Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Impulsivity : the relationship between discipline referrals and sexual harassment, Janet Pittman
Perceptions of women of different ethnicities transitioning from welfare to work, Harmony Ann Reppond
Organizational empowerment and hardiness as predictors of innovativeness, Leif Christian Roberg
The relationship between readiness for change and job-related attitudes, Christine Marie Squillaci
Concurrent use of caffeine and cigarettes in a population of college students, Stephen William Tracy
A study of the effect of dress on performance among tellers, Stephanie Marie Wright
Gender and ethnic stereotypes, Candice Joy Yee
The impact of culture and personal value on distributive behavior, Crystal Ho-Fung Yu
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Impact of parent education on parental expectations of children with autism, Chelsea Morgan Contreras
The impact of ethnicity and acculturation on identity formation, Christina K. Edmondson
Role stressors and job engagement : towards understanding positive psychology, Gisela Garcia
Antecedents and mediating factors of organizational alignment, Cynthia Schoolcraft Hannah
The moderating role of optimism as related to work resources and work engagement, Matthew M. Jezzi
Sources of stress among faculty of higher education, Rinko Kawakami
Predicting psychological safety and its outcome in the workplace, Diana Mi Sook Kim
Gender and leadership in corporate and non-profit positions, Adriana Manago
Predictors and outcomes of perceived race and accent discrimination, Guhapriya N. Margam
Exam stress, depression, social support, and sleep disturbance, Leticia Mayoral
The relationships between leadership styles and employee engagement, Joshua M. Metzler
Age, tenure, and attribution : key concepts of the psychological contract, Alicia Motta
Well-being as a function of deployment, terrorism, commitment, and patriotism, Elisa Aguayo Rolle
Predictors of associate degree nursing program completion, Rajinder S. Samra
Response set modulates stroop interference, Daozhong Wang
Comparing 4-D clearance formats during taxi operations, Jennifer Lynn Williams
Work centrality, work hours, and cultural values among European nations, Charlotte Wittenkamp
A study of four ethnic groups in drug treatment, Wynnie Wong
Correlates of re-enlistment intentions among Army National Guardmembers, Christiana Woodward
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Housing stress and sex : effects on corticosterone and interleukin-6, Diane Carney
The effects of rhyming stories on a picture pointing task, Sara E. Carriere
The effect of applying persuasive communication to realistic job previews, Chun-Ling Chen
A cross cultural study of employees' time perceptions, Nirit Hazan
Optimism, adversity, and performance : comparing explanatory style and AQ, Monica Brannon Johnson
Work values comparison : Caucasian Americans and Asian Indians in Silicon Valley, Kamini Kumar
Nurturing intrapreneurship : a cross-cultural analysis of organizational climates, Rangapriya Narasimhan
Employee value congruence with supervisors and coworkers : a cross-cultural study, Rachel Pickworth
Remembering the concentration game : chance or memory?, Anne Schmidt
Predicting individual creative performance from contextual factors, Kyla Ann Vandree
Volunteer motivation, satisfaction, and continuance : the role of training, Pamela M. Wells
The negative work-related outcomes of perceived ethnic and sex discrimination, Corbin C. Wong
Value congruence and occupational stress during major organizational change, Mark D. Zajack
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Do salient cues and self-relevant task aid prospective memory performance?, La Quisha D Beckum
Values as moderators of stressor-strain relationships among urban school teachers, Troy Grant Buchanan
The role of gender, ethnicity and personality on conflict resolution style, Hazel Madariaga Cadelina
Work overload in relation to civilian life among deactivated reservists, Julie R. Fernandez
Sources of occupational stress among nurses in five countries, Anett Gyurak
Predicting group membership in a youth organization, Stacey Humphress
Goal orientation and its relationship to organizational commitment, Amy Elizabeth Klein
The effects of readback on a spatial navigation task, Amy Louise Lynn
Communication patterns in hostage negotiations, Bryan Ulrich McClain
Client satisfaction, employment status, and treatment outcome among drug abusers, Rula Nasser-Mazzawi
Interpersonal activities and interests as predictors of Girl Scout involvement, Sandra S. Williams
Occupational stereotypes of Asian Americans, Angie Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Effects of pictorial depth cues on size perception in a target acquisition task, Lucia Arsintescu
Predicting occupational injuries among California hired farmworkers, Monique E. Brammeier
Understanding sexual prejudice : heterosexual attitudes toward lesbians and gay men, Summer Lyn Brandt
Multi-level evaluation of a career development training program, Laura K. T Cox
Effect of changes in line length and spacing on speed of reading from the Tablet PC, Victoria Lee Dulchinos
The effects of ethnicity, status stability, and ethnic identity on social competition, Stacie Granada
Cost cutting and employee attitudes, Susan Marie Jensen
Predictors of networking behavior, Campbell Jung
Technology as a moderator of the role stressor-burnout relationship, Tu P. Lam
An interactional approach to investigating individual creative performance, Norman R. Lopez
Organizational support, motivation, and goal achievement : a cross-cultural study, Sara Morris
Reporting discrepancies : information needs of airline mechanics and pilots, Pamela A. Munro
An examination of the psychology major and affective outcomes among students, Georjanna J. Parkinson
Effects of perceptual depth cues on movement time in a target acquisition task, Audra J. Ruthruff
Moderating effects of work values on stressor-strain relationships, Peter Senatore
The effects of attractiveness, ethnicity, and gender on causal attributions of promotion, Masashi Toyoda
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Evaluation of an educational mentoring program for children in foster care, Melanie Ines Bauer
Measurement design : developing reliable alternate forms of cognitive tests, Jolene M. Bischoff
Workplace diversity : gender and ethnic differences in organizational experiences, Diane Y. Chen
Differences in risk perception between pilots and air traffic controllers, Jeannie Davison
Cognitive tunneling: mitigating effects of HUD symbology locaton, Susan R. Dowell
Using an electronic bulletin board for communication in a dispersed workgroup, Lori L. Pulliam
Unraveling the framing effect, Laura L. Tran
The impact of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction with the sales interaction, Kristina J. Treytl
The Development and validaton of an inventory for screening call center representatives, Ekta Vyas
Facet importance and job satisfaction : another look at Locke's value theory, Johanna Inga Magdalena Wallin
Eyewitness memory: effects of sadness and anger on recall, Jennifer N. Walter
Will inverting orthographic neighbors enhance neighborhood frequency effects?, Michelle L. Yamamoto
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Time perspective, academic motivation, and procrastination, Graciela Nora Bosato
Graduate-level expectations, satisfaction, and outcomes, Jon Burton
Effects of applicant race and job type on selection decisions, Jocelyn P. DeGance
The impact of being moral : an ontological explanation of care ethics, Sandra Garrison
A review of sales leadership, Leslie C. Gray
Employee preferences for coaching behaviors, Brian T. Hall
Hardiness level and the ability to cope with stressful situations, Jeffrey B. Hauger
Evaluating a new manager management training program, Dena Athanasiou House
Factors relating to performance appraisal satisfaction and acceptance of lower-level employees, Katerina Igoumenopoulos
A comparison of mothers' and fathers' verbal discipline styles, Hazel B. Marquez
I-E locus of control and aspects of dreaming, Tammy Thientam Nguyen
Nightmares as a coping mechanism for stress, Dante Picchioni
Are formal operations necessary for moral reasoning or ego identity achievement?, Kyle R. Wanshaffe
Young children's implicit and explicit memory for fantasy and reality scenarios, Michele M. Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Stress-related growth : can field independence be a mediator?, Marianna I. Baykina
The pay to performance relationship : is CEO compensation linked to performance?, Craig Michael Coleman
Reducing the inappropriate behavior of a child with autistic disorder, Elizabeth R. Cutforth
Differences in dreams in a bilingual college population, César García
Gender communication via email discussion list in an organizational setting, Kimberly Harbert
The relationship between consistency of hand use, stamina, energy and fatigue, Genevieve M. Inman