Faculty Publications
Submissions from 2017
Varied Sensibilities in Software Preservation: Demonstrating a Comparative Approach, James A. Hodges
Developing Online Communities for Librarian Researchers: A Case Study, Lili Luo, Marie Kennedy, Kristine Brancolini, and Michael Stephens
TV White Spaces in Public Libraries: A Primer, Kristen Rebmann, Emmanuel Te, and Donald Means
Threshold concepts and core competences in the library and information science (LIS) domain: Methodologies for discovery, Virginia Tucker
Changing Roles of Legal Information Professionals: Adapting Your Skills to New Challenges, Michele Villagran
Engage with your Cultural side: Cultural Intelligence, Michele Villagran
How Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Makes a Difference in Your Professional Environment, Michele Villagran
Submissions from 2016
Leadership Where You Might Overlook: Opportunity Calls at a Community College, Jose A. Aguiñaga
[Review of] Not Free, Not for All: Public Libraries in the Age of Jim Crow , Anthony Bernier
Theology, Race and Libraries, Anita Coleman
Trans-Pacific doctoral success – A collaborative cohort model, Helen Partridge, Christine Bruce, Sandra Hirsh, Ken Haycock, Sylvia Edwards, Cheryl Stenstrom, and Susan Gasson
Library 2.015 Conference: An Open Dialog About the Future of Libraries, Laurie L. Putnam
Annual California Library Association Conference: Swing into Action, Michele Villagran
Tackling Culturally Diverse Situations with Ease, Michele Villagran
Webinar 1: Marketing and Branding: Asserting Your Value, Michele Villagran
Submissions from 2015
Library 2.015: An international conference for an interconnected profession, Sandra Hirsh
MOOCS 101, Sandra Hirsh
International Perspectives in LIS Education: Global Education, Research, and Collaboration at the SJSU School of Information, Sandra Hirsh, Michelle Simmons, Paul Christensen, Melanie Sellar, Cheryl Stenstrom, Christine Hagar, Anthony Bernier, Debbie Faires, Jane Fisher, and Susan Alman
Consumer Health Reference Interview: Ideas for Public Librarians, Lili Luo
Reference service evaluation at an African academic library: the user perspective, Lili Luo and Viscount Buer
JAL in the Past Decade: A Comprehensive Analysis of Academic Library Research, Lili Luo and Margaret McKinney
Mobile health-care information for all: a global challenge, Geoff Royston, Christine Hagar, Lesley-Anne Long, Dennis McMahon, Neil Pakenham-Walsh, and Nand Wadhwani
Submissions from 2014
Informing the “Naive Triangle": Evidence-Based Transformations in New Young Adult Library Spaces, Anthony Bernier
“It Is Silly to Hide Your Most Active Patrons”: Exploring User Participation of Library Space Designs for Young Adults in the United States, Anthony Bernier, Mike Males, and Collin Rickman
Michele Lucero: Impact, Engagement, and Amazing Adaptability, Pt.2, Kim Dority and Michele Lucero
MLIS Impact, Engagement, and Amazing Adaptability: Interview with MicheleI Lucero, Pt. 1, Kim Dority and Michele Lucero
Oral History Project Handbook, Evergreen Education Foundation, Faith Chao, Lauren Kata, Nancy MacKay, Jo Whitlatch, and Zhang Yu
Crisis Informatics, Christine Hagar
Managing Major Library Issues: Practical Tips from the Pros - "Conflict Management in Libraries", Michele Lucero, Pamela Cash, Tracie Hall, and Rhea Lawson
How to Build the Career You Want: Connect to The Right Job, Michele Lucero, Mary Harrington, Julius Jefferson, and Maureen Sullivan
A Qualitative Examination about Providers’ Perceptions and Recommendations Regarding the Role of Public Librarians in Addressing Communities’ Health Literacy., Van Ta Park, Lili Luo, and Denise Rosidi
Submissions from 2013
Spontaneous Group Decision Making in Distributed Collaborative Learning: A Quantitative Exploratory Study., Geoffrey Liu
Into the breach with AALL's Diversity Committee: Law libraries' struggle to achieve diversity goals, Michele Lucero and Beau Steenken
Preparing public librarians for consumer health information service: A nation-wide study, L. Luo and Van M. Ta Park
Submissions from 2012
An Agenda of Praxis for Young Adult Librarianship, Anthony Bernier
Direct Manipulation Tablet Apps for Education: How Should We Understand Them?, Rich Burkhard, Timothy Hill, Shailaja Venkatsubramanyan, and Chang Kim
Leading change, Ken Haycock
Still a Librarian, Ken Haycock
Developing a Technology Integration Residency Model: The Catalyst Project Report, Sandra Hirsh, Ruth Metz, Scott Brown, Laura Serrano, Sheila Gurtu, Lisa Valdez, and Jane Fisher
Digital reading, Ziming Liu
Is it time for wider acceptance of e-textbooks? An examination of student reactions to e-textbooks, Ziming Liu
Diversity Symposium on Cultural Intelligence: Are you Culturally Competent?, Michele Lucero
"Oral History Core": An Idea for a Metadata Scheme, Nancy MacKay
Submissions from 2011
A spatial revolution continues in Oakland, Anthony Bernier and B. Elwood
Stepping into the future: Perspectives on a changing profession (Bay Area Independent School Librarians Spring Meeting), Sandra Hirsh
Stepping into the future: Perspectives on a changing profession (SLA–San Francisco/BayNet Meeting), Sandra Hirsh
Submissions from 2010
Ten years of “YA Spaces of Your Dreams:” What have we learned?, Anthony Bernier
Crisis informatics: Introduction, Christine Hagar
Farmers' search for information during the UK foot-and-mouth disease crisis- what can we learn?, Christine Hagar
Leadership is about you, Ken Haycock
Spontaneous Group Decision Making in Distributed Collaborative Learning: Toward a New Research Direction., Geoffrey Liu
Situated practices of information use and representation: an ethnographic study of a web design project for boys, Kristen Rebmann
Submissions from 2009
“A space for myself to go:” Early patterns in Small YA spaces, Anthony Bernier
Young adult volunteering in public libraries: Managerial implications, Anthony Bernier
OaklandTeenZone: Humming its own new tune, Anthony Bernier and N. Branch
AMCIS 2008 Panel Report: Aging Content on the Web: Issues, Implications, and Potential Research Opportunities, Brent Furneaux, Timothy R. Hill, Wayne Smith, Shailaja Venkatsubramanyan, and Jingguo Wang
Information in isolation: Gossip and rumor during the UK 2001 foot and mouth crisis – lessons learned, Christine Hagar
AALL Review: Find 50-State Law Surveys Fast!, Michele Lucero
AALL Review: Working Smart: Innovative Ways To Do More With Your Day, Michele Lucero
Supporting youth boundary crossing: Intertextuality as a component of design for information and visual literacy, Kristen Rebmann (Clark)
Submissions from 2008
Wheels around the world: windows live mobile interface design, Christine Anderson, Sandra Hirsh, and Andre Mohr
The bunheads are dead: Discovering high tech, high touch opportunities in Library and Information Science, Ken Haycock and C. Garner
Immersive Learning Environments in Parallel Universes: Learning through Second Life, Ken Haycock and Jeremy Kemp
Evaluation of the New Jersey Digital Highway, Judy Jeng
School Libraries Serving Rural Communities in China: The Evergreen Model, Geoffrey Liu
Educating the C-People: Engage Your Decision Makers and Help Them Evolve, Michele Lucero
Submissions from 2007
Self-archiving and the Copyright Transfer Agreements of ISI-ranked library and information science journals, Anita Coleman
2007 AALL Management and Leadership Institute: A Review, Andrea Hamilton and Michele Lucero
Collaboration: Critical success factors for student learning, Ken Haycock
Submissions from 2006
AMCIS 2006 Panel Report: The Web as a Digital Reflection of Reality, David Bray, Laku Chidambaram, Michael Epstein, Timothy R. Hill, Dominic M. Thomas, Shailaja Venkatsubramanyan, and Richard T. Watson
Commons-based digital libraries, Anita Coleman
Findings from a study of JELIS, Anita Coleman
Metadata Education and Research Information Clearinghouse (MERIC): Web Prototype, Anita Coleman
William Stetson Merrill and bricolage for information studies, Anita Coleman
Usability of the digital library: An evaluation model, Judy Jeng
Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw, Michele Villagran
Submissions from 2005
Two hundred years of young adult library services: A chronology, Anthony Bernier, M. K. Chelton, C. A. Jenkins, and J. B. Pierce
Beyond Interdisciplinarity, Interactivity, and Interoperability: Some Options for Digital Libraries Education, Anita Coleman
Building [Virtual] Communities, Anita Coleman
Collaboration, Anita Coleman
dLIST, Anita Coleman
DLIST and DL-Harvest: Open Access for LIS, Anita Coleman
Information Technology, Cognition, and Communication, Anita Coleman
Open Access in Library and Information Science: dLIST 2005 Survey, a Scholarly Communication Study, Anita Coleman
Synergies Sparked: A Research Agenda for Practicing Professionals, Anita Coleman
Copyright Transfer Agreements in an Interdisciplinary Repository, Anita Coleman, Cheryl Malone, Jingfeng Xia, and Shawn Nelson
Open Access Federation for Library and Information Science, Anita Coleman and Joseph Roback
The A B C’s of Graphic Novels, Gail de Vos
Crisis, farming and community, Christine Hagar and C Haythornthwaite
What is usability in the context of the digital library and how can it be measured?, Judy Jeng
Book Review: The Lawyer’s Guide to Fact Finding on the Internet, Michele Lucero
Librarians as Disciplinary Discourse Mediators: Using Genre Theory to Move Toward Critical Information Literacy, Michelle H. Simmons
Submissions from 2004
A 21st century look at an ancient concept: Understanding FRBR, Anita Coleman
Citation Indexes for Online Interdisciplinary Learning, Anita Coleman
Information Technology and Society Research Lab, Anita Coleman
Knowledge Structures and the Vocabulary of Engineering Novices, Anita Coleman
KO, KR, KM: Integrating the Organization of Information, Resources and Knowledge, Anita Coleman