Submissions from 2023
Eicosapentaenoic acid enhances PIEZO2 inactivation and counteracts PIEZO2 gain of function mutations, Luis O. Romero, Shang Ma, Adrienne E. Dubin, Meaghan Loud, Alexandra Salazar, Yu Wang, Alexander T. Chesler, Katherine Wilkinson, Kara L. Marshall, Ardem Patapoutian, and Valeria Vasquez
WATER SHARING AS DISASTER RESPONSE: COPING WITH WATER INSECURITY AFTER HURRICANE MARÍA, Anaís Roque, Amber Wutich, Alexandra Brewis, Melissa Beresford, Hilda Lloréns, Carlos García-Quijano, and Wendy Jepson
Modifications of Tanabe-Sugano d6 Diagram Induced by Radical Ligand Field: Ab Initio Inspection of a Fe(II)-Verdazyl Molecular Complex, Pablo Roseiro, Saad Yalouz, David J.R. Brook, Nadia Ben Amor, and Vincent Robert
Effectiveness variation of different census outreach activities: An empirical analysis from the state of Illinois using machine learning and user interface technologies for participatory data collection, Anton Rozhkov, Ahoura Zandiatashbar, Dean Massey, Jaeyong Shin, Janet Smith, and Moira Zellner
Effect of Flow Disruptors on the Performances of a Cantilever Piezoelectric Energy Harvester, Edoardo Rubino and Jordan Meciej
Operations of data centers with onsite renewables considering greenhouse gas emissions, José Luis Ruiz Duarte and Neng Fan
"it Becomes a Family I'm a Part of..We Get to Carry Each Other": Themes from Qualitative Interview of Patients Enrolled in an Inpatient Palliative Care Support Program for Adolescents and Young Adults, James Rujimora, Anna Swygert, Andrew Walker, Zachary McNiece, Eunhui Yoon, Mercedes Machado, Kenneth Myers, Eric Richardson, Emilie Lenes, Lindsay Hebert, Emily Marchi, Zoe Arthurson-Mccoll, Joanne Lagmay, and Ana Puig
Darknet traffic classification and adversarial attacks using machine learning, Nhien Rust-Nguyen, Shruti Sharma, and Mark Stamp
Research supervisors and undergraduate students’ perceived gains from undergraduate research experiences in the social sciences, Alissa Ruth, Alexandra Brewis, Melissa Beresford, and Christopher M. Stojanowski
BEKI’s Halycon Days: The Imperious Rattle of the Bodacious Queen Fisher, Jennifer Rycenga
Review of The Creation of Modern Quaker Diversity, Jennifer Rycenga
The Performance of Machine and Deep Learning Algorithms in Detecting Fake Reviews, Bharkavi Sachithanandam, Akbar Siami Namin, and Faranak Abri
Restorative practices and exclusionary school discipline: an integrative review, Ceema Samimi, Tyler M. Han, Amy Navvab, Jennifer A. Sedivy, and Yolanda Anyon
Intersections of Disproportion: A Critical Quantitative Examination of Dis/ability and Gender in Black Students’ School Discipline Outcomes, Ceema Samimi, Noah Jefferson, Shelby Flanagan, and Yolanda Anyon
“APRETADOS”: Jorge Portilla on Value Fanaticism, Carlos Alberto Sánchez
Biological research and self-driving labs in deep space supported by artificial intelligence, Lauren M. Sanders; Ryan T. Scott; Jason H. Yang; Amina Ann Qutub; Hector Garcia Martin; Daniel C. Berrios; Jaden J.A. Hastings; Jon Rask; Graham Mackintosh; Adrienne L. Hoarfrost; Stuart Chalk; John Kalantari; Kia Khezeli; Erik L. Antonsen; Joel Babdor; Richard Barker; Sergio E. Baranzini; Philip Heller; and For full author list, see comments below
Quantum Diamonds at the Beach: Chemical Insights into Silica Growth on Nanoscale Diamond using Multimodal Characterization and Simulation, Perla J. Sandoval, Karen Lopez, Andres Arreola, Anida Len, Nedah Basravi, Pomaikaimaikalani Yamaguchi, Rina Kawamura, Camron X. Stokes, Cynthia Melendrez, Davida Simpson, Sang Jun Lee, Charles James Titus, Virginia Altoe, Sami Sainio, Dennis Nordlund, Kent Irwin, and Abraham Wolcott
2D-3D Facial Image Analysis for Identification of Facial Features Using Machine Learning Algorithms With Hyper-Parameter Optimization for Forensics Applications, Gangothri Sanil, Krishna Prakash, Srikanth Prabhu, Vinod C. Nayak, and Saptarshi Sengupta
Distinguishing glacial diamictons and landforms using till macrofabric and grain size analysis: Serra da Cabreira Mountains, NW Portugal, João Bessa Santos and Madison DeJarlais
Distinguishing glacial diamictons and landforms using till macrofabric and grain size analysis: Serra da Cabreira Mountains, NW Portugal, João Santos and Madison DeJarlais
Exploring Social Credit for Fairness in Cloud Computing Networks, Navrati Saxena, Kaiyi Huang, and Abhishek Roy
Portable Diabetic Ketoacidosis Detector via the Human Exhaled Breath Analysis, Kevin Sayo and Winncy Y. Du
Controlling neocortical epileptic seizures using forced temporal spike-time stimulation: an in silico computational study, Joseph Schmalz, Rachel V. Quinarez, Mayuresh V. Kothare, and Gautam Kumar
Helping students become powerful mathematics thinkers: Case studies of teaching for robust understanding, Alan Schoenfeld, Heather Fink, Sandra Zuñiga-Ruiz, Siqi Huang, Xinyu Wei, and Brantina Chirinda
Biomonitoring and precision health in deep space supported by artificial intelligence, Ryan T. Scott; Lauren M. Sanders; Erik L. Antonsen; Jaden J.A. Hastings; Seung min Park; Graham Mackintosh; Robert J. Reynolds; Adrienne L. Hoarfrost; Aenor Sawyer; Casey S. Greene; Benjamin S. Glicksberg; Corey A. Theriot; Daniel C. Berrios; Jack Miller; Joel Babdor; Richard Barker; Sergio E. Baranzini; Philip Heller; and For full author list, see comments below
Intelligent Computing and Communication | Proceedings of 6th ICICC 2022, M. Seetha, Sateesh K. Peddoju, Vishnu Pendyala, and Vedula V. S. S. S. Chakravarthy
Establishing a Benchmark for Opioid Consumption after Cesarean Birth, Laura Senn
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Detection and Mitigation of Human Factor Errors in Nuclear Power Plants: A Review, Meenu Sethu, Bhavya Kotla, Darrell Russell, Mahboubeh Madadi, Nesar Ahmed Titu, Jamie Baalis Coble, Ronald L. Boring, Klaus Blache, Vivek Agarwal, Vaibhav Yadav, and Anahita Khojandi
Using Machine Learning to Model Potential Users with Health Risk Concerns Regarding Microchip Implants, Shekufeh Shafeie, Mona Mohamed, Tahir Bachar Issa, and Beenish Moalla Chaudhry
The Application of Long Short-Term Memory and Transformers for Music Generation, B. Shanmukh Krishna, Satya Sai Roopa Sree Chiluvuri, Sai Sri Harshini Kosuri, and Sai Sree Harsha Chimbili
On the sprint length estimation technique in agile software development using planning poker, Sarika Sharma, Deepak Kumar, and Mohamed Fayad
Wearable Activity Monitors to Support Physical Activity Interventions in Neurodegenerative Disease: A Feasibility Study, Hai-Jung Steffi Shih, Lori Quinn, Philippa Morgan-Jones, Katrina Long, Abigail R. Schreier, and Ciaran P. Friel
Predictive Auto-scaler for Kubernetes Cloud, Simon Shim, Ankit Dhokariya, Devangi Doshi, Sarvesh Upadhye, Varun Patwari, and Ji Yong Park
Expanded US mentorship requires accountability, Xoco Shinbrot, Julia Gerson, Brianne Gutmann, Kiki Ikossi, and Lisa Ulmer
De-SaTE: Denoising Self-attention Transformer Encoders for Li-ion Battery Health Prognostics, Gaurav Shinde, Rohan Mohapatra, Pooja Krishan, and Saptarshi Sengupta
Machine learning-based predictive model for prevention of metabolic syndrome, Hyunseok Shin, Simon Shim, and Sejong Oh
Careers and skills in the enterprise blockchain industry for information systems graduates, Ashraf Shirani
Smart supply chain management in business education: Reflection on the pandemics, Tianqin Shi, Seung Jun Lee, and Qingying Li
Empirical measurements of ammonium excretion in kelp forest fishes: Effects of body size, taxonomy and trophic guild, June Shrestha, Kenneth H. Coale, and Scott L. Hamilton
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Structure from Motion Technique for Precise Snow Depth Retrieval—Implication for Optimal Ground Control Point Deployment Strategy, Song Shu, Ok Youn Yu, Chris Schoonover, Hongxing Liu, and Bo Yang
Rabbit Meat—Production, Consumption and Consumers’ Attitudes and Behavior, Shahida Anusha Siddiqui, Francesca Gerini, Ali Ikram, Farhan Saeed, Xi Feng, and Yanping Chen
Financial market shocks and portfolio rebalancing, Steven D. Silver and Marko Raseta
Stochastic resonance in the recovery of signal from agent price expectations, Steven D. Silver, Marko Raseta, and Alina Bazarova
A dynamic multistate and control model of the COVID-19 pandemic, Steven D. Silver, Pauline van den Driessche, and Subhas Khajanchi
Cross-sections to flows and intrinsically harmonic forms, Slobodan N. Simić
Exploiting Large Language Models (LLMs) through Deception Techniques and Persuasion Principles, Sonali Singh, Faranak Abri, and Akbar Siami Namin
The Relationship Between Cochlear Implant Speech Perception Outcomes and Electrophysiological Measures of the Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potential, Jeffrey Skidmore, Jacob J. Oleson, Yi Yuan, and Shuman He
Pedagogy: Teaching literature as equipment for living democratically, Ryan Skinnell
Why Are There So Many English PhDs, Anyway?, Ryan Skinnell
A marine protected area network does not confer community structure resilience to a marine heatwave across coastal ecosystems, Joshua G. Smith, Christopher M. Free, Cori Lopazanski, Julien Brun, Clarissa R. Anderson, Mark H. Carr, Joachim Claudet, Jenifer E. Dugan, Jacob G. Eurich, Tessa B. Francis, Scott L. Hamilton, David Mouillot, Peter T. Raimondi, Richard M. Starr, Shelby L. Ziegler, Kerry J. Nickols, and Jennifer E. Caselle
Behavioural responses of fin whales to military mid-frequency active sonar, Brandon L. Southall, Ann N. Allen, John Calambokidis, Caroline Casey, Stacy L. Deruiter, Selene Fregosi, Ari S. Friedlaender, Jeremy A. Goldbogen, Catriona M. Harris, Elliott L. Hazen, Valentin Popov, and Alison K. Stimpert
Sleep and sleep knowledge among social work students: Implications for mental health and self-care education, Christine E. Spadola, Danielle B. Groton, Luciana Giorgio Cosenzo, Sophia Fantus, Cassie J. Hilditch, Shanna L. Burke, Kerry Littlewood, Suzanne M. Bertisch, and Eric S. Zhou
Sleep Health Education to Promote Public Health: Attitudes and Desired Learning Goals among Social Work Students, Christine Spadola, Danielle B. Groton, Kerry Littlewood, Cassie Hilditch, Shanna Burke, and Suzanne M. Bertisch
Staggered scheme for the compressible fluctuating hydrodynamics of multispecies fluid mixtures, Ishan Srivastava, Daniel R. Ladiges, Andy J. Nonaka, Alejandro L. Garcia, and John B. Bell
Dynamic density functional theory of multicomponent cellular membranes, L. G. Stanton, T. Oppelstrup, T. S. Carpenter, H. I. Ingólfsson, M. P. Surh, F. C. Lightstone, and J. N. Glosli
Introduction to Decolonizing and Indigenizing the “Religion and Science” Discourse, Lisa L. Stenmark
PLANNING A GRACEFUL EXIT TO RETIREMENT AND BEYOND: The San José State University Way, Amy Strage and Joan Merdinger
Accident Prediction on E-Bikes Using Computer Vision, Rohith Puvvala Subramanyam, Abhay Naik, and Mahima Agumbe Suresh
In-group favoritism or black sheep effect? The moderating role of norm strength on destination residents’ responses towards deviant behaviors, Lujun Su, Huixuan Chen, Yinghua Huang, and Xiuqiong Chen
How do Tourism Souvenir Purchasing Channels Impact Tourists’ Intention to Purchase? The Moderating Role of Souvenir Authenticity, Lujun Su, Zeyue Lai, and Yinghua Huang
How does destination crisis event type impact tourist emotion and forgiveness? The moderating role of destination crisis history, Lujun Su, Lin Pan, and Yinghua Huang
Gender Classification Accuracy via Two-Dimensional Body Joints using Convolutional Neural Networks, Cheng En Sung and Nada Attar
First application of Markov chain Monte Carlo-based Bayesian data analysis to the Doppler-shift attenuation method, L. J. Sun; C. Fry; B. Davids; Nicholas Esker; C. Wrede; and For full author list, see comments below
Challenges and Experiences in Implementing a Specifications Grading System in an Upper-Division Undergraduate Computer Networks Course, Mahima Agumbe Suresh
Multiscale relationships between humpback whales and forage species hotspots within a large marine ecosystem, Angela R. Szesciorka, David A. Demer, Jarrod A. Santora, Karin A. Forney, and Jeff E. Moore
Using Graph Neural Networks for Social Recommendations, Dharahas Tallapally, John Wang, Katerina Potika, and Magdalini Eirinaki
Post-pandemic travel patterns of remote tech workers, Simon Tan, Kevin Fang, and T. William Lester
Intelligent Emergency Notification Mobile Service via Multi-Task BERT Models, Wenhao Tan, Yanzhou Zhang, and Kaikai Liu
Waterfowl recently infected with low pathogenic avian influenza exhibit reduced local movement and delayed migration, Claire S. Teitelbaum, Michael L. Casazza, Fiona McDuie, Susan E.W. De La Cruz, Cory T. Overton, Laurie A. Hall, Elliott L. Matchett, Joshua T. Ackerman, Jeffery D. Sullivan, Andrew M. Ramey, and Diann J. Prosser
Longitudinal Electrocochleography as an Objective Measure of Serial Behavioral Audiometry in Electro-Acoustic Stimulation Patients, Virial D. Tejani, Jeong-Seo Kim, Christine P. Etler, Jeffrey Skidmore, Yi Yuan, Shuman He, Marlan R. Hansen, Bruce J. Gantz, Paul J. Abbas, and Carolyn J. Brown
Bacterial Contamination Levels and Brand Perception of Sachet Water: A Case Study in Some Nigerian Urban Neighborhoods, Imokhai T. Tenebe, Eunice O. Babatunde, Chinonso C. Eddy-Ugorji, Egbe Etu E. Etu, Nkpa M. Ogarekpe, Chikodinaka V. Ekeanyanwu, Oladapo A. Diekola, Oluwarotimi S. Oladele, and Obiora B. Ezeudu
Reliability of stored river water as an alternative for consumption in Ekpoma, Nigeria: a human health risk assessment, Imokhai T. Tenebe, Eunice O. Babatunde, Jordan B. Neris, Cephas Mikano, Obiora B. Ezeudu, Onome C. Edo, Omowunmi H. Fred-Ahmadu, Chibuike D. Chukwuka, and Nsikak U. Benson
Multi-Dimensional Surface Water Quality Analyses in the Manawatu River Catchment, New Zealand, Imokhai T. Tenebe, Jason P. Julian, Praise God C. Emenike, Nathaniel Dede-Bamfo, Omeje Maxwell, Samuel E. Sanni, Eunice O. Babatunde, and Darlan D. Alves
UVM Verification of Multicarrier Modulation System (FDM), Laksh Lavish Thakkar, Zenithbhai Chokshi, and Lili He
An Analysis of Turn Transitions and Conversational Motifs in Parent-Adolescent Emotion-Focused Interactions, Jennifer A. Theiss, Marie C. Haverfield, Hannah E. Jones, and Jorlanditha T. Austin
An Optimum Probabilistic Shaping Based Uplink SCMA Codebook Design using Hybrid Firefly-Bat Algorithm, Ramya Thirunavukkarasu, Ramachandran Balasubramanian, and Vidhyacharan Bhaskar
Leveraging Math Cognition to Combat Health Innumeracy, Clarissa A. Thompson, Marta K. Mielicki, Ferdinand Rivera, Charles J. Fitzsimmons, Daniel A. Scheibe, Pooja G. Sidney, Lauren K. Schiller, Jennifer M. Taber, and Erika A. Waters
Towards Detecting and Quantifying Identity-Based Polarization in Online Content: A Deep-Learning Approach, Hima Thota, Melody Moh, and Teng Sheng Moh
Is my work racist? Critical thinking and critical discourse in social work research, Holly Thurston, Reiko Boyd, Jennifer Price Wolf, and Bridget Freisthler
COMMUNICATING COMMUNITY: Engaging Silicon Valley Through Student Activism, Anne Marie Todd and Deanna L. Fassett
THE TROUBLE WITH ELITISM: William Deresiewicz’s Critique of Neoliberal Higher Education in the United States, J. Todd Ormsbee
Missing Values and Directional Outlier Detection in Model-Based Clustering, Hung Tong and Cristina Tortora
Testosterone use and sexual function among transgender men and gender diverse people assigned female at birth, Diana M. Tordoff, Mitchell R. Lunn, Bertha Chen, Annesa Flentje, Zubin Dastur, Micah E. Lubensky, Matthew Capriotti, and Juno Obedin-Maliver
Algorithmic futures: the intersection of algorithms and evidentiary work, Ciaran B. Trace and James A. Hodges
Design and Analysis of an FPGA-based CNN for Exercise Recognition, Derrick Trinh, Jonathan Ouyang, and Chang Charles Choo
Parent-adolescent conflict, Kim M. Tsai, Norma J. Perez-Brena, Vanesa Perez, and Daisy E. Camacho-Thompson
Effect of Scapular Retraction on Lower Trapezius, Infraspinatus, and Deltoid Muscle Electromyographic Activity During the Side-Lying Abduction Exercise, Masaaki Tsuruike and Todd S. Ellenbecker
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS AND TRANSFORMATIONAL EDUCATION, Andrea Tully, Pilar Pacheco, Andrea Tafolla, Bryant Fairley, and Daniel Fidalgo Tomé
Exploring Sources of Information and Religious Beliefs in Regard to HPV and Vaccination Among Hispanic/Latino College Students in the USA, Wei Chen Tung, Itzel Corral Gonzalez, Ho Jui Tung, Wing Lam Tock, and Tricia L. Harrison
Composing Crip Corporealities, or Decomposing Comics, in Dumb and Dancing After TEN, Maite Urcaregui
Community-building in a virtual third space: Creative approaches for educators, Aubrey Uresti and Suzy R. Thomas
Real-Time Attention-Based Conversational Agent, Abhishek Vaid and William B. Andreopoulos
A Critical Notice on the Moral Grounding Question in David Chalmers’ Reality+, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Considering Certification, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Introduction, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Two conceptions of the relation between the self and God: The debate between Śaṅkara and Rāmānuja, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Epistemology of Modality and Philosophical Methodology, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya and Duško Prelević