The Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) conducts research, education programs, and information and technology transfer, focusing on multimodal surface transportation policy and management issues. The Lucas Graduate School of Business at San José State University is the Institute’s academic home.

This collection consists of MTI research publications from 1996 to the present.


Submissions from 2001


How Best to Serve Seniors on Existing Transit Services, MTI Report 01-04, David Koffman


Construction of Transit-Based Developments: New Policy Initiatives for Governments, MTI Report 01-05, Scott Lefaver


Bart to Silicon Valley, How Now? MTI Report F-01-01, Mineta Transportation Institute


Lessons Learned: A Conference on Transit Referenda and Why They Succeed or Fail, MTI Report S-01-03, Mineta Transportation Institute


National Transportation Security Summit, MTI Report S-01-02, MTI

Sustainable Communities/San Joaquin Valley Growth Response (Non grant funding), MTI


Implementation of Zurich’s Transit Priority Program, MTI Report 01-13, Andrew Butler Nash


A Planning Template for Nonwork Travel and Transit Oriented Development, MTI Report 01-12, Dick Nelson, John Niles, and Aharon Hibshoosh


Transit Labor Relations Guide, MTI Report 01-02, Herbert H. Oestreich


Best Practices in Developing Regional Transportation Plans, MTI Report 01-10, Donald N. Rothblatt


Using Fiber Networks to Stimulate Transit-Oriented Development: Prospects Barrier and Best Practices, MTI Report 01-16, Walter Siembab


Factors Influencing Voting Results of Local Transportation Funding Initiatives with a Substantial Transit Component: Case Studies of Ballot Measures in Eleven Communities, MTI Report 01-17, Richard Werbel and Peter J. Haas

Submissions from 2000


Why Campaigns for Local Transportation Initiatives Succeed or Fail: An Analysis of Four Communities and National Data, MTI Report 00-01, Peter Haas, Kristen Sullivan Massey, Linda O. Valenty, and Richard Werbel


Mineta Transportation Institute Report F-00-2, Mineta Transportation Institute

Submissions from 1999


Maintenance and Continued Development of the IISTPS Transportation Information System, TRANSWEB, MTI Report 99-01, Sandra Belanger and Stephen Kwan


Analysis of Policy Issues Relating to Public Investment in Private Freight Infrastructure, MTI Report 99-03, Daniel M. Evans and Norman Kelley


Impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement on Transportation in the Border Areas of the United States: With Emphasis on the California-Mexico Border, MTI Report 99-02, George E. Gray


Crossing the Bay Water Transit Initiative Forum, MTI Report F-00-1, Mineta Transportation Institute

Submissions from 1998


Driving Into the Twenty-First Century: Technology Solutions to Transportation Problems Symposium, IISTPS Report S-99-I, Mineta Transportation Institute


Our Transportation Crisis: Who Will Pay? IISTPS, Report M-00-1, Mineta Transportation Institute

Submissions from 1997


Protecting Surface Transportation Systems and Patrons from Terrorist Activities, Research Report 94-04, Brian M. Jenkins

Submissions from 1996


Issues Related to the Emergence of the Information Superhighway and California Societal Changes, IISTPS Report 96-4, Jan L. Botha, Roger Salstrom, and R. Benjamin Knapp


Terrorism in Surface Transportation - A, IISTPS Report 96-1, MTI