Submissions from 2024
Multimodal Feedback for Effective Takeover in Automated Vehicles for Hearing Impairment, Aries Chu, Wei Hsiang Lo, and Gaojian Huang
Message from the Interactive Demo Chairs, Mark Colley, Gaojian Huang, and Stefan Heijboer
Drinking and driving: A systematic review of the impacts of alcohol consumption on manual and automated driving performance, Miaomiao Dong, Yuni Y. Lee, Jackie S. Cha, and Gaojian Huang
Optimization of periodic care locations to improve equity of specialty care services, S. Ayca Erdogan, Khanh Phan, Seher G. Toplu, Tracey L. Krupski, and Jennifer M. Lobo
Exploring the effect of human-drone communication modality on safety and balance control in virtual construction environments, Boyi Hu, Shuyan Xia, Zixian Zhu, Jiun Yao Cheng, Yue Luo, Idris Jeelani, and Masoud Gheisari
Assessing Human Visual Attention in Retail Human-Robot Interaction: A YOLOv8-Nano and Eye-Tracking Approach, Kamlesh Kumar, Yuhao Chen, Boyi Hu, and Yue Luo
Exploring the impact of lighting sources on walking behavior in obstructed walkways among older adults, Yue Luo, Yuhao Chen, Gaojian Huang, and Boyi Hu
Designing Nightlights to Facilitate Evening Activities among Older Adults: Illuminance and Hue Preferences, Yue Luo, Yuhao Chen, Szeyiu Yim, and Boyi Hu
From young to old: The effects of information presentation type, multimodal display, and age on situation awareness and processing time in automated vehicles, Kimberly D. Martinez and Gaojian Huang
Dashboard design, Abbas Moallem
Human behavior in cybersecurity privacy and trust, Abbas Moallem
Enhancing Product Designing with the Help of Artificial Intelligence, Dhyeykumar Nikalwala and Minnie H. Patel
Data-Driven Online Prediction of Discharge Capacity and End-of-Discharge of Lithium-Ion Batteries, Junchuan Shi, Yupeng Wei, and Dazhong Wu
Characterizing the Effect of Mind Wandering on Braking Dynamics in Partially Autonomous Vehicles, Harini Sridhar, Gaojian Huang, Adam Thorpe, Meeko Oishi, and Brandon J. Pitts
Impact of AI in Product Lifecycle, Atmesh Tiwari and Minnie H. Patel
Sheet resistance prediction of laser induced graphitic carbon with transformer encoder-enabled contrastive learning, Yupeng Wei, Gerd Grau, and Dazhong Wu
Conditional variational transformer for bearing remaining useful life prediction, Yupeng Wei and Dazhong Wu
State of health and remaining useful life prediction of lithium-ion batteries with conditional graph convolutional network, Yupeng Wei and Dazhong Wu
Remaining useful life prediction using graph convolutional attention networks with temporal convolution-aware nested residual connections, Yupeng Wei, Dazhong Wu, and Janis Terpenny
Submissions from 2023
Exploring the Impacts of Mind Wandering on Driver Takeover in Automated Vehicles: A Comparative Study of Multimodal Displays, Miaomiao Dong, Egbe Etu Etu, Lin Jiang, and Gaojian Huang
What changes the travel pattern: A national survey on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on older adults’ public transportation usage, Egbe Etu Etu, Keertana Sureshbabu, Susan Summerville, Ankur Parmar, and Gaojian Huang
Weakly supervised semantic segmentation of histological tissue via attention accumulation and pixel-level contrast learning, Yongqi Han, Lianglun Cheng, Guoheng Huang, Guo Zhong, Jiahua Li, Xiaochen Yuan, Hongrui Liu, Jiao Li, Jian Zhou, and Muyan Cai
The future of mobility-as-a-service: trust transfer across automated mobilities, from road to sidewalk, Jacob G. Hunter, Elise Ulwelling, Matthew Konishi, Noah Michelini, Akhil Modali, Anne Mendoza, Jessie Snyder, Shashank Mehrotra, Zhaobo Zheng, Anil R. Kumar, Kumar Akash, Teruhisa Misu, Neera Jain, and Tahira Reid
Single Cross-domain Semantic Guidance Network for Multimodal Unsupervised Image Translation, Jiaying Lan, Lianglun Cheng, Guoheng Huang, Chi Man Pun, Xiaochen Yuan, Shangyu Lai, Hong Rui Liu, and Wing Kuen Ling
Driving Aggressively or Conservatively? Investigating the Effects of Automated Vehicle Interaction Type and Road Event on Drivers’ Trust and Preferred Driving Style, Yuni Lee, Miaomiao Dong, Vidya Krishnamoorthy, Kumar Akash, Teruhisa Misu, Zhaobo Zheng, and Gaojian Huang
Very Short-Term Solar Power Forecasting Using a Frequency Incorporated Deep Learning Model, Hossein Panamtash, Shahrzad Mahdavi, Qun Zhou Sun, Guo Jun Qi, Hongrui Liu, and Aleksandar Dimitrovski
Script2Graph: Auto-construct Screenplay Text World by Mining Contextual Information, Depei Wang, Lianglun Cheng, Hongwei Liu, Ruihao Li, Huilin Wang, and Hongrui Liu
A Control Framework to Enable a Commercial Building HVAC System for Energy and Regulation Market Signal Tracking, Wenyi Wang, Guanyu Tian, Qun Zhou Sun, and Hongrui Liu
Prediction of State of Health of Lithium-Ion Battery Using Health Index Informed Attention Model, Yupeng Wei
Model-based real-time prediction of surface roughness in fused deposition modeling with graph convolutional network-based error correction, Yupeng Wei and Dazhong Wu
Prediction of state of health and remaining useful life of lithium-ion battery using graph convolutional network with dual attention mechanisms, Yupeng Wei and Dazhong Wu
Remaining useful life prediction of bearings with attention-awared graph convolutional network, Yupeng Wei and Dazhong Wu
Bearing remaining useful life prediction using self-adaptive graph convolutional networks with self-attention mechanism, Yupeng Wei, Dazhong Wu, and Janis Terpenny
Smart Speech Systems: A Focus Group Study on Older Adult User and Non-User Perceptions of Speech Interfaces, Lauren Werner, Gaojian Huang, and Brandon J. Pitts
Investigative approaches: Lessons learned from the RaDonda Vaught case, Kimberly N. Williams, Crystal M. Fausett, Elizabeth H. Lazzara, Yuval Bitan, Anthony Andre, and Joseph R. Keebler
Quaternion-Valued Correlation Learning for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation, Zewen Zheng, Guoheng Huang, Xiaochen Yuan, Chi Man Pun, Hongrui Liu, and Wing Kuen Ling
Submissions from 2022
Age is more than just a number: The relationship among age, non-chronological age factors, self-perceived driving abilities, and autonomous vehicle acceptance, Gaojian Huang, Ya Hsin Hung, Robert W. Proctor, and Brandon J. Pitts
Takeover requests for automated driving: The effects of signal direction, lead time, and modality on takeover performance, Gaojian Huang and Brandon J. Pitts
The effects of age and physical exercise on multimodal signal responses: Implications for semi-autonomous vehicle takeover requests, Gaojian Huang and Brandon J. Pitts
To Inform or to Instruct? An Evaluation of Meaningful Vibrotactile Patterns to Support Automated Vehicle Takeover Performance, Gaojian Huang and Brandon J. Pitts
Application of Internet of Things (IoT) in Inventory Management for Perishable Produce, Jing Huang and Hongrui Liu
In-Vehicle Human Machine Interface: Investigating the Effects of Tactile Displays on Information Presentation in Automated Vehicles, Kimberly D. Martinez and Gaojian Huang
Designing and Evaluating Meaningful Tactile Displays to Assist Takeover in Automated Vehicles, Kimberly Martinez and Gaojian Huang
Application of Value Stream Mapping in E-Commerce: A Case Study on an Amazon Retailer, Yanfang Qin and Hongrui Liu
Energy Storage Potential Model for Residential Photovoltaic Systems, V. Rios, Y. Wei, and H. Liu
Investigating Users' Preferences in Adaptive Driving Styles for Level 2 Driving Automation, Zahra Sajedinia, Kumar Akash, Zhaobo Zheng, Teruhisa Misu, Miaomiao Dong, Vidya Krishnamoorthy, Kimberly Martinez, Keertana Sureshbabu, and Gaojian Huang
A Systematic Review of Older Adults' Interactions with Smart Home Technology, Minal Shah, Anne Marie Engelsen, and Gaojian Huang
Designing Battery Swapping Stations for Electric Scooters with a Streamlined Supply Chain, M. Shanbog and H. Liu
Battery Management System Design for Industrial Manufacture, Haodong Wang, Songwei Zhang, Tie Qiu, Hongrui Liu, Ling He, and Zimu Wang
Convolutional Long-Short Term Memory Network with Multi-Head Attention Mechanism for Traffic Flow Prediction, Yupeng Wei and Hongrui Liu
Material removal rate prediction in chemical mechanical planarization with conditional probabilistic autoencoder and stacking ensemble learning, Yupeng Wei and Dazhong Wu
Constructing Robust and Reliable Health Indices and Improving the Accuracy of Remaining Useful Life Prediction, Yupeng Wei, Dazhong Wu, and Janis Terpenny
Identification of Adaptive Driving Style Preference through Implicit Inputs in SAE L2 Vehicles, Zhaobo Zheng, Kumar Akash, Teruhisa Misu, Vidya Krishnamoorthy, Miaomiao Dong, Yuni Lee, and Gaojian Huang
Submissions from 2021
The Human-Side of Service Engineering: Advancing Technology’s Impact on Service Innovation, Wojciech Cellary, Louis E. Freund, Stephen K. Kwan, Christine Leitner, and Jim Spohrer
Healthcare handoffs among lay caregivers, Janet Chastain, Anil R. Kumar, and Dan Nathan-Roberts
Driver-Vehicle Interaction: The Effects of Physical Exercise and Takeover Request Modality on Automated Vehicle Takeover Performance between Younger and Older Drivers, Gaojian Huang and Brandon Pitts
Flunking COVID-19 Out of Schools: A Systematic Review of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions to Minimize Novel Coronavirus-2 in Educational Settings, Wakana Ishihara, Kelli Sum, Jenny Lee, and Dan Nathan-Roberts
Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Trust, Abbas Moallem
Smart and Intelligent Systems: The Human Elements in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Cybersecurity, Abbas Moallem
Understanding Cybersecurity Technologies: A Guide to Selecting the Right Cybersecurity Tools, Abbas Moallem
A Proposed Roadmap to Close the Gap Between Undergraduate Education and STEM Employment Across Industry Sectors, Yassi Moghaddam, Stephen Kwan, Louis Freund, and Martha G. Russell
Application of Value Stream Mapping in Supply Chain: A Case Study on an Amazon Retail, Y. Qin and H. Liu
Single-center task analysis and user-centered assessment of physical space impacts on emergency Cesarean delivery, Kenji T. Sotto, Laura C. Hedli, Lillian Sie, Kimber Padua, Nicole Yamada, Henry Lee, Louis Halamek, Kay Daniels, Dan Nathan-Roberts, and Naola S. Austin
Designing a Deceptive Comment Detection Platform with a Rule-based Artificial Intelligent Architecture, A. Toplu and H. Liu
Learning the health index of complex systems using dynamic conditional variational autoencoders, Yupeng Wei, Dazhong Wu, and Janis Terpenny
Submissions from 2020
A Method for Balancing Provider Schedules in Outpatient Specialty Clinics, Bjorn P. Berg, S. Ayca Erdogan, Jennifer Mason Lobo, and Kathryn Pendleton
Allocation optimization for subscription box services, S. A. Erdogan, A. Gundogdu Senturk, and J. Balasingham
Interactive tools for safety 4.0: virtual ergonomics and serious games in real working contexts, Antonio Lanzotti, Amalia Vanacore, Andrea Tarallo, Dan Nathan-Roberts, Domenico Coccorese, Valerio Minopoli, Francesco Carbone, Raffaele d’Angelo, Corrado Grasso, Giuseppe Di Gironimo, and Stefano Papa
“Obsessed with retouching your selfies? Check your mindset!”: Female Instagram users with a fixed mindset are at greater risk of disordered eating, Roselyn J. Lee-Won, Yeon Kyoung Joo, Young Min Baek, Dingyu Hu, and Sung Gwan Park
Mathematical models of political districting for more representative governments, Hongrui Liu, Ayca Erdogan, Royce Lin, and H. S.Jacob Tsao
A Creative Computing Approach to Film-story Creation: A Proposed Theoretical Framework, Hong Wei Liu, Hong Rui Liu, Hong Ji Yang, and En Ze Yu
Evaluating Medical Devices Remotely: Current Methods and Potential Innovations, Anne Collins McLaughlin, Patricia R. DeLucia, Frank A. Drews, Monifa Vaughn-Cooke, Anil Kumar, Robert R. Nesbitt, and Kevin Cluff
Head-up displays vs. head-down displays for vehicle navigation with implemented driving distractions, Jackeline Mendoza and Anil R. Kumar
Forecasting and inventory model for genuine automotive spare parts wholesale distributor, Norachai Sanguansaringkhan and Hongrui Liu
Best Seller Rank (BSR) to Sales: An empirical look at, Amit Sharma, Hongrui Liu, and Hongwei Liu
Pepper-spray as a self-defense mechanism: does design affect user performance, David Strybel and Anil R. Kumar
Civilian pepper spray for self defense: Understanding user perception and impact of design on user performance, David Strybel and Anil R. Kumar
Multi-AGV scheduling for conflict-free path planning in automated container terminals, Meisu Zhong, Yongsheng Yang, Yasser Dessouky, and Octavian Postolache
Submissions from 2019
Cyber Security Awareness Among College Students, Abbas Moallem
Seven HCI Grand Challenges, Constantine Stephanidis, Gavriel Salvendy, Margherita Antona, Jessie Chen, Jianming Dong, Vincent Duffy, Xiaowen Fang, Cali Fidopiastis, Gino Fragomeni, Limin Fu, Yinni Guo, Don Harris, Andri Ioannou, Kyeong-ah (Kate) Jeong, Shin'ichi Konomi, Heidi Kromker, Masaaki Kurosu, James Lewis, Aaron Marcus, Gabriele Meiselwitz, Abbas Moallem, Hirohiko Mori, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, Stavroula Ntoa, Pei-Luen Rau, Dylan Schmorrow, Keng Siau, Norbert Streitz, Wentao Wang, Sakae Yamamoto, Panayiotis Zaphiris, and Jia Zhou
Submissions from 2017
Development and Field Testing of an Interactive Transit Station Information System (ITSIS) Using Connected Vehicle Technologies, Huadong Meng, Jacob Tsao, Kun Zhou, Justin Picar, Bradley Mizuno, and Wei-Bin Zhang
Submissions from 2015
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Toolbox: BRT Person Throughput-Vehicle Congestion Tradeoffs, Li Jingquan, H.-S. Jacob Tsao, Ching-Yao Chan, Kun Zhou, and Wei-Bin Zhang
A Human-centered Credit-banking System for Convenient, Fair and Secure Carpooling among Members of an Association, H.-S. Jacob Tsao and Magdalini Eirinaki
A general intuitive design pattern for optimally sequencing treatment combinations in 2k factorial experiment and a simple estimation algorithm, H.-S. Jacob Tsao and Minnie Patel
Submissions from 2013
An intuitive design pattern for sequentially estimating parameters of a 2k factorial experiment with active confounding avoidance and least treatment combinations, H.-S. Jacob Tsao and Minnie Patel
Efficient Space Dedication to Bus Rapid Transit or Light Rail Systems, Jacob Tsao and A Pratama
Submissions from 2007
Global Technology Initiative Study Tour To Asia At San Jose State University, Belle Wei and Jacob Tsao
Submissions from 2004
Evaluation of Bus and Truck Automation Operations Concepts, H.-S. Jacob Tsao, Lan Zhang, Lin Lin, and Deepa Batni
Submissions from 2002
Definition and Evaluation of Bus and Truck Automation Operations Concepts, H.-S. Jacob Tsao and Jan Botha
Submissions from 2001
Entrance Capacity of an Automated Highway System, Randolph W. Hall, Ali Nowroozi, and Jacob Tsao
Submissions from 2000
The Role Of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) In Intermodal Air Cargo Operations, H.-S. Jacob Tsao and Asim Rizwan
Submissions from 1999
A Decision-Oriented Framework for Evaluating Deployment Strategies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, H.-S. Jacob Tsao
A Five-Year Development Plan for the California Aviation Database, H.-S. Jacob Tsao
Spatial and Temporal Factors in Estimating the Potential of Ride-sharing for Demand Reduction, H.-S. Jacob Tsao and Da-Jie Lin
Submissions from 1998
The Role of Air Cargo in California's Goods Movement, H.-S. Jacob Tsao
Submissions from 1997
Analytical Models for Vehicle/Gap Distribution on Automated Highway Systems, Jacob Tsao, Randolph W. Hall, and Indrajit Chatterjee
Submissions from 1996
A Comparison Of Traffic Models: Part 1, Framework, Hong Lo, Wei-Hua Lin, Lawrence Liao, Elbert Chang, and Jacob Tsao
Constraints on Initial AHS Deployment and the Concept Definition of a Shuttle Service for AHS Debut, H.-S. Jacob Tsao