Master’s Theses and Graduate Research
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Professional Learning Community (PLC): Technology Integration at a Title I Elementary School, Pamela Lan Cheng
Teachers' Perceptions on Preparedness and Supports to Implement the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards, Maria Clara Fernandez
Formative Assessment for Middle School Mathematics Instruction: An Evidence-based Approach to Evaluating Teacher Posing, Pausing, and Probing Moves, Carrie Lee Holmberg
Latino Male College Students' Identities, Psychological Stress, and Coping Mechanisms, Ana E. Ramirez
Eductional Persistence In Latino Male Students Attending University: Their experiences and identity development, Michelle Swartz
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Achieving Higher Academic Performance: Access at the Intersections of Culturally Diverse Populations in Higher Education On-campus Communities, Koryn Calee Dillard
Aligning K-12 and higher education: Using an intersectional approach to identify student preparation factors present upon college entry, Edgar Martinez
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Seeing Success: Biographies of Low-Income Students, Julia M. Morrice
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Internalized oppression: Latino narratives on educational experience, Carolina Avalos
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Low-Tech, Eye-Movement-Accessible AAC and Typical Adults, Sarah Marie Swift
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Praxis : dialogue, reflection, and action toward a more empowering pedagogy, Genvieve Nicole Dorsey
Effects of sensory integration on motor development in K-3 students with autism, Vrinda Murphy
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Guided reading tutorials with English learners, Anna L. Miller
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
How do parents perceive support systems in their early intervention programs?, Kristene Geering
Care ethic and teacher effectiveness, Laura Nguyen
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Perceptions of parents and teachers regarding preschool inclusion, Melissa M. Sandlin
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
A comparison : the effects of discrete trial training on children with autism, Rafaella Tung
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Creating classroom community through autonomy and collaboration, Katharine Michiko Lee
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Model minority deviance : Asian Americans in juvenile hall, Jane Ann Lee
An ethic of care in practice, C. (Colette) Rabin
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Security of attachment in young children with disabilities, Jane Megan Seto
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Sixth-grade students' use of schema knowledge in word problem solving, Mary Howland
The hermeneutic spiral within faith : the passage of language as socialization, Galit Kazovsky
Comparison of test scores of toddlers in inclusive and segregated settings, Julie Chung Riddleberger
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Improvisational theatre enhances one's capability to acquire a second language, Elanya Augustine
Liberating education through the voices of students, Amanda Greenhalgh
Motivational factors among Japanese F-1 deaf and hard-of-hearing students, Hideyuki Monoi
Discovering self-knowledge as a transformative learning process, Stephanie Chiv Quach
An autobiographical study : my personal epistemology of practice, Norma E. Rodriguez
Interenet research strategies used by students during phases of the learning cycle, Stephanie Steinbeck
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Transforming antidialogic actions that silence bilingual parents in schools, Ingrid Andrea Dumas
The effects of phonlogical awareness on second language acquisition, Ruth E. Finsthwait
Receptive and expressive language in children with velocardiofacial syndrome, Jennifer M. Marden
Bridges to college success : Latino's in the MESA program at SJSU, Mark Mayol
Effects of drawing during read aloud on ELD students, Melinda G. Nettles
Culture and communication in the colonization of the classroom, Rebecca Regosin
Critical hermeneutics and teacher discourse, Catherine R. Thornton
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Student questions : foundations for inquiry, Anthony Cody
Fractions in second grade : a study using two types of manipulative materials, Renée Irene Goularte
Academic success rates of 1991 EOP first-time freshmen, Teresa M. Hernández
Parents' perceptions of how their preschool children acquire literacy, Melanie Campbell Johnson
An exploratory study of reading intervention in an inner-city third grade classroom, Lida C. Liu
Teachers as learners: transformimg curriculum through teachers' dialogic interactions, Jacqueline Silva
Using children's writing as a window into their mathematical thinking, Jill DuBreuil Troy
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
A case study on inquiry-based science education and students' feelings of success, Joan Catherine Brady Orcutt
Comparison of a teacher's and her students' judgements of students' writing, Diana Alice Hawley
Ethnographic training assessment : a systemic approach, Karl David Lueck
Speech and language services for speakers of African-American English, Uduak A. Osom
Gender-bias in a fourth grade classroom : a self-study, Robin K. Pang-Maganaris
Using cross-age tutors in a first grade writing program, Mary J. Romagna
Children's performance on computer game audiometry versus manual audiometry, Tammieh Vernon
A study on the Central Valley Satellite School : a partnership between business and public education, Diane E. Zbasnik
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The effects of an Even Start Family Literacy Program on selected parent participants, Nancy E. Becker
Crossing conceptual borders : teacher research as a process for change, Amy M. Huddlestun
A study on an integrated mathematics and art curriculum for fifth grade second language learners, Rocio McCoy
Making sense of experience : an autobiographical study, Jim Rohan
The use of Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) systems with the severely handicapped : a case study, Patricia E. Seyfried
The acculturation process of Malaysian Chinese immigrants to U.S.A, Benghoe Tan
Exploring preschoolers' conceptions of gender, Charlotte Marie Wilson
Quality of work life for adults with mental retardation, Theresa M. Woo
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Development of the Russian Picture-Identification test, Inna Valerie Aleksandrovsky
Effects of the order of instructional activities on the attitudes and achievement of students working in cooperative groups, Christine Mack Campbell
Fundamental vocal frequencies and sexual orientation stereotypes, Saralyn L. Clough
An analysis of critical thinking skills for students with learning disabilities in the fourth through sixth grades, Ann Jackson Felton Griffin
Effects of children's mental imagery on idiom comprehension, Lydia R. Kearney
Client-based field experiences : a summative evaluation of an early stage partnership, Mary Ellen Ludington-Roach
A comparison of work behaviors of adults with mental retardation in three types of work settings, Sharon S. Nelson
Teacher discourse and cultural amplification in technology-saturated schools, Kenneth E. Shears
The collaborative strategic reading model : a focus on high school students with learning disabilities, Ward Shimizu
Critical problem posing with language minority students : an ethnographic study of empowerment pedagogy, Judy L. Sugishita
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
A survey of infant hearing screening programs in Santa Clara County hospitals, Kirstin Elizabeth Beach
Development and evaluation of a self-concept enhancement program for students with learning disabilities, Deloislynn A. Boskie
Pre-school children's performance on a multimedia picture identification task, Julie K. Cutting
Looking at learning : alternative assessment in the kindergarten, Joan A. Damm
The effects of cooperative learning on the self-esteem of students learning English as a non-native language, Michelle M. Dimas
Children's choices : the Caldecott Medals and the California Young Reader Medal 1987-1989, Cora Rachel Flemate
Fourth graders' responses to literature : Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner, Lizbeth Nastari
Differences between teachers who use a mathematics textbook more than fifty percent of the time and teachers who use a mathematics textbook less than fifty percent of the time, Linda Jeanne Earnest Rackley
Augmentative communication methods as a teaching strategy for individuals with autism, Jayashree Ramesh
The Effects of a reading intervention program on comprehension of "at-risk" third graders, Judith Annette Schierling
Five proposed characteristics of academically successful homeschooling, Diane Marcia Stover
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Injured workers in Costa Rica : available vocational rehabilitation services, Maria dos Anjos Barros-Bailey
Children in self care : parents' perceptions and attitudes, Paula Marie Cauthorn-Wade
Comparison of English reading and oral language production scores of students enrolled in two different bilingual education models, Jennifer Louise Hoag Daves
Perceived stress levels : a survey of injured and non-injured workers, Ruth Horvath-Hollander
Middle school study skills : the correlation between binder skills and academic achievement, Elizabeth Ehm Lobay
Historical analysis of the bilingual education program in the Redwood City School District 1969-1979, Jonathan P. Pharazyn
Performance of normal listeners on a digitally time-compressed version of the Northwestern University auditory test no. 6, Debra L. Salamon
Environmental stress factors in special education and regular education : recommendations for recruitment/retention, Carole Marie Styczynski Hersom
Attitudes and perspectives toward the special education collaborative model, Janet Ward
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Children's knowledge of receptive vocabulary : implications for development of a picture-pointing word-identification task, Cynthia M. Bearce
A comparison of two computer-assisted methods for teaching first grade students multidigit addition and subtraction, Diane Dinardi Besterman
A study of student's abilities to detect scientific inaccuracies in selected illustrations, Donald Blagsvedt
Mainstreamed deaf college students' ratings of factors influencing postsecondary education choices, Brenda L. Call