Submissions from 2025
Decoding the Vertiport: Planning for Urban Air Mobility, Kerry Rohrmeier, Wenbin Wei, and David Ison
A novel slot optimization model for congested airports integrating IATA priority and operational priority, Weili Zeng, Changxing Xu, Xiang Shu, Xinyuan Chen, and Wenbin Wei
Submissions from 2024
PIO and Handling Qualities Prediction Using the USAFTPS Bjorkman PIO Data Set, Ed Bachelder, Eileen Bjorkman, and Bimal Aponso
Identifying Information Needs and Tools to Support Interactions between Upper Class E Traffic Management (ETM) Operations and the Air Traffic System (ATS), Deborah L. Bakowski, Paul U. Lee, Mark Evans, and Connie L. Brasil
Usability of an Updated Version of the Supplemental Data Service Provider-Consolidated Dashboard for Supporting Uncrewed Aircraft System Traffic Management, Gregory Costedoat, Paul U. Lee, Jolene M. Feldman, Vimmy Gujral, Lilly Spirkovska, and Charles M. Walter
Evaluating the Efficacy of a Passive Exoskeleton for Enhancing Ergonomics in Manufacturing, Fatemeh Davoudi Kakhki, Armin Moghadam, Arnold Nieto, and Hardik Vora
Multi-Party Flight Trajectory Negotiation for Upper Class E Traffic Management, Shayna Gaulden, Tien Nguyen, Michael Korens, Wenbin Wei, Min Xue, Paul U. Lee, and Joseph Silva
Forward Flight System Identification for an Electric Medium-Sized Variable-Rotational Speed Rotor, Emily D. Glover, Radu Teodorescu, Matthew Floros, Mark J.S. Lopez, Tom Berger, and Ashwani K. Padthe
Flight Testing and Analysis for a Family of Group 2 and 3 Multicopter UAS, Anthony Gong, Mark J.S. Lopez, Tom Berger, Emily D. Glover, and Sung Hyeok Cho
A bilevel flight collaborative scheduling model with traffic scenario adaptation: An arrival prior perspective, Hao Jiang, Weili Zeng, Wenbin Wei, and Xianghua Tan
A Web-Based Negotiation Tool for Conflict Resolution in Upper Class E Traffic Management, Michael J. Korens, Shayna N. Gaulden, Wenbin Wei, Paul U. Lee, Min Xue, and Joseph Silva
Identification and Development of Coordination Procedures between Upper Class E Traffic Management (ETM) and Surrounding Air Traffic Operations, Paul U. Lee, Deborah L. Bakowski, Connie L. Brasil, and Mark Evans
Statistical Analysis of Recent Go Around Flight Data to Study and Evaluate Skilled Pilot Monitoring, Thomas J.J. Lombaerts, Randall J. Mumaw, and Peter M.T. Zaal
Empirical study of machine learning for intelligent bearing fault diagnosis, Armin Moghadam and Fatemeh Davoudi Kakhki
Full-Body Haptic and Spatial Audio Cueing Algorithms for Augmented Pilot Perception, Michael T. Morcos, Spencer M. Fishman, Umberto Saetti, Edward N. Bachelder, and Martine Godfroy-Cooper
User Assessment of Passive Exoskeleton in Manual Material Handling, Arnold Nieto, Hardik Vora, Fatemeh Davoudi, and Armin Moghadam
Framework for Real-Time Closed-Loop Simulation of Advanced Rotorcraft Configurations Using Comprehensive Flight Dynamics Models, Ashwani K. Padthe, Ananth Sridharan, Tom Berger, Mark J.S. Lopez, and Emily D. Glover
Initial Integration of a Conflict Probabilities Service for Upper Class E Traffic Management, Abhinay Indrabahadur Tiwari, Jeffrey Homola, Faisal Omar, and Min Xue
A Data-Driven Dynamic Modeling of Airport Runway Queuing System, Changxing Xu, Weili Zeng, Zhengyang Han, Wenbin Wei, and Yadong Zhou
Layout analysis of the RCEP international airline network based on hub identification using improved contribution matrix, Wendong Yang, Yulin Chi, Yining Huang, Wenbin Wei, and Zhengjia Xu
Long-Term Network Structure Evolution Investigation for Sustainability Improvement: An Empirical Analysis on Global Top Full-Service Carriers, Wendong Yang, Yun Jiang, Yulin Chi, Zhengjia Xu, and Wenbin Wei
A High-Precision Risk Analysis Model of Logistics UAV Network with Multiple Constraining Factors, Yonggang Yan, Xinfei Li, Zhiyuan Shen, and Wenbin Wei
Submissions from 2023
Delay Prediction of Flight Operation Network Based on Deep Learning Combination Model, Jiaxin Chen, Weiwei Wu, Wenbin Wei, and Jiahui Yu
Game-theoretic analysis of the impact of crew overnight hotel cost on airlines’ fleet assignment and crew pairing, Chengjin Ding, Xinyuan Chen, Weiwei Wu, Wenbin Wei, and Zelin Xin
An Efficient Aircraft Conflict Detection and Resolution Method Based on an Improved Reinforcement Learning Framework, Qiucheng Xu, Zhangqi Chen, Fangfang Li, Zhiyuan Shen, and Wenbin Wei
A Data-Light and Trajectory-Based Machine Learning Approach for the Online Prediction of Flight Time of Arrival, Zhe Zheng, Bo Zou, Wenbin Wei, and Wen Tian
Submissions from 2022
On Fatigue Detection for Air Traffic Controllers Based on Fuzzy Fusion of Multiple Features, Yi Hu, Zhuo Liu, Aiqin Hou, Chase Wu, Wenbin Wei, Yanjun Wang, and Min Liu
Submissions from 2021
Statistical Analysis of Adult Cyclists’ Sociodemographic Factors and Helmet-Wearing Behavior, Karl Auer, Poojitha Vurtur Badarinath, Fatemeh Davoudi Kakhki, and Maria Chierichetti
A machine learning approach as a surrogate for a finite element analysis: Status of research and application to one dimensional systems, Poojitha Vurtur Badarinath, Maria Chierichetti, and Fatemeh Davoudi Kakhki
Surrogated finite element models using machine learning, Maria Chierichetti, Fatemeh Davoudi, Daniel Huang, and Poojitha Vurturbadarinath
Applications of Surrogate Finite Element Machine Learning Approach for Structural Monitoring, Sam Choppala, Poojhita Vurturbadarinath, Maria Chierichetti, and Fatemeh Davoudi Khaki
Characterization of electric fan noise generation due to blade geometry, Liliosa Eyang Cole and Fred Barez
Sound absorption and thermal insulation characteristics of fabrics made of pure and crossbred sheep waste wool, Zahra Mohammadi Ghermezgoli, Meysam Moezzi, Javad Yekrang, Seyed Abbas Rafat, Parham Soltani, and Fred Barez
Design of an Affordable Prosthetic Arm Equipped With Deep Learning Vision-Based Manipulation, Alishba Imran, William Escobar, and Fred Barez
Analysis of the wrinkle geometry of the woven fabrics during uniaxial bias extension test using Ricker wavelet algorithm, Meysam Moezzi, Ali Haji-Badali, and Fred Barez
Investigation to Hole Surface Microstructure Evolution in Drilling of Aerospace Alloys: Ti-5553, David P. Yan
Analysis of Shoulder Driven Zone Formation in Friction Stir Welding Using Advanced Scroll Tool, David Yan and Logan Vahlstrom
Characterization of Intermetallics Formation in µFSSW of Dissimilar Al/Cu Alloy Sheets, David Yan and Logan Vahlstrom
On Interface Formation in Zr-Based BMG/6061 Al Interconnects Joined by µFSSW, David Yan and Logan Vahlstrom
A data-driven flight schedule optimization model considering the uncertainty of operational displacement, Weili Zeng, Yumeng Ren, Wenbin Wei, and Zhao Yang
A comparative analysis of delay propagation on departure and arrival flights for a chinese case study, Zhe Zheng, Wenbin Wei, and Minghua Hu
Submissions from 2020
Strategies to increase the 4-year graduation rate of engineering students at XXX university, Patricia R. Backer and Cindy Kato
Blockchain technology and applications, Ahmed Banafa
Driver distraction detection and recognition, Kiran Kumar Chinta and Fred Barez
Utilization of Machine Learning in Analyzing Post-incident State of Occupational Injuries in Agro-Manufacturing Industries, Fatemeh Davoudi Kakhki, Steven A. Freeman, and Gretchen A. Mosher
Effect of phone interface modality on drivers’ task load index in conventional and semi-automated vehicles, Kristina Davtyan and Francesca Favaro
Evaluating the impact of phone interface modality on response times to stimuli in conventional and semi-automated vehicles, Sky O. Eurich, Shivangi Agarwal, and Francesca Favaro
Applied machine learning in agro-manufacturing occupational incidents, Fatemeh Davoudi Kakhki, Steven A. Freeman, and Gretchen A. Mosher
Participant Perception and HMI Preferences During Simulated AV Disengagements, Syeda Rizvi, Francesca Favaro, and Sumaid Mahmood
Driver’s situational awareness and impact of phone interface modality in conventional and semi-autonomous vehicles, Syeda Rizvi, Francesca Favaro, and Nazanin Nader
Characterization of Shear Band Formation and Microstructure Evolution during Orthogonal Cutting of Ti-5553: Part I—Shear Angle, Strain and Strain Rate, David P. Yan and Xiaoliang Jin
Predictive modeling for occupational safety outcomes and days away from work analysis in mining operations, Anurag Yedla, Fatemeh Davoudi Kakhki, and Ali Jannesari
How late does your flight depart? A quantile regression approach for a chinese case study, Zhe Zheng, Wenbin Wei, Bo Zou, and Minghua Hu
Faculty Publications from 2019
Evaluating machine learning performance in predicting injury severity in agribusiness industries, Fatemeh Davoudi Kakhki, Steven Freeman, and Gretchen Mosher
Segmentation of Severe Occupational Incidents in Agribusiness Industries Using Latent Class Clustering, Fatemeh Davoudi Kakhki, Steven Freeman, and Gretchen Mosher
Use of Logistic Regression to Identify Factors Influencing the Post-Incident State of Occupational Injuries in Agribusiness Operations, Fatemeh Davoudi Kakhki, Steven Freeman, and Gretchen Mosher
Supporting Faculty to “Do the Flip!” Lessons Learned when Transitioning Faculty to Active Pedagogy in the Classroom, Laura Sullivan-Green, Patricia Backer, and Ravisha Mathur
Faculty Publications from 2018
Impact of First-Year Initiatives on Retention of Students: Are There Differences in Retention of Students by Ethnicity and Gender?, Patricia Backer, Joseph Green, Bryan Matlen, and Cindy Kato
Analyzing Large Workers’ Compensation Claims Using Generalized Linear Models and Monte Carlo Simulation, Fatemeh Davoudi Kakhki, Steven Freeman, and Gretchen Mosher
Faculty Publications from 2017
Effect of Cohorts on Student Retention in Engineering, Patricia Backer and Cindy Kato
Classifying and Predicting Occupational Incident Severity, Fatemeh Davoudi Kakhki, Steven Freeman, and Gretchen Mosher
Examining accident reports involving autonomous vehicles in California, Francesca Favaro, Nazanin Nader, Sky Eurich, Michelle Tripp, and Naresh Varadaraju
Faculty Publications from 2016
Assessment of a Writing Workshop Model for First-Year Engineering Students, Patricia Backer
Integration of General Education into the Senior Capstone Class in Engineering, Patricia Backer and Laura Sullivan-Green
Temporal Logic for System Safety Properties and Hazard Monitoring, Francesca Favaro and J. Saleh
Toward Risk Assessment 2.0: Safety Supervisory Control and Model-based Hazard Monitoring for Risk-informed Safety Interventions, Francesca Favaro and Joseph Saleh
Faculty Publications from 2015
Global Technology Experiences for Upper-division Engineering Students: An Assessment, Patricia Backer and Wenchiang Chung
Software in Military Aviation and Drone Mishaps: Analysis and Recommendations for the Investigation Process, Veronica Foreman, Francesca Favaro, Joseph Saleh, and Christopher Johnson
Faculty Publications from 2014
Observability-in-depth: An Essential Complement to the Defense-in-depth Safety Strategy in the Nuclear Industry, Francesca Favaro and Joseph Saleh
Towards the Development of the Observability-in-Depth Safety Principle in the Nuclear Industry, Francesca Favaro and Joseph Saleh
Analysis of Software Contributions to Military Aviation and Drone Mishaps, Veronica Foreman, Francesca Favaro, and Joseph Saleh
System Safety Principles: A Multidisciplinary Engineering Perspective, Joseph Saleh, Karen Marais, and Francesca Favaro
Faculty Publications from 2013
How Important is the WOW Factor in First Year Engineering Courses?, Thalia Anagnos, Burford Furman, Ping Hsu, and Patricia Backer
On the Primitives of Causality: from the Semantics of Agonist and Antagonist to Models of Accident Causation and System Safety, Loïc Brevault, Francesca Favaro, and Joseph Saleh
Solid-Fuel Regression Rate Modeling for Hybrid Rockets, Francesca Favaro, W. Sirignano, M. Manzoni, and L. DeLuca
EXCEED: Excellence in Your Engineering Education Summer Transition Program, Stacy Gleixner, Katherine Casey, Jared Tuberty, S. Latic, Patricia Backer, and Emily Allen
Faculty Publications from 2012
Impact of Self-Efficacy on Interest and Choice in Engineering Study and Careers for Undergraduate Women Engineering Students, Patricia Backer and Rona Halualani
Global Technology Initiative at San Jose State University: Results of Seven Years of an International Experience for Students, Belle Wei, Patricia Backer, Wenchiang Chung, and Andrew Wood
Faculty Publications from 2011
Assessment of First Year Experiences at SJSU, Patricia Backer, Emily Allen, and Janet Sundrud
Service Learning in a Multi-Disciplinary Renewable Energy Engineering Course, Stacy Gleixner, Patricia Backer, and Elena Klaw
Faculty Publications from 2010
Hispanic Computer Brigade Silicon Valley Computer Camp, Patricia Backer and Belle Wei
Development of a Technological Literacy Course for Non-Engineering Students: Science of High Technology, Thomas Howell, Patricia Backer, and Belle Wei
Faculty Publications from 2009
Transdisciplinary Green Engineering Education at San José State University, Belle Wei and Patricia Backer
Faculty Publications from 2007
Assessment Of Multi Media & Web Based Instruction In A Science Technology & Society Course, Patricia Backer
Technology and Gender Issues: Development and Assessment of a Freshman General Education Course in the College of Engineering, Patricia Backer
Assessment of LabVIEW and Multisim in the delivery of electronics laboratory content, Julio Garcia and Patricia Backer
Faculty Publications from 2005
A Shift In Teaching Methodology: From Instructor Led To Student Driven Multimedia Instruction, Patricia Backer
Introduction To Product Design And Innovation: A Cross Disciplinary Mini Curriculum, Patricia Backer and Seth Bates
Integration of Computer-Based Electronics Laboratory in a Control Systems Course, Julio Garcia and Patricia Backer
Faculty Publications from 2000
Effectiveness of a Multimedia General Education Course, Patricia Backer