Submissions from 2025
Sequence saturation, Anand, Jesse Geneson, Suchir Kaustav, and Shen Fu Tsai
Extremal bounds for pattern avoidance in multidimensional 0-1 matrices, Jesse Geneson and Shen Fu Tsai
Converse of Ptolemy’s Theorem, Hidefumi Katsuura
Introduction to Analysis: Theorems and Examples, Hidefumi Katsuura
Submissions from 2024
Achievement of Target Gain Larger than Unity in an Inertial Fusion Experiment, H. Abu-Shawareb; R. Acree; P. Adams; J. Adams; B. Addis; R. Aden; P. Adrian; B. B. Afeyan; M. Aggleton; L. Aghaian; A. Aguirre; D. Aikens; J. Akre; F. Albert; M. Albrecht; B. J. Albright; Liam Stanton; Kenneth Wharton; and For full author list, see comments below
Weak Dynamic Coloring of Planar Graphs, Caroline Accurso, Vitaliy Chernyshov, Leaha Hand, Sogol Jahanbekam, and Paul Wenger
An unconditional Montgomery theorem for pair correlation of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function, Siegfred Alan C. Baluyot, Daniel Alan Goldston, Ade Irma Suriajaya, and Caroline L. Turnage-Butterbaugh
Triangle-degree and triangle-distinct graphs, Zhanar Berikkyzy, Beth Bjorkman, Heather Smith Blake, Sogol Jahanbekam, Lauren Keough, Kevin Moss, Danny Rorabaugh, and Songling Shan
Finite rigid sets in sphere complexes, Edgar A. Bering and Christopher J. Leininger
Topological models of abstract commensurators, Edgar A. Bering and Daniel Studenmund
Providing Real-World Benchmarks for Super-Resolving Fluorescence Microscope Imagery Using Generative Adversarial Networks, J. Cooper, T. B. Issa, C. Vinegoni, and R. Weissleder
Accurate bidiagonal decompositions of Cauchy–Vandermonde matrices of any rank, Jorge Delgado, Plamen Koev, Ana Marco, José Javier Martínez, Juan Manuel Peña, Per Olof Persson, and Steven Spasov
Efficient learning of accurate surrogates for simulations of complex systems, A. Diaw, M. McKerns, I. Sagert, L. G. Stanton, and M. S. Murillo
Fourier restriction and well-approximable numbers, Robert Fraser, Kyle Hambrook, and Donggeun Ryou
Charged-particle transport in high energy density plasmas, Stephanie B. Hansen, Lucas J. Stanek, Brian M. Haines, S. X. Hu, Patrick F. Knapp, Michael S. Murillo, Liam G. Stanton, and Heather D. Whitley
Research on Federated Learning's Contribution to Trustworthy and Responsible Artificial Intelligence, Shijia Huang, Yaxin Liang, Fangzhou Shen, and Fanru Gao
Comparison of transport models in dense plasmas, Zachary A. Johnson, Luciano G. Silvestri, George M. Petrov, Liam G. Stanton, and Michael S. Murillo
In and Ex Spheres of a Tetrahedron, Hidefumi Katsuura
On Local Antimagic Chromatic Number of Graphs with Cut-vertices, Gee Choon Lau, Wai Chee Shiu, and Ho Kuen Ng
On k-super graceful graphs with extremal maximum vertex degree, Gee Choon Lau, Wai Chee Shiu, Ho Kuen Ng, Zhen Bin Gao, and Karl Schaffer
Fast, Memory-Efficient Spectral Clustering with Cosine Similarity, Ran Li and Guangliang Chen
Breakdown of Boltzmann-type models for the alignment of self-propelled rods, Patrick Murphy, Misha Perepelitsa, Ilya Timofeyev, Matan Lieber-Kotz, Brandon Islas, and Oleg A. Igoshin
A Frobenius integrability theorem for plane fields generated by quasiconformal deformations, Slobodan N. Simić
Review of the second charged-particle transport coefficient code comparison workshop, Lucas J. Stanek, Alina Kononov, Stephanie B. Hansen, Brian M. Haines, S. X. Hu, Patrick F. Knapp, Michael S. Murillo, Liam G. Stanton, Heather D. Whitley, Scott D. Baalrud, Lucas J. Babati, Andrew D. Baczewski, Mandy Bethkenhagen, Augustin Blanchet, Raymond C. Clay, Kyle R. Cochrane, Lee A. Collins, Amanda Dumi, and Gerald Faussurier
A Laplace-based model with flexible tail behavior, Cristina Tortora, Brian C. Franczak, Luca Bagnato, and Antonio Punzo
FPDclustering: a comprehensive R package for probabilistic distance clustering based methods, Cristina Tortora and Francesco Palumbo
Annihilation dynamics during spiral defect chaos revealed by particle models, Timothy J. Tyree, Patrick Murphy, and Wouter Jan Rappel
Submissions from 2023
The Perceived Impact of Faculty-in-Residence Programs on Faculty Development, Luis Arabit, Leonard Lira, Jennifer Johnston, Lina Anastasovitou, Christine Ma-Kellams, Kyle Hambrook, Ravneet Tiwana, and Theodore T. Tsau
Resistance distance in connected balanced digraphs, R. Balakrishnan, S. Krishnamoorthy, and Wasin So
Bounds in simple hexagonal lattice and classification of 11-stick knots, Yueheng Bao, Ari Benveniste, Marion Campisi, Nicholas Cazet, Ansel Goh, Jiantong Liu, and Ethan Sherman
Hall’s universal group is a subgroup of the abstract commensurator of a free group, Edgar A. Bering and Daniel Studenmund
Sleep is required to consolidate odor memory and remodel olfactory synapses, Rashmi Chandra, Fatima Farah, Fernando Muñoz-Lobato, Anirudh Bokka, Kelli L. Benedetti, Chantal Brueggemann, Mashel Fatema A. Saifuddin, Julia M. Miller, Joy Li, Eric Chang, Aruna Varshney, Vanessa Jimenez, Anjana Baradwaj, Cibelle Nassif, Sara Alladin, Kristine Andersen, Angel J. Garcia, Veronica Bi, Sarah K. Nordquist, Raymond L. Dunn, Vanessa Garcia, Kateryna Tokalenko, Emily Soohoo, Fabiola Briseno, Sukhdeep Kaur, Malcolm Harris, Hazel Guillen, Decklin Byrd, Brandon Fung, Andrew E. Bykov, Emma Odisho, Bryan Tsujimoto, Alan Tran, Alex Duong, Kevin C. Daigle, Rebekka Paisner, Carlos E. Zuazo, Christine Lin, Aarati Asundi, Matthew A. Churgin, Christopher Fang-Yen, Martina Bremer, Saul Kato, Miri VanHoven, and Noëlle D. L’Étoile
A VARIANT OF NIM PLAYED ON BOOLEAN MATRICES, Stephen J. Curran, Stephen C. Locke, and Richard M. Low
Bidiagonal decompositions of Vandermonde-type matrices of arbitrary rank, Jorge Delgado, Plamen Koev, Ana Marco, José Javier Martínez, Juan Manuel Peña, Per Olof Persson, and Steven Spasov
A Spatial Variance-Smoothing Area Level Model for Small Area Estimation of Demographic Rates, Peter A. Gao and Jonathan Wakefield
Reconfiguration graphs of zero forcing sets, Jesse Geneson, Ruth Haas, and Leslie Hogben
On the Montgomery–Odlyzko method regarding gaps between zeros of the zeta-function, Daniel A. Goldston, Timothy S. Trudgian, and Caroline L. Turnage-Butterbaugh
Non-Salem Sets in Metric Diophantine Approximation, Kyle Hambrook and Han Yu
Machine Learning-Driven Multiscale Modeling: Bridging the Scales with a Next-Generation Simulation Infrastructure, Helgi I. Ingólfsson; Harsh Bhatia; Fikret Aydin; Tomas Oppelstrup; Cesar A. López; Liam G. Stanton; Timothy S. Carpenter; Sergio Wong; Francesco Di Natale; Xiaohua Zhang; Joseph Y. Moon; Christopher B. Stanley; Joseph R. Chavez; Kien Nguyen; Gautham Dharuman; Violetta Burns; Rebika Shrestha; Debanjan Goswami; and For full author list, see comments below
107.24 How to cut cubes into dodecahedra and icosahedra, Hidefumi Katsuura
Central and Twin Tetrahedra, Hidefumi Katsuura
Three Collinear Points Generated by a Tetrahedron, Hidefumi Katsuura
A fast incremental spectral clustering algorithm with cosine similarity, Ran Li and Guangliang Chen
New Diagonal Graph Ramsey Numbers of Unicyclic Graphs, Richard M. Low and Ardak Kapbasov
How many non-isospectral integral circulant graphs are there?, Katja Mönius and Wasin So
Introduction to Abduction in Mathematics, F. D. Rivera
Using Machine Learning to Model Potential Users with Health Risk Concerns Regarding Microchip Implants, Shekufeh Shafeie, Mona Mohamed, Tahir Bachar Issa, and Beenish Moalla Chaudhry
Cross-sections to flows and intrinsically harmonic forms, Slobodan N. Simić
Dynamic density functional theory of multicomponent cellular membranes, L. G. Stanton, T. Oppelstrup, T. S. Carpenter, H. I. Ingólfsson, M. P. Surh, F. C. Lightstone, and J. N. Glosli
Leveraging Math Cognition to Combat Health Innumeracy, Clarissa A. Thompson, Marta K. Mielicki, Ferdinand Rivera, Charles J. Fitzsimmons, Daniel A. Scheibe, Pooja G. Sidney, Lauren K. Schiller, Jennifer M. Taber, and Erika A. Waters
Missing Values and Directional Outlier Detection in Model-Based Clustering, Hung Tong and Cristina Tortora
Submissions from 2022
Lawson Criterion for Ignition Exceeded in an Inertial Fusion Experiment, H. Abu-Shawareb; R. Acree; P. Adams; J. Adams; B. Addis; R. Aden; P. Adrian; B. B. Afeyan; M. Aggleton; L. Aghaian; A. Aguirre; D. Aikens; J. Akre; F. Albert; M. Albrecht; B. J. Albright; J. Albritton; L. G. Stanton; and For full author list, see comments below
A generalization of a theorem of Nash-Williams, D. Bauer, L. Lesniak, and E. Schmeichel
The corner poset with an application to an n-dimensional hypercube stacking puzzle, Ethan Berkove and Jordan Schettler
Kirby–Thompson distance for trisections of knotted surfaces, Ryan Blair, Marion Campisi, Scott A. Taylor, and Maggy Tomova
Intersections and circuits in sets of line segments, Boris Brimkov, Jesse Geneson, Alathea Jensen, Jordan Broussard, and Pouria Salehi Nowbandegani
Vertex distortion detects the unknot, Marion Campisi, Nicholas Cazet, David Crncevic, Tasha Fellman, Phillip Kessler, Nikolas Rieke, Vatsal Srivastava, and Luis Torres
Geography and Election Outcome Metric: An Introduction, Marion Campisi, Thomas Ratliff, Stephanie Somersille, and Ellen Veomett
PYRAMID NIM, Stephen J. Curran, Daniel Gray, Stephen C. Locke, and Richard M. Low
Exceptional zeros and the Goldbach problem, J. B. Friedlander, D. A. Goldston, H. Iwaniec, and A. I. Suriajaya
Truncated metric dimension for finite graphs, Rafael M. Frongillo, Jesse Geneson, Manuel E. Lladser, Richard C. Tillquist, and Eunjeong Yi
Expected propagation time for probabilistic zero forcing, Jesse Geneson and Leslie Hogben
Extremal results for graphs of bounded metric dimension, Jesse Geneson, Suchir Kaustav, and Antoine Labelle
Peripherality in networks: theory and applications, Jesse Geneson and Shen Fu Tsai
Broadcast dimension of graphs, Jesse Geneson and Eunjeong Yi
Small gaps between three almost primes and almost prime powers, Daniel A. Goldston, Apoorva Panidapu, and Jordan Schettler
The prime number theorem and pair correlation of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function, D. A. Goldston and Ade Irma Suriajaya
Measuring competition between the great powers across Africa and Asia using a measure of relative dispersion in media coverage bias, Elizabeth Gooch, Stone Goethe, Nicholas Sobrepena, and Eric Eckstrand
Machine learning–driven multiscale modeling reveals lipid-dependent dynamics of RAS signaling proteins, Helgi I. Ingolfsson; Chris Neale; Timothy S. Carpenter; Rebika Shrestha; Cesar A. Lopez; Timothy H. Tran; Tomas Oppelstrup; Harsh Bhatia; Liam G. Stanton; Xiaohua Zhang; Shiv Sundram; Francesco Di Natale; Animesh Agarwal; Gautham Dharuman; Sara I.L. Kokkila Schumacher; Thomas Turbyville; Gulcin Gulten; Que N. Van; and For full author list, see comments below
Concurrent Segments in a Tetrahedron – Applications of Ceva’s and Carnot’s Theorems, Hidefumi Katsuura
The evolution of extraordinary self-sacrifice, D. B. Krupp and Wes Maciejewski
On k-Super Graceful Labeling of Graphs, Gee Choon Lau, Wai Chee Shiu, and Ho Kuen Ng
On number of pendants in local antimagic chromatic number, Gee Choon Lau, Wai Chee Shiu, and Ho Kuen Ng
The impact of faculty-in-residence programs: A difference-in-differences and cross-sectional approach, Leonard Lira, Christine Ma-Kellams, Kyle Hambrook, Ravneet Tiwana, Lina Anastasovitou, Luis Arabit, Jennifer Johnston, and Theodore Tsau
Computation of new diagonal graph Ramsey numbers, Richard M. Low, Ardak Kapbasov, Arman Kapbasov, and Sergey Bereg
Application of the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz to Integer-magic Graph Labelings, Richard M. Low and Dan Roberts
Constructing integer-magic graphs via the combinatorial nullstellensatz, Richard M. Low and Dan Roberts
Postsecondary general education mathematics: theory and practice, Wes Maciejewski, Trisha Bergthold, and John Bragelman
Spectral Clustering of Mixed-Type Data, Felix Mbuga and Cristina Tortora
The integer-antimagic spectra of a disjoint union of Hamiltonian graphs, Uğur Odabaşi, Dan Roberts, and Richard M. Low
On the Integer-antimagic Spectra of Non-Hamiltonian Graphs, Wai Chee Shiu and Richard M. Low
Model-based clustering and outlier detection with missing data, Hung Tong and Cristina Tortora
Clustering mixed-type data using a probabilistic distance algorithm[Formula presented], Cristina Tortora and Francesco Palumbo
Nonparametric Regression Analysis of Cyclist Waiting Times across Three Behavioral Typologies, Jeremy Walker, Cristian Poliziani, Cristina Tortora, Joerg Schweizer, and Federico Rupi
Customizable Microfluidic Origami Liver-on-a-Chip (oLOC), Xin Xie, Sushila Maharjan, Chastity Kelly, Tian Liu, Robert J. Lang, Roger Alperin, Shikha Sebastian, Diana Bonilla, Sakura Gandolfo, Yasmine Boukataya, Seyed Mohammad Siadat, Yu Shrike Zhang, and Carol Livermore
Submissions from 2021
List-antimagic labeling of vertex-weighted graphs, Zhanar Berikkyzy, Axel Brandt, Sogol Jahanbekam, Victor Larsen, and Danny Rorabaugh
Invitation to be a Scholar Affiliate (Direct result of her op-ed in The Fulcrum), Marion Campisi, Institute of Math and Democracy
Why basic math needs to be central to the study of democracy and politics, Marion Campisi, The Fulcrum
Vertex distortion of lattice knots, Marion Campisi and Nicholas Cazet
Lessons Learned from Remote Learning, Marion Campisi, Katherine Cushing, and Rebeca Burciaga, Visible Magazine
The damage throttling number of a graph, Joshua Carlson, Robin Eagleton, Jesse Geneson, John Petrucci, Carolyn Reinhart, and Preetul Sen
The larger the better: Analysis of a scalable spectral clustering algorithm with cosine similarity, Guangliang Chen
Improved algorithm to determine 3-colorability of graphs with minimum degree at least 7, Nicholas Crawford, Sogol Jahanbekam, and Katerina Potika
C4-face-magic toroidal labelings on Cm × Cn, Stephen J. Curran, Richard M. Low, and Stephen C. Locke
The densities and distributions of the largest eigenvalue and the trace of a Beta-Wishart matrix, Vesselin Drensky, Alan Edelman, Tierney Genoar, Raymond Kan, and Plamen Koev