Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The Effects of Ethnicity, Compassion, and Culture on the Attribution of Guilt, Arnold E. Sanchez Ordaz
Making the Right Impression: An Exploratory Study of Job Applicants' Social Networking Sites, Ka Weng Sitou
Attention Restoration Theory in Gaming as it Pertains to Subsequent Academic Learning, Joseph Daniel Zoland
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The Relationship Between Servant Leadership and Job Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study, Rupa Amin
Differences and Similarities between Female Managers and Female Entrepreneurs, Maria Cespedes
Immediate Effects of Positive Self-Talk on Stress and Speech Performance, Wei-Ju Chen
The Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Career Opportunities as Moderators of the Relationship between Work Engagement and Job Satisfaction, Farideh Forootan
Effects of Stress and Co-Rumination on Creativity and Performance, Subha Govindarajan
The Examination of the Moderating Variables of Job Exposure and Need for Cognition on the Effects of Type of Job Preview on Pre-Hire Outcomes, Ashley Jo Hacnik
Effects of Acute Psychosocial Stress on Multiple Object Tracking, Atsuko Iwasaki
Consequences in Alcohol Use Portrayals on Emerging Adult Attitudes, Stephanie Jwo
The Effect of Competence, Likeability, and Sex on Performance Evaluations of Managers, Connie Kehn
An Examination of the Theory of Planned Behavior on Faking an Overt Integrity Test, Janie Marie Kuhlman
Eye-Tracking Analysis of Next Generation Air Transportation (NextGen) Taxiing and Departure Concepts, Christina Kunkle
Performance Management and Performance: The Mediating Role of Engagement, Mina Luong
Mental Arithmetic across Three Language Groups, Tianyu Luo
Lovers and Friends: Understanding Friends with Benefits Relationships and those Involved, Lydia Kathleen Merriam-Pigg
Individual Differences and Pet Ownership Status: Distinguishing Among Different Types of Pet Owners and Non-Owners, Shannon Marie Merrill
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Creativity, Religion, and Religiosity, Kim-lien Thi Nguyen
The Effects of Self-Monitoring on the Facebook User Experience, Pamela Eden Ong
Effects of a Virtually Abroad Program on Students' Cross-Cultural Competence, Emalynn Lucie Robinson
Making Hiring Decisions Using Facebook: How Job Applicants are Evaluated, Tatyana Rozenblum
Effects of Middle Management Support for Improvement on Perceived Organizational Performance Capabilities, Stacy Sakellarides
Mood Management and Video-Game Engagement: The Importance of User-Experience and Gender in Assessing the Psychological Effects of Video-Game Play, Crystine Serrone
Generational Differences in Intrinsic and Extrinsic Workplace Motivation, Caitlin Elizabeth Shea
Measuring Employee Perceptions of Organizational Tolerance for Failure, Perla Yael Slutzky
Affectivity and Impulsivity as Predictors of Workplace Deviance, Brittany Trice
Motivating Employees Through Thick and Thin: The Relationship Between Hospital Employee Aspirations and Body Mass Index, Amanda Kay Wentz
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The Influence Of Neuroticism On Stress Perception And Its Resultant Negative Affect, Irum Saeed Abbasi
An Examination of Management Practices as Predictors of Employee Work Engagement, Jennifer Joy Brown
The Relationship Between Diversity and Performance in Major League Baseball Teams: Conflict's Mediating Effect, Michelle Maureen Campion
Exploring the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and organizational climates for creativity, Michael Joseph Cilla
Empathic Embarrassment Responses While Viewing Romantic-Rejection and General Embarrassment Situations, Giuliana Louise Garbini
The Impact of Instructor-Provided Lecture Notes and Learning Interventions on Student Note Taking and Generative Processing, Karen Lynn Gee
Social Support and Gender Effects on Academic Confidence in Foster Youth, Carolyn Suzanne Gillard
The Effects of Mere Exposure on Responses to Foreign-Accented Speech, Lea Grossman
Assessing the Dimensionality of Active Listening in the Workplace, Trevor Wayde Hanna
Examination of the Relationship between User Participation and Technology Acceptance in Post-Implementation, Ekta Menghrajani Makhijani
The Effects of Self-Referencing on Mood and Information Processing, Michael Mehler
Can the Fear of Death Inspire Creativity?, Michelle Murphy
Polytasking and Job Stress across Cultures, Ashwini Palekar
Moderating Role of Justice Perception in the Relationships between Stressors and Strains, Jashaswini Rath
Socio-Cultural Adaptation in Relation to Value Congruence and Acculturation, Meng-Yin Shih
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The Influence of Binaural Beats on Vigilance and Beta Brainwave Magnitudes, Bonny R. Christopher
Learning Statistics using Concept Maps: Effects on Anxiety and Performance, Patrick Francis Cravalho
Bullying in High-Tech Professions, Sonja Ellefson
Discrete Emotion's Effects on Voluntary Work Behaviors, Jose L. Gonzalez
In Search of the Creative Scientific Personality, Maya Grosul
An Investigation Of Co-Rumination On Stress Levels And Mood, Anthony Thomas Holguin
Effects of Telework and Remote Management on Job Performance Outcomes, Gavin Michael Jensen
Deception: Analysis of the Lying Cues Observed by Men, Women, the Self, and Others, Alysha Khavarian Kadva
Predicting Work and Organizational Engagement with Work and Personal Factors, Andrea Kittredge
Social Support as Moderator of Job-Specific or Generic Stressors with Strains, Kaci Deeana Mabe
A Test of the Four-Phase Model of Hostage Negotiation, Demetrius O. Madrigal
Relationships Among Perceived Ethnic Discrimination, Job Attitudes, and Behaviors, Hikaru McGowan
Perceived Organizational Support and Counterproductive Work Behavior: How Personality Moderates the Relationship, Sarah Monnastes
Employment Decisions as a Function of an Applicant's Accent, Lam Thanh Nguyen
Time Allocation: A Measurement Tool of Productivity in the Workplace, Trevor Olsen
Stress and Coping Due to Global Virtual Teamwork, Irina Alexandra Shargo
Ethnic identity as a moderator of ingroup bias, Katherine Stokes-Guinan
Pure Authoritarianism: A New Approach to Authoritarianism, Michael E. Vallerga
Investigation of the Curvilinear Job Performance-Voluntary Turnover Relationship and Various Moderating Effects in the Technology Industry, Tricia Mae Vitocruz
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Implications of social support and culture in the context of work-related stress, Maria Amren
Depression: The role of cultural factors and perception of treatment., Cynthia Chacon
Stigmatization of Iraq veterans with PTSD, depression, or chronic back pain, Melissa Daoud
Comparing Generation X to Generation Y on work-related beliefs., Susana Fernandez
A comparison of overrater, underrater and in agreement on performance, Aleksandra Karolina Gajek
Determinants of job satisfaction and turnover among physicians., Dustin Kaplan
The personality and mental health of physical and social scientists., Chad Richard Kempel
Investigation of the origins of prospective memory under various cognitive loads., Sarah V. Ligda
Host majority group members' acculturation attitudes towards immigrant groups., Kanako Miwa
The effects of psychosocial stress and social support on memory, Dong T. H Nguyen
The role of tenure as a moderator to work engagement and job satisfaction, Julie Katherine Rice
Examination of the factors that predict job satisfaction., Amani Shoman
Testing two models of acculturation and well-being of Asian college students, Teresa Jamie Soriano
Effects of social comparison on stereotyping, Robert G. Taniguchi
Self-esteem in adolescent girls: The interaction of sleep, puberty, and age., Sharon R. Turlington
Job engagement : examining the relationship with situational and personal factors, Smita Vanam
Role stressors, coworker support, and work engagement : a longitudinal study, Jerry Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Perception of sexual orientation as a function of amount and type of stereotype, Cecil F., Jr Abrams
Readiness for change : can readiness be primed?, Lisbeth S. Andersen
Social support and facet satisfaction across cultures, Jeffrey Paul Berlin
Goal orientation-creativity relationship : openness to experience as a moderator, Maria Diana D Borlongan
Examining the relationship between transformational leadership and engagement, Ritu Koppula
Attachment, depression, and perceptions of parenting among adolescent mothers, Megan McConnell
Self-efficacy, identity, career knowledge, and interests in adolescents, Dawn Mikolyski
Evaluation of a career workshop program using multiple levels, Tracy Rosario
Ascending blocks enhance two-digit number recall, Gregory Christopher Savage
Values in relation to acculturation and adjustment, Heather Elizabeth Simonovich
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Transformational leadership, change readiness, and creativity, Stephanie Lutz Allen
Telecommuting and job satisfaction : examining workaholism and work/life balance, Kristi Arrington
Conceptualizations of closeness and satisfaction in romantic relationships, Lynzey Baker
Commuting in relation to work-life and home-life satisfaction, Jennifer L. Campbell
Multivariate analysis of operational errors in air traffic control, Damir Ceric
Knowledge management and employee productivity, Christina Michelle Gomez
Life stress and problem-focused coping as predictors of positive affect, Deborah A. Hennessee
Manipulation of psychological state and trait properties of body image, Aline Marie Kirby
Interest in physical science or social science as a function of intelligence, Adam Larson
Relationship between graduate admission measures and student success, Jui S. Maru
Predictors of job engagement with extraversion as the moderating variable, Thanh-Thao Phan