Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Cultural diversity in the workplace, Nigel Tak Tai Lor
Do people experience physical pain in dreams?, Mary Ellen McCammon
Evaluating coaching skills training through subordinate's view of organizational climate and managerial skills, Laura Whitney McGibben
Effect of parental divorce on constructive thinking and world assumptions, Marilyn Brownton Miles
Self-concept and parental values : influences on the ethnic identity development of biracial children, Julie Mari Oka
The effects of sex education instruction on sexual knowledge in college students, Denise E. Pinto
Evaluation of second language acquisition in a German-American kindergarten, Michaela Schuster
Constructive thinking, life events, daily hassles and nightmares among university women, Vickie L. Tan
Analyzing customer service in publishing advertising, Jeffrey Jay Walikonis
Factors related to relapse in the dedicated twelve-step population, Kristin Mary Wieduwilt
An evaluation of two master level psychology programs at San Jose State University, Hilary Wogan
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
The effect of level autonomy and group size on group performance and satisfaction, Simi Ambardar
Relationship between aerobic exercise and sleep quality in elderly individuals, Glenn S. Brassington
The empty chair doctrine revisited : an examination of the relative influences of attorneys and judges, Rob Johnstone
Priming and incubation effects on anagram solving, Katharine K. Lee
Effects of response set differences upon beck depression inventory scores of undergraduate students, Nancy Lehmicke
Head-up displays : the effects of color and motion cues on attentional switching time, J. M. (Jean M.) Lynch
Lexical access and recognition processes in compound bilinguals, John A. Maloney
The effects of rapid-eye-movement sleep deprivation on synaptic plasticity in the rat hippocampus, Roger N. Morrissette
Stress, coping, and injuries in male and female high school basketball players, Steven Page Rider
The Neutral response on attitudinal measures : an attribute of the item, Pauline Velez
Applying the story model to juror decision-making: a response to juror bias, Darrah Westrup
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Effects of turbulence and activation method on touchscreen performance in aviation environments, Kristin G. Bauersfeld
The Transfer of multimodal vs. unimodal prototypes, Donna M. Davilla
The effects of context on reading misoriented words, Susanne Delzell
Discriminate validity of the DAS, Patricia G. Dvorquez
Work-group cohesion in stable and closing manufacturing plants, Jane E. Gehring
Does the glass ceiling exist? : an empirical test of a large organization, Tracy Ann Graham
The effects of training strategy on stroop color-word interference, Susan T. Heers
The Effects of exposure to bright light on cognitive performance, Elizabeth E. Keller
Occupational differences in job satisfaction, Tracy LeBlanc
Satisfaction of women in high-commitment organizations, Tanny Marie Ledford
Relationship between sleep and exercise as demonstrated by powerlifters, Rashmita S. Mistry
Head-up displays : effect of information location on the processing of superimposed symbology, Beverly D. Sanford
Resilence of prototypes to ambiguous feedback, Scott Sarnikowski
Black hole landings : the effects of form ratio and runway marking cues on glide slope control, Martin F. J Schwirzke
The identification of key business processes, Lianne R. Updike
Developmental delays and adoption : a longitudinal study, Wendy J. Wedl
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
The effect of background color and instructions on voting behavior, Jane Christine Beatty
Self-image and Type A behavior pattern, Kavous G. Behzadi
Quantitative and qualitative comparison between acceleration control and pulse control in spacecraft docking, Adam Randall Brody
Short sleep and exercise effects on the multidimensional activation model, Larry L. Crane
The effects of hypermedia structure and its visibility on the effectiveness of computer assisted instruction, Katherine J. Fugitt
The effects of unique encoding on the recall of numeric information, Elizabeth Parker-Haney
The relationship between the first-born child's gender and parents' selection of infant room contents, Diane Rose Vincent
Simulation of human memory processes using a system of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Wayne C. Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Masculinity and femininity in female managers, Vonda Kay Fritch
Locus of control and emotionally disturbed children, Michael C. Harper
Exercise and childhood acting out behaviors, Lucie Thole Hemmen
Effects of twenty-first century work force demographics on attitudes towards management approaches, Sharon R. Hertle
A comparison of brainstorming and the critical evaluation method of problem-solving, Stephanie Hoffman
Dimensions of locus of control in the health perceptions questionnaire : a validity study, Donna A. Hughs
Student characteristics associated with interest in studying undergraduate psychology, Jerry T. Lawler
Organizational and job characteristics related to self-managing work teams, Rebecca Near
The role of supervisory support in the transfer of management skills, Philip M. Orr
The effect of vocalized, mouthed, auditory, and silent rehearsal on elders' name-face recall, Grace Pariante
Pre-operative patient attitudes and surgical outcome : a pilot study of elective nasal surgery patients, Ellen H. Ribner
Personality and work style characteristics of the telecommuter, Kathy Ross
Keane's MMPI subscale for assessment of combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder : a comparison with non-combat related PTSD patients, Barbara A. Schmidt
L-Tryptophan, REM sleep, and the behavioral changes occurring from REM sleep deprivation, Paul Shaw
Turnover analysis of pharmacy ancillary personnel, Hariclia Constantina Steiber
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Relationship patterns in families of adolescent suicide attempters, Peter M. Antons
Effects of shift rotation on mood in those defined as morning or evening types, Margaret Hughes Carney
The relationship between masculinity, femininity, self-esteem, and real estate sales performance, John, 1949- Christensen
Differences between front-line foremen and their managers in perceptions regarding foreman training needs, Ronnie L. De La Cruz
Aggression as influenced by the expected effects of alcohol, Geoffrey Erickson
Sleep duration in college women with anorexic or bulimic eating behavior, Tonja Swanson Green
Comparing direct vs. indirect response-reinforcer relationships in teaching autistic children, William James Henkel
The Effects of display type and direction of movement in the visual control of heading, Stephanie Joy Hinz
The Effects of types of resource demands on performance of a three-axis tracking task in a dual task paradigm, Teresa A. King
Personal characteristics of executives in different management levels, Virginia L. Kinon
REM sleep deprivation alters the cyclic occurrence of food consumption in laboratory rats, Randall K. Martinez
A mental health resource guide for parents of children with special needs, Christine Moreland
Type A-B behavior pattern and binge eating, M. Christine Olsen
The effects of REM sleep deprivation on the metabolic rate of the rat, Jacqueline Puentes
The Effects of preconditioning exposure to rotation on conditioned taste aversion when rotation is used as the unconditioned stimulus, Clifford Reis
Precedence ambiguity in logical processing : human concept formation vs computer information processing, Sophie Schonka
A comparison of attitudes toward women among Asian university students at San Jose State University, Shirley Stanger
The Relationship of eating attitudes to depression, self-esteem and obsessional traits, Deborah A. Vitullo
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
Some MMPI and biographical questionnaire correlates of non-institutionalized male homosexuals, Robert Bruce Dean