Submissions from 2024
Two Sources of Normativity in Enthusiastic Accounts of Kinds, Riana J. Betzler
Consciousness and Machines: A Commentary Drawing on Japanese, S. D.Noam Cook
Regrounding the Unworldly: Carnap’s Politically Engaged Logical Pluralism, Noah Friedman-Biglin
Logical Pluralism and Paradoxical Assertions in the Philosophy of Religion, Noah Friedman-Biglin and Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Blooming in the ruins: How Mexican philosophy can guide us toward the good life, Carlos Alberto Sánchez
Can machines have emotions?, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
The Conceivability Challenge for Essentialism in the Epistemology of Modality, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Conferralism, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya and Michael Wallner
Submissions from 2023
How the case against empathy overreaches, Riana J. Betzler
Reviving the Modal Account of Essence1, Rebecca Chan
A Holistic Double-Reference Explanatory Basis for a Unifying Pluralist Account of Truth, Bo Mou
An Enhanced Account of Relative Identity: Double-Reference Starting Point and Dual-Track Feature, Bo Mou
“APRETADOS”: Jorge Portilla on Value Fanaticism, Carlos Alberto Sánchez
A Critical Notice on the Moral Grounding Question in David Chalmers’ Reality+, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Considering Certification, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Introduction, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Two conceptions of the relation between the self and God: The debate between Śaṅkara and Rāmānuja, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Epistemology of Modality and Philosophical Methodology, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya and Duško Prelević
Submissions from 2022
Harassment as Scientific Misconduct, Erika Marin-Spiotta, Linda Gundersen, Rebecca Barnes, Meredith Hastings, Blair Schneider, and Janet Stemwedel
Analytic Panpsychism and the Metaphysics of Ramanuja's Viśitadvaita Vedanta, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
On the Possibility оf a Dual-Natured Self, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Submissions from 2021
Regulating the spread of online misinformation, Étienne Brown
A deweyan approach to the dilemma of everyday aesthetics, Thomas Leddy
COVID-19, immunoprivilege and structural inequalities, Jordan Liz
Do not forget the children ripped from their families at the border, Carlos Sanchez, San Jose Mercury News
Wearing a Mask Makes Us Face Our Own Mortality, Carlos Sanchez, Latino Rebels
Philosophy after Narco-Culture: A Brief Synopsis, Carlos Alberto Sánchez
The case of the Finicky reactions: A case study of trust, accountability, and misconduct, Janet D. Stemwedel
Emilio Uranga’s Analysis of Mexican Being: A Translation and Critical Introduction, Emilio Uranga and Carlos Alberto Sánchez
Democracy and polarization comments on aikin and talisse's political argument in a polarized age, Anand VAIDYA
Multi-Factor Causal Disjunctivism: a Nyāya-Informed Account of Perceptual Disjunctivism, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
The epistemology of modality and the problem of modal epistemic friction, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya and Michael Wallner
Submissions from 2020
Kant's Doctrine of the Highest Good: A Theologico-Political Interpretation, Étienne Brown
La experiencia del asombro: una aproximación expansiva a la estética cotidiana, Thomas Leddy and Horacio Pérez-Henao
The categorization of Hispanics in biomedical research: US and Latin American perspectives, Jordan Liz
Cross-Tradition Engagement in Philosophy: A Constructive-Engagement Account, Bo Mou
Facing Challenges and Re-Advancing: Toward Constructive Engagement, Bo Mou
Naming, Reference and Truth, Bo Mou
Don't Call Farmworkers Heroes, Carlos Sanchez, The San Francisco Chronicle
Feeling disoriented by the election, pandemic and everything else? It’s called ‘zozobra,’ and Mexican philosophers have some advice, Carlos Sanchez, The Conversation
A Sense of Brutality: Philosophy after Narco-Culture, Carlos Alberto Sánchez
Otra vez a las tesis sobre Feuerbach: filosofía, circunstancia y práctica revolucionaria, Carlos Alberto Sánchez
Sobre la brutalidad y la narcocultura, Carlos Alberto Sánchez
The Disintegration of Community: On Jorge Portilla’s Social and Political Philosophy, With Translations of Selected Essays, Carlos Alberto Sánchez and Francisco Gallegos
Is it Permissible to Teach Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation in a Critical Thinking Course?, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Essence, Explanation, and Modality, Michael Wallner and Anand Vaidya
Submissions from 2019
Authenticity and the Right to Philosophy: On Latin American Philosophy’s Great Debate, Carlos Alberto Sánchez
Emilio Uranga’s Análisis Del Ser Del Mexicano: De-colonizing Pretensions, Re-colonizing Critiques, Carlos Alberto Sánchez
(M)Existentialism, Carlos Alberto Sánchez
Submissions from 2018
New Frontiers of Chinese Philosophy, Nevad Kahteran and Bo Mou
Chinese Philosophy, Bo Mou
General Introduction: Constructive Engagement Strategy to Explore Chinese Philosophy, Bo Mou
Philosophy of Language, Chinese Language, Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement, Bo Mou
Semantic-Truth Approaches in Chinese Philosophy: A Unifying Pluralist Account, Bo Mou
Narcocultura: Précis for a Philosophy of Brutality, Carlos Alberto Sánchez
To believe in the substantiality of human existence is not just false, it is inhuman, Carlos Alberto Sánchez and Robert Eli Sanchez Jr.
Locke on individuation and kinds, Joseph Stenberg
Submissions from 2017
The Future is Now: Leopoldo Zea’s Hegelianism and the Liberation of the Mexican Past, Carlos Alberto Sánchez
The gift of Mexican historicism, Carlos Alberto Sánchez
Mexican Philosophy in the 20th Century: Essential Readings, Carlos Alberto Sánchez and Robert Eli Sanchez Jr.
Submissions from 2016
How Constructive Engagement in Doing Philosophy Comparatively Is Possible, Bo Mou
Submissions from 2015
Book Review: Guillelmus de Aragonia, De nobilitate animi, ed. and trans. William D. Paden and Mario Trovato, Jason Aleksander
Shusterman’s Thinking Through the Body and Everyday Aesthetics, Tom Leddy
Submissions from 2014
The Problem of Temporality in the Literary Framework of Nicholas of Cusa’s De pace fidei, Jason Aleksander
Time, History, and Providence in the Philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa, Jason Aleksander
Anti-Essentialism, Tom Leddy
Everyday Aesthetics and Photography, Tom Leddy
Marx Wartofsky, Tom Leddy
Pretty, Tom Leddy
Submissions from 2011
Dante’s Understanding of the Two Ends of Human Desire and the Relationship between Philosophy and Theology, Jason Aleksander
The Significance of the Erosion of the Prohibition against Metabasis to the Success and Legacy of the Copernican Revolution, Jason Aleksander
Submissions from 2010
On Constructive-Engagement Strategy of Comparative Philosophy, Bo Mou
Submissions from 2009
Article Review. Everyday Aesthetics by Yuriko Saito, Tom Leddy
Submissions from 2004
A Re-examination of the Structure and Content of Confucius’s Version of the Golden Rule, Bo Mou
Submissions from 2002
Three Orientations and Four ‘Sins’ in Comparative Studies, Bo Mou
Submissions from 1999
Kant on Tattoos, Architecture and Genderbending, Tom Leddy
Naive Realism in Philosophy of Literature, Tom Leddy