The Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) conducts research, education programs, and information and technology transfer, focusing on multimodal surface transportation policy and management issues. The Lucas Graduate School of Business at San José State University is the Institute’s academic home.
This collection consists of MTI research publications from 1996 to the present.
Submissions from 2011
Generic Continuity of Operations/Continuity of Government Plan for State-Level Transportation Agencies, Research Report 11-01, Frances L. Edwards, Daniel C. Goodrich, and William M. Medigovich
The Intersection of Urban Form and Mileage Fees: Findings from the Oregon Road User Fee Pilot Program, Research Report 10-04, Zhan Guo, Asha Weinstein Agrawal, Jennifer Dill, and Megan Quirk
Revisiting Factors Associated with the Success of Ballot Initiatives with a Substantial Rail Transit Component, Research Report 10-13, Peter J. Haas and Katherine Estrada
Examination of Regional Transit Service Under Contracting: A Case Study in the Greater New Orleans Region, Research Report 10-09, Hiroyuki Iseki, Charles R. Rivasplata, Rebecca Houtman, and Adam L. Smith
Bicycling Access and Egress to Transit: Informing the Possibilities, Kevin J. Krizek
Eleventh Annual Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Symposium, MTI Report S-11-01, Mineta Transportation Institute
Understanding Household Preferences For Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Technologies, Hilary Nixon and Jean-Daniel Saphores
Wellness Lessons From Transportation Companies, Research Report WP 11-01, Asbjorn Osland, Nanette C. Clinch, Lauren Ramsay, and Pamela Wells
The Nature of Context-Sensitive Solutions, Stakeholder Involvement and Critical Issues in the Urban Context, Marta Panero and Jan Botha
Potential Economic Consequences of Local Nonconformity to Regional Land Use and Transportation Plans Using a Spatial Economic Model, Caroline Rodier, Margot Spiller, John E. Abraham, and John D. Hunt
User Evaluations of Intermodal Travel to Work: Exploratory Studies, Research Report WP 10-03, Steven D. Silver
Lessons Learned in Attempting to Survey Hard-to-Reach Ethnic Segments Along with the Presentation of a Comprehensive Questionnaire, Research Report WP-10-02, Richard A. Werbel
Submissions from 2010
What Do Americans Think About Federal Transportation Tax Options? Results From a National Survey MTI Report 09-18, Asha Weinstein Agrawal and Hilary Nixon
Suicides on Commuter Rail in California: Possible Patterns — A Case Study, Research Report 10-05, Jan L. Botha, Kristina A. Elmasu, and Philip J. Leitzell
Policy Issues in U.S. Transportation Public-Private Partnerships: Lessons from Australia, Research Report 09-15, David Czerwinski and Richard Geddes
Facilitating Telecommuting as a Means of Congestion Reduction, MTI Report 09-14, Nancy Da Silva and Meghna Virick
Emergency Management Training and Exercises for Transportation Agency Operations, MTI Report 09-17, Frances L. Edwards and Daniel C. Goodrich
Handbook of Emergency Management For State-Level Transportation Agencies, MTI Report 09-10, Frances L. Edwards and Daniel C. Goodrich
A Case Study of Enterprise Historic Resources Information Management In Large Transportation Agencies, MTI Report 09-06, Eric E. Ingbar
Explosives and Incendiaries Used in Terrorist Attacks on Public Surface Transportation: A Preliminary Empirical Analysis, MTI Report WP 09-02, Brian M. Jenkins and Bruce R. Butterworth
The 1995 Attempted Derailing of the French TGV (High-Speed Train) and a Quantitative Analysis of 181 Rail Sabotage Attempts, MTI Report 09-12, Brian M. Jenkins, Bruce R. Butterworth, and Jean-Francois Clair
Supplement to MTI Study on Selective Passenger Screening in the Mass Transit Rail Environment, MTI Report 09-05, Brian M. Jenkins, Bruce Robert Butterworth, and Larry N. Gertson
Potential Terrorist Uses of Highway-Borne Hazardous Materials, MTI Report 09-03, Brian M. Jenkins, Bruce Robert Butterworth, William T. Poe, and Douglas Reeves
Terrorist Attacks On Public Bus Transportation: A Preliminary Empirical Analysis, MTI Report WP 09-01, Brian M. Jenkins, Bruce R. Butterworth, and Karl S. Shrum
Implementation and Development of Vehicle Tracking and Immobilization Technologies, Brian Michael Jenkins, Bruce Robert Butterworth, and Frances Edwards
2012 Census of California Water Transit Services ,MTI Report 12-02, Richard M. Kos, Maria Louise Javier, Brent Carvalho, and Asha W. Agrawal
Reliability Centered Maintenance: A Case Study of Railway Transit Maintenance to Achieve Optimal Performance, MTI Report 10-06, Felix A. Marten Jr.
Tenth Annual Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Symposium, MTI Report S-09-06, Mineta Transportation Institute
The Next Fifty Years: Addressing California´s Mobility in a Time of Financial Challenges, MTI Report S-09-05, Mineta Transportation Institute
Meeting the Challenges of Urban Transportation, MTI Report-10-2969, MTI
Turning Over a New Leaf: The start of an electric vehicle revolution, Symposium Report S-09-08, MTI
From Buses to BRT: Case Studies of Incremental BRT Projects in North America, MTI Report 09-13, John Niles and Lisa Callaghan Jerram
Barriers to Using Fixed-Route Public Transit for Older Adults, MTI Report 09-16, Michael D. Peck
Improving Transportation Construction Project Performance: Development of a Model to Support the Decision-Making Process for Incentive/Disincentive Construction Projects, MTI Report 09-07, Jae-Ho Pyeon and Taeho Park
Exploring the Effectiveness of Transit Security Awareness Campaigns in the San Francisco Bay Area, Research Report 09-19, Nina Rohlich, Peter J. Haas, and Frances Edwards
Submissions from 2009
Paving The Way: Recruiting Students into the Transportation Professions, MTI Report 08-03, Asha Weinstein Agrawal and Jennifer Dill
“Green” Transportation Taxes and Fees: A Survey Of Californians, MTI Report 08-05, Asha Weinstein Agrawal, Jennifer Dill, and Hilary Nixon
The Influence of Service Planning Decisions on Rail Transit Success or Failure, MTI Report 08-04, Jeffrey R. Brown and Gregory L. Thompson
The Role of Transportation in Campus Emergency Planning, MTI Report 08-06, Frances Edwards and Daniel C. Goodrich
Public Versus Private Mobility for the Poor: Transit Improvements Versus Increased Car Ownership in the Sacramento Region, MTI Research Report 08-02, Robert A. Johnston and Shengyi Gao
Effect of Suburban Transit Oriented Developments on Residential Property Values, MTI Report 08-07, Shishir Mathur and Christopher Ferrell
A Town Hall Meeting on Our Bicycle Safety Crisis, Mineta Transportation Institute
Ninth Annual Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Symposium, MTI Report S-08-04, Mineta Transportation Institute
The Vision and the Blueprint: High Speed Rail in the United States and Launching High-Speed Rail in the U.S.: High-Speed Rail Sessions from APTA´s Annual Meeting, October 6, 2009 , MTI Report S-09-03, Mineta Transportation Institute
Using Bicycles for the First and Last Mile of a Commute, Mineta Transportation Institute
Rail Passenger Selective Screening Summit, MTI S-09-01, MTI
Feasibility Of One–Dedicated–Lane Bus Rapid Transit ⁄Light–Rail Systems And Their Expansion To Two–Dedicated–Lane Systems: A Focus On Geometric Configuration And Performance Planning, MTI Report 08-01, H.-S. Jacob Tsao, Wenbin Wei, and Agus Pratama
Submissions from 2008
Neighborhood Crime and Travel Behavior: An Investigation of the Influence of Neighborhood Crime Rates on Mode Choice, MTI Report 07-02, Christopher E. Ferrell, Shishir Mathur, and Emilia Mendoza