Submissions from 2024
Experiences of Adult Play, Erna I. Blanche, Megan C. Chang, and L. Diane Parham
Response to intervention: The effects of tier 1 and tier 2 occupational therapy intervention on sensory processing for fifth-grade children, Courtney Boitano, Brooke Henry, Grace Jeng, Ariana Jimenez, Julie Powell, and Kiana Shibata
Make Your Move: exercise for brain health and life with Parkinson’s, Rachel Dolhun MD, DipABLM; Chelsea Macpherson PT, DPT, NCS; Katrina Long EdB, Ms, OTR/L; and Lori Quin PT, EdB, FAPTA
Mental Health of Older Adults, Jerilyn Smith Gigi and Anne MacRae
Student engagement and accountability in flipped and traditional classrooms: A comparison of concept map and question and answer homework strategies, Melisa P. Kaye and Sydney M. Hanzalik
Community Behavioral Health Services, Anne MacRae and Jerilyn Smith Gigi
Chapter 36: Degenerative Diseases of the Central Nervous System, Winifred Schultz-Krohn PhD, OTR/L, BCP, SWC, FAOTA and Katrina Long
Learning Objectives Forthe Fieldwork Experience, Winifred Schultz-Krohn and Heidi Mchugh Pendleton
Characterization of Mycelium Biocomposites under Simulated Weathering Conditions, Nicholas Schultz, Ajimahl Fazli, Sharmaine Piros, Yuritzi Barranco-Origel, Patricia DeLa Cruz, and Dr Yanika Schneider
Submissions from 2023
The Perceived Impact of Faculty-in-Residence Programs on Faculty Development, Luis Arabit, Leonard Lira, Jennifer Johnston, Lina Anastasovitou, Christine Ma-Kellams, Kyle Hambrook, Ravneet Tiwana, and Theodore T. Tsau
Effects of constraint-induced movement therapy in young children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: and adapted model, Megan Chang and A. Anvarizadeh
Wearable Activity Monitors to Support Physical Activity Interventions in Neurodegenerative Disease: A Feasibility Study, Hai-Jung Steffi Shih, Lori Quinn, Philippa Morgan-Jones, Katrina Long, Abigail R. Schreier, and Ciaran P. Friel
Submissions from 2022
Working With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Clients: Occupational Therapy Practitioners’ Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes, Deborah J. Bolding, Angela Acosta, Brigitte Butler, April Chau, Brenna Craig, and Fiona Dunbar
Adult attachment, stress-coping, and resilience in first-generation immigrants in the United States, Chiao Ju Fang, Nenette Tong, Rosely J. Villa, Ana M. Flores, Elaine Lim, and Alexandria Tu
The impact of faculty-in-residence programs: A difference-in-differences and cross-sectional approach, Leonard Lira, Christine Ma-Kellams, Kyle Hambrook, Ravneet Tiwana, Lina Anastasovitou, Luis Arabit, Jennifer Johnston, and Theodore Tsau
Physical Activity Coaching via Telehealth for People With Parkinson Disease: A Cohort Study, Hai Jung Steffi Shih, Chelsea E. Macpherson, Miriam King, Elizabeth Delaney, Yu Gu, Katrina Long, Jennifer Reid, Julie Fineman, Geraldine Yu, Jamie Rieger, Ashrita Satchidanand, Hiral Shah, Roy N. Alcalay, and Lori Quinn
Submissions from 2021
Meanings and experiences associated with computer use of older immigrant adults of lower socioeconomic status, Lynne Andonian
Solutions in Action from the Forum's Curriculum Toolbox – Virtual Study Abroad in OT Online Education, Lynne Andonian, Megan Chang, Alison George, and Gigi Smith
OT Practitioners' Knowledge, Clinical Preparedness, and Attitudes for Working With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Clients, Deborah J. Bolding, Angela Acosta, Brigitte Butler, April Chau, Brenna Craig, and Fiona Dunbar
Incivility in the Occupational Therapy Workplace: A Survey of Practitioners, Deborah J. Bolding, Cameron McCallister, Kate Poisson, David M. Pufki, Angelica Ramirez, Claire Rickly, and Victoria Scattini
A Survey of Incivility in the OT Workplace, Deborah J. Bolding, Cameron McCallister, Kate Poisson, David Pufki, Angelica Ramirez, Claire Rickley, and Victoria Scattini
Understanding factors relevant to poor sleep and coping methods in people with schizophrenia, Yen-Ching Chang, Megan C. Chang, Yun-Jou Chang, and Ming-De Chen
Sensory Processing, Loneliness, and Sleep Quality in Older Adults, Dustin Douros, Cynthia Orocio-Ruiz, Alana Skellen, and Megan Chang
Emotional States, Sensory Processing, and Sleep in Elderly, Alexandra Ho, Jenny Nguyen, Sarah Schirle, Sarah Siddiqui, Paula Shames, and Megan Chang
The Lived Experience of Mothers Who Are Homeless and Participated in an Occupational Therapy Leisure Craft Group, Winifred Schultz-Krohn, Emily Winter, Carina Mena, Alison Roozeboom, and Lisa Vu
Creativity in Response to COVID-19: Virtual Study Abroad to Facilitate Global Connection & Cultural Humility via OT Online Education, Gigi Smith, Megan Chang, Alison George, and Lynne Andonian
Submissions from 2020
Community Service Learning Teaching: Local and International Perspectives, Lynne Andonian
Occupational therapy students’ knowledge, clinical preparedness and attitudes for working with LGBT clients, Deborah Bolding
Incivility experiences in occupational therapy fieldwork, Deborah Bolding, L. Bland, A. Castro, A. Covarrubias, A. Dahlmeier, and T. Dudley
Prevalence and types of incivility in occupational therapy fieldwork and practice, Deborah J. Bolding
Prevalence and Types of Incivility in Occupational Therapy Fieldwork, Deborah J. Bolding, Travis Dudley, Adrienne Dahlmeier, Lauren Bland, Aimee Castro, and Adrianna Covarrubias
Get-Up-And-Go: Community-based fall prevention for older adults, Deborah J. Bolding, Raheema Hemraj, and Erinna Poon
Survey of Occupational Therapy Students' Attitudes, Knowledge and Preparedness for Treating LGBT Clients, Deborah J. Bolding, Vivian Rodriguez, Helen Nguyen, and Laurie A. Drabble
Incivility in the occupational therapy workplace, Deborah Bolding, Cameron McCallister, David Pufki, Kate Poisson, and Angelica Ramirez
Survey of OT students’ attitudes, knowledge and preparedness for treating lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender clients, Deborah Bolding, A. Nguyen, H. Nguyen, V. Rodriguez, S. Swail, G. Wilcox, and S. Yang
Use of Standardized Tests in Pediatric Practice, Megan C. Chang and Pamela K. Richardson
Social Participation and Friendship Network in Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Megan Chang, Kristen Gallegos, Millie Book, Nina Caudill, Jessica Dacquigan, Vanessa Weaver, and Ling-Yi Lin
A comparison of the participation levels of Taiwanese children with autism spectrum disorders in inclusive vs. segregated settings, Chiao Ju Fang, S. L. Weinberg, and K. Patten
Caregiving Burden and self-care among European-American and Chinese-American family caregivers of people with mental illness, Meekyung Han, Sadhna Diwan, Megan Chang, Karly Comfort, and Kathy Forward
Multimedia pretraining to teach complex content in occupational therapy education, Melisa Kaye
Sympathetic Nervous Responses in OT Graduate Students with Anxiety and Depression, Elaine Lau, Megan Karburn, Alexandra Kautz, Megan Chang, and Maiko Ibay
Pre-active PD: A Therapist Delivered Physical Activity Behavior Change Program for People With Early Stage Parkinson's Disease, Katrina M. Long
Knowledge and attitudes about fall prevention in low-income, old-old adult population, S. Minton, C. Mueller, L. Nguyen, E. Tunnat, and Deborah Bolding
Promoting Physical Activity via Telehealth in People With Parkinson Disease: The Path Forward After the COVID-19 Pandemic?, Lori Quin, Chelsea Macpherson, Katrina Long, and Hiral Shah
Submissions from 2019
Sensory Processing and Occupational Choices, Erna Blanche, Megan Chang, and L. Diane Parham
Older adults’ perceptions about access and barriers to public transportation, Deborah Bolding
Virtual reality for teaching home assessments in occupational therapy, Deborah Bolding and C. Acheronti
Falls in the Geriatric Patient, Deborah J. Bolding and Ellen Corman
Impact of Interactive Technology Usage on Sleep among Adolescents, Megan Chang and Lisa Benjamin
The Relationship Between Sleep and Interactive Technology Usage Among Adolescents: An Occupational Perspective, Megan Chang, Lisa Benjamin, Cathlin Burkey, Torrey Blake, and Arlon Chau
Relationships between Sensory Processing Preferences and Occupational Choices, Megan Chang and Erna I. Blanche
Associations Between Stress and Anxiety in Occupational Therapy Graduate Students, Megan Chang, Shelly Lui, Karen Panditi, Jessica Puth, Geoffrey Shih, and Joseph Suarez
The Effects of Sensory Processing Patterns on Perceived Stress and Sleep Quality Among College Students, Megan Chang, Tamara Turner, Sarah Kwee, Jennifer Shaul, Tim Stanbach, and Julie Stringari
Interventions Within the Scope of Occupational Therapy Practice to Improve Performance of Daily Activities for Older Adults With Low Vision: A Systematic Review, Chiung-ju Liu and Megan C. Chang
Role of Occupational Therapists in Parkinson’s Disease, Katrina Long
Submissions from 2018
International Educational Experiences: Influences on Student Intercultural Communication, Interprofessional Attitudes, and Professional Identity, Lynne Andonian
Sleep and Socially Interactive Technology Use Among Adolescents, Lisa Benjamin, Cathlin Burkey, Torrey Blake, Arlon Chau, and Megan Chang
Choosing Restful and Relaxing Occupations, Erna I. Blanche and Megan C. Chang
Older adults’ perceptions about participation and safety using walkers, Deborah J. Bolding
Mobility, Deborah J. Bolding, Carole Adler Hughes, Michelle Tipton-Burton, and Ana Verran
Stress, Sleep, and Sensory Processing Among Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Megan Chang, Amanda Burr, Giselle Staffaroni, Molly Adams, Crystal Gines, and Jason Crawford
Systematic Review of Interventions within the Scope of Occupational Therapy on Basic ADLs for Older Adults Living in the Community: A Systematic Review, Megan Chang, Chiung-ju Liu, and Wen-Pin Chang
Is Sensory Processing Preference an Indicator for Poor Sleep Quality Among Older Adults?, Megan Chang, Megan Sadou, Stephanie Loh, Sarah Mcdonald, Barbara Moran, and Diana Nguy
Sleep Quality and Sensory Processing in U.S. Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Megan Chang, Megan Sadou, Stephanie Loh, Sarah Mcdonald, Barbara Moran, and Diana Nguy
Implementing Multidisciplinary Wellness Programs in Subsidized Housing: University–Community Partnerships, Sadhna Diwan, Megan Chang, and Swamini Bajpai
(AOTA) Systematic Review on Occupational Therapy for Older Adults With Low Vision (short course), Deborah Lieberman, Elizabeth Hunter, Jennifer Kaldenberg, Stacy Smallfield, Julie Nastasi, Chiung-ju Liu, and Megan Chang
Occupational Therapy Interventions to Improve Activities of Daily Living for Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review, Chiung-ju Liu, Wen-Pin Chang, and Megan C. Chang
Stress, Sensory Processing, and Sleep in Graduate Students, Tamara Turner and Megan Chang
Submissions from 2017
Meanings of Computer Use: Older Immigrant/Lower SES Adults, Lynne Andonian
Occupational therapy students’ self-efficacy, experience of supervision, and perception of meaningfulness of Level II fieldwork, Lynne Andonian
Study Abroad: Student Intercultural Communication, Interprofessional Attitudes/Professional Identity, Lynne Andonian
Faculty led study abroad: Influences on student intercultural communication, interprofessional attitudes, and professional identity, Lynne Andonian and Ruth Rosenblum
Avoiding Falls Helps to Ensure Your Mobility and Freedom, Deborah Bolding
A Matter of Balance: Challenges to program evaluation for community based fall prevention programs, Deborah J. Bolding
Stress, Sleep, and Sensory Processing Among Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Amanda Burr, Giselle Staffaroni, Molly Adams, Crystal Gines, Jason Crawford, and Megan Chang
Influence of stress on occupational engagement and sleep quality among graduate students, Megan Chang
Impact of Sensory Processing Patterns on Quality of Sleep, Megan Chang, Tiffany Belousov, Erin Lucey, Kaila Hiatt, Laura Hutter, and Leah Guerrero
Stress Factors and Sleep Quality Among Occupational Therapy Graduate Students, Megan Chang, Justin Lin, Brian Huynh, and Inge Verschueren
Relationship Between Stress Factors and Occupational Engagement Among Occupational Therapy Graduate Students, Megan Chang, Megan Moreno, Jessica Pham, Jennafer Hope, Alrice Lai, and Kristine Young
Relationships Between Sensory Processing and Play Experiences Among Healthy Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Megan Chang, Krista Yee, Nathan Nam, Naomi Starr, Larkin Petralli, and Christine Huynh
Impact of Caregiving Burden on the Mental Health and Role of Self-Care Among Asian and Caucasian Family Caregivers of People with Mental Illness, Meekyung Han, Sadhna Diwan, Megan Chang, Karly Comfort, and Kathy Forward
Leisure Occupations, Sheama Krishnagiri and Megan Chang
(AOTA) Systematic Review on Occupational Therapy and Productive Aging (short course), Deborah Lieberman, Marian Arbesman, Chiung-ju Liu, Wen-Pin Chang, Megan C. Chang, Elizabeth G. Hunter, Pamalyn Kearney, Stacy Smallfield, Sue Berger, Anne Escher, Natalie E. Leland, Sharon J. Elliott, and Whitney Lucas Molitor
Sleep and Sensory Processing in Community Older Adults, Megan Sadou, Stephanie Loh, Sarah McDonald, Barbara Moran, Diana Nguy, and Megan Chang
Submissions from 2016
Play and Process: Patterns of Preferred Activities in Adults, Erna Imperatore Blanche and Megan Chang
Effectiveness of a Sensory-Enriched Early Intervention Group Program for Children With Developmental Disabilities, Erna Imperatore Blanche, Megan C. Chang, Juliana Gutiérrez, and Janet S. Gunter
Concurrent Validity of the Adult Sensory Processing Scale and the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile, Megan Chang, Colleen McNeil, Amanda Lord, Jessica Durand, and Emily Langston
Cuestionario de proceso sensorial en adultos: Comparación de resultados entre población de USA y de Chile: resultados preliminares/Sensory processing questionnaire in adults: Comparison of results between USA and Chile population: Preliminary results, Silvia Gómez, Megan Chang, Dianne Parham, and Erna Imperatore
Funciones sensoriales en niños menores de 3 años diagnosticados con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) / Sensory Processing in Toddlers Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Juliana Gutiérrez, Megan Chang, and Erna Imperatore Blanche
Stress Factors and Sleep Quality Among Occupational Therapy Graduate Students, Justin Lin, Brian Huynh, Inge Verschueren, and Megan Chang
Identifying Barriers to the Use of Public Transportation Among Older Adults, Alexandra Mauro, Regan Kyler, Megan Chang, Matthew Heffernan, Carolyn Glogoski, Alice Chen, and Brien Bowles
Stress Factors and Engagement Among Occupational Therapy Graduate Students, Megan Blanton Moreno, Jessica Pham, Alrice Lai, Jennafer Hope, Kristine Young, and Megan Chang
Relating Stress Factors to Life Satisfaction in OT Graduate Students, Lee Sonko and Megan Chang
The Play Experience for Siblings of Children with Autism, Cynthia Ting, Jennifer Ullman, Megan Chang, Jennifer Jordan-Wong, Chelsea Upham, and Sara Wykoff
Relationships Between Sensory Processing Patterns and Play Experiences, Krista Yee, Nathan Nam, Christine Huynh, Larkin Petralli, Naomi Starr, and Megan C. Chang
Strategies Employed by Community-Dwelling Japanese-American Elders to Maintain Social Participation, Maxine Ziprin, Marissa Oshige, Megan Chang, Mary Corey, Jenny Knowles, and Rose Ngo
Submissions from 2015
Learning Computer Skills: Meanings and Influences on Occupations for Older Adults, Lynne Andonian
Preferred activities and wellbeing: A study of occupation, Erna Imperatore Blanche, Megan Chang, and L. Diane Parham
Understanding Sleep Patterns Among Older Adults in a Subsidized Housing Facility: A Pilot Study, Megan Chang, Abigail Paquia, Sammie Wong, and Jean Koketsu