T. Zaal, Lorenzo Terenzi, Emily K. Lewis, and Matthew L. Blanken
Supporting sexual and gender minority health: Research priorities from mental health professionals, Kristen D. Clark, Matthew R. Capriotti, Juno Obedin-Maliver, Mitchell R. Lunn, Micah E. Lubensky, and Annesa Flentje
A human-in-the-loop evaluation of ACAS Xu, R. Conrad Rorie, Casey Smith, Garrett Sadler, Kevin J. Monk, Terence L. Tyson, and Jillian Keeler
Effect of phone interface modality on drivers’ task load index in conventional and semi-automated vehicles, Kristina Davtyan and Francesca Favaro
The painful collision between work life and pregnancy loss, Jennifer Dimoff, Jacquelyn Brady, and Stephanie Gilbert
Creative Personality, Gregory J. Feist
Science, Gregory J. Feist
Fundamentals of Psychology: Perspectives and Connections, 1st Edition, Gregory Feist and Erika Rosenberg
Screening gender minority people for harmful alcohol use, Annesa Flentje, Branden T. Barger, Matthew R. Capriotti, Micah E. Lubensky, Matthew Tierney, Juno Obedin-Maliver, and Mitchell R. Lunn
Changes in performance and bio-mathematical model performance predictions during 45 days of sleep restriction in a simulated space mission, Erin E. Flynn-Evans, Crystal Kirkley, Millennia Young, Nicholas Bathurst, Kevin Gregory, Verena Vogelpohl, Albert End, Steven Hillenius, Yvonne Pecena, and Jessica J. Marquez
Strict Equal Odds: A Useful Reference to Study the Relationship between Quality and Quantity, Boris Forthmann, Carsten Szardenings, Denis Dumas, and Gregory J. Feist
Supporting Caregivers at the SIOP Conference, Vanessa A. Gaskins, Drake Van Egdom, Kristl Davison, Vipanchi Mishra, Samantha Chau, Rebecca Thompson, and Jacquelyn Brady
Training supervisors to support veterans at work: Effects on supervisor attitudes and employee sleep and stress, Leslie B. Hammer, Jacquelyn M. Brady, and MacKenna L. Perry
Weak and Variable Effects of Exogenous Testosterone on Cognitive Reflection Test Performance in Three Experiments: Commentary on Nave, Nadler, Zava, and Camerer (2017), Erik L. Knight, Blakeley B. McShane, Hana H. Kutlikova, Pablo J. Morales, Colton B. Christian, William T. Harbaugh, Ulrich Mayr, Triana L. Ortiz, Kimberly Gilbert, Christine Ma-Kellams, Igor Riečanský, Neil V. Watson, Christoph Eisenegger, Claus Lamm, Pranjal H. Mehta, and Justin M. Carré
Exercising Caution Upon Waking–Can Exercise Reduce Sleep Inertia?, Katya Kovac, Sally A. Ferguson, Jessica L. Paterson, Brad Aisbett, Cassie J. Hilditch, Amy C. Reynolds, and Grace E. Vincent
Cultural Variation and Similarities in Cognitive Thinking Styles Versus Judgment Biases: A Review of Environmental Factors and Evolutionary Forces, Christine Ma-Kellams
Using google search volume to inform early detection interventions for public health crises: A policy brief, Christine Ma-Kellams
Gender, behavioral inhibition/activation, and emotional reactions to negative natural and social events, Christine Ma-Kellams and Michael Shengtao Wu
Stability of the timing of food intake at daily and monthly timescales in young adults, Andrew W. McHill, Cassie J. Hilditch, Dorothee Fischer, Charles A. Czeisler, Marta Garaulet, Frank A.J.L. Scheer, and Elizabeth B. Klerman
Pregnancy intentions and outcomes among transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive people assigned female or intersex at birth in the United States: Results from a national, quantitative survey, Heidi Moseson, Laura Fix, Jen Hastings, Ari Stoeffler, Mitchell R. Lunn, Annesa Flentje, Micah E. Lubensky, Matthew R. Capriotti, Sachiko Ragosta, Hannah Forsberg, and Juno Obedin-Maliver
Development of an affirming and customizable electronic survey of sexual and reproductive health experiences for transgender and gender nonbinary people, Heidi Moseson, Mitchell R. Lunn, Anna Katz, Laura Fix, Mary Durden, Ari Stoeffler, Jen Hastings, Lyndon Cudlitz, Eli Goldberg, Bori Lesser-Lee, Laz Letcher, Aneidys Reyes, Annesa Flentje, Matthew R. Capriotti, Micah E. Lubensky, and Juno Obedin-Maliver
Community norms for the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire among cisgender gay men, Jason M. Nagata, Matthew R. Capriotti, Stuart B. Murray, Emilio J. Compte, Scott Griffiths, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, Juno Obedin-Maliver, Annesa Flentje, Micah E. Lubensky, and Mitchell R. Lunn
Community norms for the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) among gender-expansive populations, Jason M. Nagata, Emilio J. Compte, Chloe J. Cattle, Annesa Flentje, Matthew R. Capriotti, Micah E. Lubensky, Stuart B. Murray, Juno Obedin-Maliver, and Mitchell R. Lunn
Community norms for the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) among transgender men and women, Jason M. Nagata, Stuart B. Murray, Emilio J. Compte, Erica H. Pak, Rebecca Schauer, Annesa Flentje, Matthew R. Capriotti, Micah E. Lubensky, Mitchell R. Lunn, and Juno Obedin-Maliver
Eating disorder attitudes and disordered eating behaviors as measured by the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) among cisgender lesbian women, Jason M. Nagata, Stuart B. Murray, Annesa Flentje, Emilio J. Compte, Rebecca Schauer, Erica Pak, Matthew R. Capriotti, Micah E. Lubensky, Mitchell R. Lunn, and Juno Obedin-Maliver
Supporting Astronaut Autonomous Operations in Future Deep Space Missions, M. Natalia Russi-Vigoya, Donna Dempsey, Brandin Munson, Alonso Vera, Bernard Adelstein, Shu Chieh Wu, and Kritina Holden
Size vs. Number: Assigning Number Words to Discrete and Continuous Quantities, Emily Slusser and Patrick Cravalho
Military sexual trauma among women Veterans: The buffering effect of coworker support, Nicholas A. Smith, Jacquelyn M. Brady, Leslie B. Hammer, Kathleen F. Carlson, and Cynthia D. Mohr
California’s health order falling on many deaf ears, Susan Snycerski, Associated Press
What We Refuse to See and Do in This Pandemic, Susan Snycerski, Psychology Today
What Sexual and Gender Minority People Want Researchers to Know About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questions: A Qualitative Study, Leslie W. Suen, Mitchell R. Lunn, Katie Katuzny, Sacha Finn, Laura Duncan, Jae Sevelius, Annesa Flentje, Matthew R. Capriotti, Micah E. Lubensky, Carolyn Hunt, Shannon Weber, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, and Juno Obedin-Maliver
Comparing virtual reality to conventional simulator visuals: Effects of peripheral visual cues in roll-axis tracking tasks, Lorenzo Terenzi and Peter M.T. Peter
Rotational and translational velocity and acceleration thresholds for the onset of cybersickness in virtual reality, Lorenzo Terenzi and Peter M.T. Zaal
Hippocampal and cortical mechanisms at retrieval explain variability in episodic remembering in older adults, Alexandra N. Trelle, Valerie A. Carr, Scott A. Guerin, Monica K. Thieu, Manasi Jayakumar, Wanjia Guo, Ayesha Nadiadwala, Nicole K. Corso, Madison P. Hunt, Celia P. Litovsky, Natalie J. Tanner, Gayle K. Deutsch, Jeffrey D. Bernstein, Marc B. Harrison, Anna M. Khazenzon, Jiefeng Jiang, Sharon J. Sha, and Carolyn A. Fredericks
The role of depression course on life functioning and coping outcomes from baseline through 23-year follow-up, Erin Woodhead, Ruth Cronkite, Andrea Finlay, Jessie Wong, Marie Haverfield, and Christine Timko
Benefit Assessment of the Integrated Demand Management Concept for Multiple New York Metroplex Airports, Hyo Sang Yoo, Antony D. Evans, Deepak Kulkarni, Paul Lee, Jinhua Li, Mei Yueh Wei, and Yao X. Wang
Submissions from 2019
Exploring Website Gist Through Rapid Serial Visual Presentation, Justin W. Owens, Barbara S. Chaparro, and Evan M. Palmer
Longitudinal Health Outcomes and Treatment Utilization Among Emerging, Early-Mid, and Older Rural Adults Using Stimulants, Erin L. Woodhead, Brenda Booth, Christine Timko, Amanda Tjemsland, Xiaotong Han, and Michael Cucciare
Submissions from 2018
Modern moms: Dissecting the experiences of older pregnant employees, David F. Arena, Jacquelyn M. Brady, and Kristen P. Jones
The Art of Research: A Divergent/Convergent Framework and Opportunities for Science-Based Approaches, Glory E. Aviña, Christian D. Schunn, Austin R. Silva, Travis L. Bauer, George W. Crabtree, Curtis M. Johnson, Toluwalogo Odumosu, S. Thomas Picraux, R. Keith Sawyer, Richard P. Schneider, Rickson Sun, Gregory J. Feist, Venkatesh Narayanamurti, and Jeffrey Y. Tsao
The use of anecdotal information in a hypothetical lung cancer treatment decision, Preston Brown, Victor Kwan, Michael Vallerga, Hardeep Obhi, and Erin Woodhead
Creativity and the Big Two model of personality: plasticity and stability, Gregory J. Feist
Submissions from 2017
Transformative science: a new index and the impact of non-funding, private funding, and public funding, Barrett R. Anderson and Gregory J. Feist
Creativity in the Physical Sciences, Gregory J. Feist
Personality, Behavioral Thresholds, and the Creative Scientist, Gregory J. Feist
The creative personality: Current understandings and debates, Gregory J. Feist
The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity and Personality Research, Gregory J. Feist, Roni Reiter-Palmon, and James C. Kaufman
The personal side of creativity: Individual differences And the creative process, Gregory J. Feist, Roni Reiter-Palmon, and James C. Kaufman
Creativity and Personality Research: Themes and Future Directions, Patricia O’Rourke, James C. Kaufman, Gregory J. Feist, and Roni Reiter-Palmon
Preliminary Findings Using Growth Mindset and Belonging Interventions in a Freshman Engineering Class, Jinny Rhee, Camille Johnson, and Clifton Oyamot
Situation awareness, sociotechnical systems, and automation in emergency medical services: Theory and measurement, David Schuster and Dan Nathan-Roberts
Human-centered authentication guidelines, Jeremiah Still, Ashley Cain, and David Schuster
Submissions from 2016
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Science: A Dialectic of Scientific Fame, Gregory J. Feist
Attitudes and Experiences With Older Adults: A Case for Service Learning for Undergraduates, Hardeep Obhi and Erin Woodhead
Submissions from 2014
Development and Evaluation of a Geriatric Mood Management Program, J.W. Huh, Erin Woodhead, Sarah Brunskill, Christine Gould, Kathleen McConnell, and J. Lisa Tenover
A Case Study of a Co-Instructed Multidisciplinary Senior Capstone Project in Sustainability, Jinny Rhee, Clifton M. Oyamot, Leslie Speer, David W. Parent, Anuradha Basu, and Larry N. Gerston
Ramifications of quiz format on retention and online studying, Mary Still and Jeremiah Still
Submissions from 2013
Life stressors and resources and the 23-year course of depression, Ruth Cronkite, Erin Woodhead, Andrea Finlay, Christine Timko, Kirsten Hu, and Rudolf Moos
Speed has an effect on multiple-object tracking independently of the number of close encounters between targets and distractors, Cary S. Feria
Improving Patient-Centered Care: Personal Models of Depression Among Older Male Veterans, Erin Woodhead, Sarah Brunskill, J. Lisa Tenover, and Joung Huh
Graduate students’ geropsychology training opportunities and perceived competence in working with older adults, Erin Woodhead, Erin Emery, Nancy Pachana, Theresa Scott, Candace Konnert, and Barry Edelstein
Dual Diagnosis, Mutual-Help Use, and Outcomes: A Naturalistic Follow-Up, Erin Woodhead, Alexandra Hindash, and Christine Timko
Age-related concomitants of obtaining mental health care in adulthood, Erin L. Woodhead, R. C. Cronkite, R. H. Moos, H. Valenstein, and C. Timko
Impact of older adults’ experience with psychotherapy on treatment engagement, Erin L. Woodhead, I. I. Ivan, and E. E. Emery
Submissions from 2012
The effects of distractors in multiple object tracking are modulated by the similarity of distractor and target features, Cary S. Feria
Submissions from 2011
No cost or benefit from frequent online quizzes compared to traditional exams, Jeremiah Still and Mary Still
Decisional strategy determines whether frame influences treatment preferences for medical decisions, Erin L. Woodhead, E. B. Lynch, and B. A. Edelstein
Submissions from 2009
The cost of violating design affordances and conventions., Jeremiah Still and Veronica Dark
Submissions from 2008
Usability of Image Generation Platforms to Produce Oblique World Views, Michael T. Curtis, David Schuster, Florian Jentsch, R. Swanson, and Michelle Harper-Sciarini
When "arbitrary" decisions aren't arbitrary: Conventions and Design, Jeremiah Still and Veronica Dark
Decreasing physical and verbal aggression in a brain injured nursing home resident, Erin L. Woodhead and B. A. Edelstein
Submissions from 2005
Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: The effects of physical activity at adult day service centers, Erin L. Woodhead, S. H. Zarit, E. R. Braungart, M. J. Rovine, and E. E. Femia
Submissions from 2003
Judging distance across texture discontinuities, Cary S. Feria, M. L. Braunstein, and G. J. Andersen
Submissions from 2002
Perceived internal depth in rotating and translating objects, M. L. Braunstein, C. W. Sauer, Cary S. Feria, and G. J. Andersen
Submissions from 1998
Ubiquitous molecular substrates for associative learning and activity-dependent neuronal facilitation., Louis D. Matzel, Andrew C. Talk, Isabel A. Muzzio, and Ronald F. Rogers
Submissions from 1996
Higher-order associative processing in Hermissenda suggests multiple sites of neuronal modulation., Ronald F. Rogers and Louis D. Matzel
The Interactive Effects of Disability, Race, and Gender on Job Placement Decisions, Dianna Stone, Erik Eddy, Megumi Hosoda, and Scott Behson