Doctor of Nursing Practice Projects
The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program at San Jose State University is a practice-focused doctoral degree, such as the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD), Doctor of Medicine (MD), or Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), in contrast to the research-focused Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The purpose of the DNP is to develop advanced competencies for increasingly complex practice, teaching, and leadership roles in nursing, and provide an advanced educational credential for those in practice. The changing demands of this nation's complex health care environment require the highest level of scientific knowledge and practice expertise to assure quality patient outcomes.
Contact the DNP program at doctorofnursingpractice@sjsu.
To learn about the impact and outcomes of the first DNP class, please see Professor Lori Rodriguez' report, "A Mixed Method Study of the Impact and Outcomes of Graduates of the CSU Northern California Consortium Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Class of 2014."
Doctoral Projects - DNP Class of 2023
Implementation of a Peer Support Program to Increase Resilience in Nurse Managers in Acute Care Hospitals: A Pilot Study, Juana Castillo, Doctoral Project
Utilization Review and Utilization of Evidence-Based Guidelines, Rosetta E. Hairston, Doctoral Project
Evaluation of a Care Management Program on Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia, Victoria L. Jackson, Doctoral Project
Implementation of Web-Based Patient Education in Newly Transplanted Kidney Recipients, Tabo Mwikisa-Kelly, Doctoral Project
Does the Enhanced Recovery Pathway Decrease Length of Stay and Readmission Rates in Patients Undergoing Gynecologic Surgery?, Trinh T. Nguyen, Doctoral Project
Speak Up for Hand Hygiene and Decrease Healthcare Associated Infections, Bernadette Priya Pandya-Orozco, Doctoral Project
Nurse Practitioner-Led Hepatitis C Virus Education in a Central Valley Opioid Treatment Program, Nikiesha Thomas Redus, Doctoral Project
Experiences of Transitioning Medics and Hospital Corpsman, David Renfro, Doctoral Project
Nursing Professional Development Practitioner’s Experience of Use of Instructional Design Industry Standards, Denise Renfro, Doctoral Project
Examining the Effectiveness of Physical Activity Patient Education in Improving HbA1c, Nadieh Samiaei, Doctoral Project
Standardizing Initial Inpatient Palliative Care Consultations for Patients Receiving Left Ventricular Assist Devices at a Large Urban Hospital, Deborah A. Szeto, Doctoral Project
An Evaluation of a Structural Competency Training for School Nurses, Rachel J. Torres, Doctoral Project
Expanding Labor Support Education to Nurses Caring for Women in Labor, Ana L. Viera-Martinez, Doctoral Project
Implementation of an Online Suicide Prevention Training Program with Undergraduate and Graduate Students at a California State University, Cheryll May P. Villamor, Doctoral Project
Health Promotion Module for Migrant Youth Adults in Obesity Prevention: A Pilot Project, James Chongsu Wong, Doctoral Project
Improving Breastfeeding Rates Through Education, Julianna Youssef, Doctoral Project
Doctoral Projects - DNP Class of 2022
Tiered Centralized Education in the Transition-to-Practice Program to Improve Nurses' Level of Confidence on Nursing Sensitive Indicators Outcomes, Froiland Agana Ascaño, Doctoral Project
Game-Based Refresher Training for Registered Nurse Providers of Neonatal Resuscitation, Renee Billner-Garcia, Doctoral Project
Improving the Process of Pain Management by Implementing Best Practices in a Nursing Home, Sukhjit Dhillon, Doctoral Project
Implications of Educational Counseling on PrEP Uptake in MSM at a Community Health Clinic, Thanh T. Dinh, Doctoral Project
Educational Intervention with Visual Cues to Increase Compliance with Postoperative Warming, Michael J. Domingo, Doctoral Project
Asthma Care by Unlicensed Personnel in The Elementary School Setting: A Training Program, Teresa Eligio, Doctoral Project
A Retrospective Evaluation of Pain Management of the Postpartum Inpatient after Birth, Ronda Harden, Doctoral Project
Preparing Nurses for the Transition to Practice with Virtual Simulation, Jennifer Holm, Doctoral Project
Implementing High-Intensity Trauma-Informed Sexual Behavior Risk Reduction in Justice-Involved Women, Lakisha M. Holton, Doctoral Project
Evaluating the Impact of an Evidence Based Practice Education Program in a Nurse Residency Program on Evidence Based Practice Beliefs, Implementation and Competency, Amy Hu, Doctoral Project
Understanding the Effectiveness of Diabetes Self-Management Education on Psychological Distress and Self-care Activity Measures: A Focus on Latinx Community, Anita Khadka, Doctoral Project
Impact of Mindfulness Practice on Compassion Fatigue in Pediatric Cardiovascular Critical Care Nurses: A Quality Improvement Project, Kendy Luu, Doctoral Project
How Implementing a Digital Competency Management System Reduced Nurse Training Cost and Improved NPD Practitioner Satisfaction in a Pediatric Hospital, Dionne Margallo, Doctoral Project
Evaluating Pre-Anesthesia Telehealth Visit Outcomes in Cardiac Surgery Patients at a Tertiary-level, Private, Academic Hospital, Ann Pan, Doctoral Project
Culturally Tailored Diabetes Self-Management Educational (DSME) Program and Its Impact on Motivation and Self-efficacy Among Hispanic Adults with T2DM: A Pilot Study, Andrellie P. van Wageningen, Doctoral Project
Integrating the Telequit Smoking Cessation Program in the Admission Process and Analyzing Its Effect on the Rate of Utilization by Homeless Veterans Within a Federal Healthcare Facility, Fred Villarosa, Doctoral Project
Improving Readiness for Nursing Practice via Simulation in Workplace Violence Mitigation, Paul J. Weingartner, Doctoral Project
Doctoral Projects - DNP Class of 2021
Promoting Civility in the Workplace: Addressing Bullying in New Graduate Nurses Using Simulation and Cognitive Rehearsal, Sandy Phan, Doctoral Project
Improving Nurses’ Provision of Neuroprotective Care in the NICU: A Quality Improvement Project, Tammi Reeves-Messner, Doctoral Project
The effects of telehealth on patient satisfaction and information recall for breast cancer survivors during COVID-19, Stacey Teicher, Doctoral Project
The Effects of Virtual Reality on Symptom Distress in Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant, Colleen Vega, Robin Whitney, Josef Hannah, and Grant Smith, Doctoral Project
Doctoral Projects - DNP Class of 2020
Evaluating the Clinical Impact of Providing Home Blood Pressure Monitors to Patients with Elevated or High Blood Pressure, Theresa La Guardia Asmus, Doctoral Project
Nurse Practitioners’ Perceptions of Telehealth Behaviors, Michelle Austin, Doctoral Project
Patient-Centered EMR Communication, Christi Lynn Camarena, Doctoral Project
The Collaborative Health Objectives in Combatting the Effects of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (Choice): a Second Chance to Change Diabetic Destiny, Alishia A. Claibourn, Doctoral Project
NTCHS© Health Literacy Intervention Pilot Study, Genevieve Evenhouse, Doctoral Project
Learning Lean To Lead, Krystle Irene Guenther, Doctoral Project
Willingess To Use Telehealth For Diabetes Management In The Rural Healthcare Setting, Andrew Kim, Doctoral Project
Mindful Matters: Addressing Barriers To Classroom-Based Mindfulness, Kirsten Munk, Doctoral Project
Evaluating the Experience of Patient and Provider Satisfaction in Participation in a Hybrid Virtual Perinatal Care Model in a Private Practice Setting, Gretchen Ann DeLong Nelson, Doctoral Project
The Mental Health Experience among Parents of Children with Autism, Thao Tran, Doctoral Project
Respiratory Distress Observation Scale Implementation for Comfort Care Patients in the Acute Care Setting, Marianne Wachalovsky, Doctoral Project
Doctoral Projects - DNP Class of 2019
Exploring ways to improve healthcare access for the homeless population in Merced County, Stella Nwasoka Adesokan, Doctoral Project
Nurse Managers: An Association between Empowerment and Burnout, Sonja Lynn Avery, Doctoral Project
Comparing Two Surgical Outcomes: Minithoracotomy or Full Sternotomy in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery, Shirin Badrkhani, Doctoral Project
Identifying Predictors of Airway Complications in Conscious Sedation Procedures, Rosemary Bray, Doctoral Project
Understanding the Skills Necessary for Advanced Practice Nurses in Oncology to Deliver Bad News to Patients with Cancer: The Results of a Delphi Analysis, Matthew Michael Burke, Doctoral Project
Outcomes of Communication, Workflow Efficiency, & Patient Care Quality Resulting from a Hands-free, Wireless Communication Device, Hyacinth Flores Carreon, Doctoral Project
Is There a Relationship Between Limited English Proficiency (LEP), Medication Adherence Behaviors, and Adverse Asthma Outcomes in Hispanic Adults with Moderate to Severe Persistent Asthma?, Archana Kartik Chandra, Doctoral Project
Losing Weight and Improving A1c Level by Adding a 30-Minute Walk to Individuals' Daily Activities, Lobat Danehvar-Jahromi, Doctoral Project
Caregiver Outcomes of a Dementia Care Program, Leslie Chang Evertson, Doctoral Project
Pilot Study of a Breastfeeding Support Training Program Designed Particularly for Infants with Common Congenital Anomalies and Defects, Gretchen Nelson Ezaki, Doctoral Project
Follow-Up among Homeless Patients at San Francisco General Hospital: Examining the Social Determinants of Health, Robert Gnat, Doctoral Project
Does Preoperative Ostomy Education Decrease Anxiety in the New Ostomy Patient?, Michelle Suzann Harris, Doctoral Project
Identifying Perceived Barriers to Primary Health Care Access in Rural, Medically Underserved Areas, Suzanne Hewitt, Doctoral Project
Caring for the Pediatric Neurofibromatosis Type-1 Patient: Improving Nursing Knowledge through an Innovative Educational Tool, Samantha Ingerick, Doctoral Project
Pediatric Patients with Diabetes Transition to Adult Care, Sara Jennings, Doctoral Project
Barriers in Hypertension Management among Culturally Diverse Patients in an Urban Urgent Care Setting, Navpreet Kaur, Doctoral Project
Promoting Self-Efficacy among Head and Neck Cancer Patients, Lily Lam, Doctoral Project
Nurses’ Perception of Discharging the Medically Complex Pediatric Patient, Stacie Camille Licon, Doctoral Project
Advanced Informatics Competencies of Nurses at Sutter Maternity and Surgery, Jessica Liston, Doctoral Project
Comparison of a Numeric and a Descriptive Pain Scale in the Occupational Medicine Setting, George Francis McMahon III, Doctoral Project
Surgical First Assist: An Educational Program for Advanced Practice Providers, Sandra Walton Mobley, Doctoral Project
Complete Care Model Impact on Glycemic Control in California State Prisons, Diane M. O’Laughlin, Doctoral Project
Pilot Study: Program Evaluation of Peanut Oral Immunotherapy in a Private Clinic, Kinga Olson, Doctoral Project
Addressing Disparities in Nurses’ Understanding of Congestive Heart Failure, David Tomas Palecek, Doctoral Project
In Situ Pediatric Mock Codes: The First Five Minutes, Josephine N. Ruiz, Doctoral Project
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Program, Magdalena Ruiz, Doctoral Project
The Effect of Basal Bolus Insulin Administration vs. Sliding Scale Insulin on Glycemic Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at a Community Hospital, Meriam Signo, Doctoral Project
A Retrospective Chart Review Pilot Study of Fall Prevention through a New and Innovative Care Model, Lydia Smith, Doctoral Project
Barriers in Health Care in Hmong Men and Women with Cardiac Diseases, Ying Thao, Doctoral Project
Perceptions of Adult Patients Accessing Telehealth in an Urban Medical Group, Katharine Shepherd West, Doctoral Project
Doctoral Projects - DNP Class of 2018
A Pediatric Respiratory Care Curriculum for Emergency Department Nurses, Luzmaria Alcala-Van Houten, Doctoral Project
Obstetric Nurses’ Perceived Barriers to Immediate Skin to Skin Contact after Cesarean Birth, Joelene Sarmiento Balatero, Doctoral Project
Perceptions of Caring in the Pediatric Medically Complex Population, Ivette Becerra-Ortiz, Doctoral Project
Retrospective Analysis of Obstetric Sepsis Screening, Holly A. Champagne, Doctoral Project
Understanding Occupational Injuries, Hanbit (Joyce) Choi, Doctoral Project
Improving Teen and Pediatric Provider Communication through Education and Technology, Kathy A. Connor-Prows, Doctoral Project
School Nurses’ Experience of Barriers to Care in Children with Type 1 Diabetes, Eden Joseph Donahue, Doctoral Project
Sexually Transmitted Infection Risk Reduction for College Students, Mary Kathryn Dowling, Doctoral Project
Culturally Sensitive Diabetic Group Education, Kelly Marie Flores, Doctoral Project
Can Using a Smartphone Application Improve the Ability of Law Enforcement Officers to Recognize Commercially Sexually Exploited Children and Report Them to Child Welfare Authorities?, Sheree Goldman, Doctoral Project
Evidence-Based Study of Medication Compliance Project in Hiv Prevention Using Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (Prep) Antivirals for HIV-Negative Males, Ming-Chun Ho, Doctoral Project
Nurse Practitioner Clinical Education: Evaluation of a Clinical Residency Model, Lisa Wilson Hood, Doctoral Project
Perceptions of Chinese Women Coming to the United States to Give Birth: Birth Tourism, Juanita Childs Jaramillo, Doctoral Project
Assessment of Nurse Behaviors that Influence Care and Maintenance of Pediatric Oncology Central Venous Catheters, Susan Elizabeth McKenna, Doctoral Project
Barriers to Providing Quality Care for Pediatric Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder as Identified by Baccalaureate Prepared Registered Nurses: A Basis to Enhance Professional Practice, Ugo Ndubaku, Doctoral Project
Patient Perceptions of Google Glass in the Outpatient Dermatology Setting, Sandra Odenheimer, Doctoral Project
The Effectiveness of Insulin Pump Therapy after Transition from Multiple Daily Insulin Injections In Type 1 Diabetes, Sima Sapkota, Doctoral Project
Prevalence and Prevention of Diabetes in School Age Children: A Parent Education Module, Christine Mary Whitmyer, Doctoral Project
Adolescent Sexual Health: Provider Evaluation of a Sexual History Tool at a School-Based Health Clinic, Gillian Marie Williams, Doctoral Project
Enhancing Elderly Advance Care Planning Experience at a Primary Care Clinic, Oi Shan Wong, Doctoral Project
Doctoral Projects - DNP Class of 2017
Impact of Behavioral Genetic Traits on Weight Maintenance Success Following Medically Supervised Very Low Calorie Diet, Lori Elizabeth Arguello, Doctoral Project
Antimicrobial Stewardship: Incentives and Barriers to Implementation in Skilled Nursing Facilities, Gloria M. Escalona, Doctoral Project