Faculty Publications
Submissions from 2005
Open Access Federation for Library and Information Science, Anita Coleman and Joseph Roback
The A B C’s of Graphic Novels, Gail de Vos
Crisis, farming and community, Christine Hagar and C Haythornthwaite
What is usability in the context of the digital library and how can it be measured?, Judy Jeng
Book Review: The Lawyer’s Guide to Fact Finding on the Internet, Michele Lucero
Librarians as Disciplinary Discourse Mediators: Using Genre Theory to Move Toward Critical Information Literacy, Michelle H. Simmons
Submissions from 2004
A 21st century look at an ancient concept: Understanding FRBR, Anita Coleman
Citation Indexes for Online Interdisciplinary Learning, Anita Coleman
Information Technology and Society Research Lab, Anita Coleman
Knowledge Structures and the Vocabulary of Engineering Novices, Anita Coleman
KO, KR, KM: Integrating the Organization of Information, Resources and Knowledge, Anita Coleman
Merrill's Code for Classifiers, Anita Coleman
Virtual Laboratories in Digital Libraries, Anita Coleman
Integration of Non-OAI Resources for Federated Searching in DLIST, Anita Coleman, Paul Bracke, and S. Karthik
Developing a Web Analytics Strategy for the National Science Digital Library, Casey Jones, Sarah Giersch, Tamara Sumner, Michael Wright, Anita Coleman, and Laura Bartolo
Submissions from 2003
The case against libraries as ‘safe places’, Anthony Bernier
Mapping the Intellectual Structure of Information Science and Information Technology: A Study of Geographic Information Science, Anita Coleman
DLIST: Building an International Scholarly Communication Consortium for Library and Information Science, Anita Coleman and Paul Bracke
Understanding Information Behaviors Embedded in Learning Objects: A Case Study of DLIST, Anita Coleman and Subramaniam Karthik
Planning your way to a more usable web site, Pamela Gore and Sandra Hirsh
Sharing indigenous knowledge: To share or not to share? That is the question, Christine Hagar
Literacy, learning and libraries: Common issues and common concerns, Ken Haycock
Professional competencies for reference and user services librarians, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Submissions from 2002
The Design and Evaluation of Interactivities in a Digital Library, Muniram Budhu and Anita Coleman
Experiments with GROW, Anita Coleman
Facilitating and Assessing Asynchronous Learning: Concept Mapping, Digital Libraries, and the LIS Learning Showcase, Anita Coleman
How Do Disciplines Grow?, Anita Coleman
Intellectual Access: Introduction to The Organization of Information, Anita Coleman
Interactional Digital Libraries: Uses and Users, Anita Coleman
Interdisciplinarity: The Road Ahead for Education in Digital Libraries, Anita Coleman
Submissions from 2001
Storytelling, Folktales and the Comic Book Format, Gail de Vos
Role clarification and role dilemmas: New challenges for teacher-librarians?, Ken Haycock
Submissions from 2000
A library ‘TeenS’cape’ against the new callousness, Anthony Bernier
Young adults, rituals, and library space, Anthony Bernier
Submissions from 1999
International Perspective-View of the Concept of Diversity in Other Countries, Jose A. Aguiñaga
Graphic Novels and the Reluctant Reader, Gail de Vos
The impact of scheduling on cooperative program planning and teaching (CPPT) and information skills instruction, Ken Haycock
Propositions for information technology: Planning for success, Ken Haycock and G. Jopson
Submissions from 1998
On my mind: Youth adult spaces, Anthony Bernier
Implementing national guidelines and standards: A model for action, Ken Haycock
Reinventing school libraries: Alternatives, models and options for the future, Ken Haycock
Submissions from 1997
Rude and crude?: When teens in your library respond negatively to you, think back to how you approached them, Anthony Bernier and D. T. Herald
Urban public library directors: Who are they? Where did they come from?, Ken Haycock and L. McCallum
Submissions from 1995
Submissions from 1994
Program advocacy: Developing support at the school, district, and provincial levels, Ken Haycock
Patron online catalog success, Jo Bell Whitlatch and Rosemary Thorne
Submissions from 1993
Difficulties and characteristics of students from developing countries in using American libraries, Ziming Liu
Submissions from 1992
The teacher-librarian as school principal: A natural progression, Ken Haycock
Research topics from the program - Unanswered questions: Gaps in research on reference effectiveness, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Submissions from 1991
Evaluation of the teacher-librarian: A discussion guide, Ken Haycock
Automation and job satisfaction among reference librarians, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Submissions from 1990
Selecting the teacher-librarian: A compendium of interview questions, Ken Haycock
The school-housed public library, Ken Haycock
Reference service effectiveness, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Submissions from 1989
A view from the front line: Literacy outreach of Los Angeles Public Library, Anthony Bernier
Beyond courtesy: School and public library relationships, Ken Haycock
Research in teacher-librarianship: The implications for professional practice, Ken Haycock
Clip art: Suggestions for use and a guide to sources, Ken Haycock and L. Austrom
Unobtrusive studies and the quality of academic library reference services, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Submissions from 1988
Book Review. Encyclopedia of Asian History, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Book Review. United States Japan Foreign Trade, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Submissions from 1987
The trustee as school library advocate, Ken Haycock
Book Review. Companion to Chinese History, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Submissions from 1985
Academic library services: The literature of innovation, Jo Bell Whitlatch and Judy Reynolds
Submissions from 1983
Resource sharing: Vancouver’s developmental approach, Ken Haycock
Library use patterns among full- and part-time faculty and students, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Submissions from 1982
Library services for French language programs, Ken Haycock
School librarianship in Canada: An introduction, Ken Haycock
Submissions from 1981
Getting to first base: Developing support from school principals, Ken Haycock
Salary Equity, Jo Bell Whitlatch and Judy Reynolds
Submissions from 1980
Program advocacy: The missing element, Ken Haycock
Submissions from 1979
What is a school librarian? Towards defining professionalism, Ken Haycock
Government publications: Government information, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Government publications: Human rights, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Submissions from 1978
Government publications: Extraterrestrial intelligence, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Submissions from 1977
School librarian as a professional teacher, Ken Haycock
Government publications: Asian Americans in federal and state government publications, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Government publications – resources on drug information, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Submissions from 1976
Government publications: Women and work, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Experiences with faculty status in academic libraries, Jo Bell Whitlatch and Judy Reynolds
Submissions from 1973
Community involvement in school libraries: A public relations approach, Ken Haycock
Submissions from 1972
What’s the real story? Is the Coquitlam library experience working?, Ken Haycock