Submissions from 2024
Potential use of poultry farms by wild waterfowl in California's Central Valley varies across space, times of day, and species: implications for influenza transmission risk, Claire S. Teitelbaum, Michael L. Casazza, Cory T. Overton, Jeffery D. Sullivan, Elliott L. Matchett, Fiona McDuie, Austen A. Lorenz, Joshua T. Ackerman, Susan E.W. De La Cruz, and Diann J. Prosser
Detection and Measurement of Bacterial Contaminants in Stored River Water Consumed in Ekpoma, Imokhai T. Tenebe, Eunice O. Babatunde, Nkpa M. Ogarekpe, Joshua Emakhu, Egbe Etu Etu, Onome C. Edo, Maxwell Omeje, and Nsikak U. Benson
We are just 10 feet away! How does location-based advertising affect consumer-brand engagement?, Sajani Thapa, Francisco Guzmán, and Audhesh Paswan
Initial Integration of a Conflict Probabilities Service for Upper Class E Traffic Management, Abhinay Indrabahadur Tiwari, Jeffrey Homola, Faisal Omar, and Min Xue
Impact of AI in Product Lifecycle, Atmesh Tiwari and Minnie H. Patel
Chronic pelvic pain among transgender men and gender diverse adults assigned female at birth, Diana M. Tordoff, Mitchell R. Lunn, Annesa Flentje, Diana Atashroo, Bertha Chen, Zubin Dastur, Micah E. Lubensky, Matthew Capriotti, and Juno Obedin-Maliver
Family building and pregnancy experiences of cisgender sexual minority women, Diana M. Tordoff, Heidi Moseson, Sachiko Ragosta, Jen Hastings, Annesa Flentje, Matthew R. Capriotti, Micah E. Lubensky, Mitchell R. Lunn, and Juno Obedin-Maliver
A Laplace-based model with flexible tail behavior, Cristina Tortora, Brian C. Franczak, Luca Bagnato, and Antonio Punzo
FPDclustering: a comprehensive R package for probabilistic distance clustering based methods, Cristina Tortora and Francesco Palumbo
The Role of Paradata in Algorithmic Accountability, Ciaran B. Trace and James A. Hodges
Creating an Inclusive Library: Approaches for Increasing Engagement and Use with Students of Color, Ngoc-Yen Tran, Michael Aguilar, and Adriana Poo
Precision motion control of rotary flexible link manipulators using polynomial input trajectories and feedback control, Phuc Tran and Saeid Bashash
An Advanced Malware Detection System Based on NLP to Generate Genetic Markers, Quang Duy Tran, Jaehyun Lim, and Fabio Di Troia
The College-Going Experiences of Mexican American Participants Who Graduated from a College Preparatory Program, Miguel A. Trujillo and Yolanda Anyon
Combining genomic and field analyses to reveal migratory status in a burrowing owl population, Lynne A. Trulio, Debra A. Chromczak, Philip G. Higgins, Sandra Menzel, Christen M. Bossu, and Kristen Ruegg
Changes in Family Dynamics and Adolescent Adjustment During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kim M. Tsai and Dahyeon Jung
Novel Audio Mosaic Using LPC-Coefficient and Excitation-Codeword Permutations, Morris C.H. Tsai, Hsiao Chun Wu, Scott C.H. Huang, and Shih Yu Chang
Breast Cancer Knowledge and Mammography Use Among Asian American Women Aged 40 and Older: Using the Transtheoretical Model Approach, Wei Chen Tung and Yinghan Chen
Human papillomavirus vaccination: a quantitative cross-sectional study of perceived barriers, influential advisors, and acculturation among Chinese college students aged 18–26 in the USA, Wei Chen Tung, Yinghan Chen, Xiaoyan Yang, and Crystal Lam
Implications for Home Health Care: Perceived HPV Vaccination Barriers and Recommended Sources among Hispanic/Latino College Students, Wei Chen Tung, Itzel Corral Gonzalez, Denise Dawkins, and Ho Jui Tung
Selective Laser Melting and Mechanical Characterization of Superalloys Made from Recycled Parts, Hugo Tupac-Yupanqui and Amir Armani
Annihilation dynamics during spiral defect chaos revealed by particle models, Timothy J. Tyree, Patrick Murphy, and Wouter Jan Rappel
Attention modulates perceptual learning of non-native-accented speech, Christina Y. Tzeng, Marissa L. Russell, and Lynne C. Nygaard
Can machines have emotions?, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
The Conceivability Challenge for Essentialism in the Epistemology of Modality, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Conferralism, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya and Michael Wallner
Ethnoracial Risk Variation Across the Psychosis Continuum in the US A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Els van der Ven, Thomas M. Olino, Katharina Diehl, Stephanie M. Nuñez, Griffin Thayer, Miranda A. Bridgwater, Sabrina Ereshefsky, Christie Musket, Sarah Hope Lincoln, R. Tyler Rogers, Mallory J. Klaunig, Emily Soohoo, Jordan E. DeVylder, Rebecca E. Grattan, Jason Schiffman, Lauren M. Ellman, Tara A. Niendam, and Deidre M. Anglin
E-SMOTE: Entropy Based Minority Oversampling for Heart Failure and AIDS Clinical Trails Analysis, Sainath Veerla, Anbu Valluvan Devadasan, Mohammad Masum, Mohammed Chowdhury, and Hossain Shahriar
Invisible Wounds: Testimony of Microaggressions From the Experiences of Clinicians of Color in Training, José Manuel González Vera, Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez, Cynthia M. Navarro Flores, Alejandro L. Vázquez, Guadalupe G. San Miguel, Mary Phan, Elizabeth Grace Wong, Korena S. Klimczak, Jaclyn Bera, Lesther Papa, and Juan Estrada
“A Secret in Plain Sight”: Origin Stories From the Amy Morris Homans Cotillion, Maria J. Veri, Diane L. Williams, Jackie Hudson, Roberta S. Bennett, Karen P. DePauw, Emily H. Wughalter, and Linda Zwiren
Shared Decision-Making Communication and Prognostic Misunderstanding in the ICU, Judith B. Vick, Benjamin T. Berger, Peter A. Ubel, Christopher E. Cox, Hyun Bin You, Jessica E. Ma, Marie C. Haverfield, Bradley G. Hammill, Shannon S. Carson, Catherine L. Hough, Douglas B. White, and Deepshikha Charan Ashana
Social Services, Law, and Crisis Management Curriculum Offered in Library and Information Studies, Michele A.L. Villagran, Bobbie S. Long, and Dale Monobe
Mitigating urban heat island and enhancing indoor thermal comfort using terrace garden, Girish Visvanathan, Kailas Patil, Yogesh Suryawanshi, Vishal Meshram, and Shrikant Jadhav
Better things to do or doing nothing at all? – the implications of incomplete share repurchase programs, Julian U.N. Vogel
Data science inscription of the Jyotirlingas!, Chandrasekar Vuppalapati
Advanced Thermogravimetric Analyses of Stem Wood and Straw Devolatilization: Torrefaction through Combustion, David R. Wagner
Emphasizing the Social in Sociotechnical Approaches to the Digital Curation of Visual Information, Travis L. Wagner, Zack Lischer-Katz, James A. Hodges, Victoria Van Hyning, Mace A. Jones, and Amelia Acker
Validation of Satellite-Based Cloud Phase Distributions Using Global-Scale In Situ Airborne Observations, Dao Wang, Ching An Yang, and Minghui Diao
REDQT: a method for automated mobile application GUI testing based on deep reinforcement learning algorithms, Fengyu Wang, Chuanqi Tao, and Jerry Gao
COVID-19 vaccination-related tinnitus is associated with pre-vaccination metabolic disorders, Weihua Wang, Anusha Yellamsetty, Robert M. Edmonds, Shaun R. Barcavage, and Shaowen Bao
Implanted Guard Ring Edge Termination with Avalanche Capability for Vertical GaN Devices, Yifan Wang, Matthew Porter, Ming Xiao, Albert Lu, Nathan Yee, Ivan Kravchenko, Bernadeta Srijanto, Kai Cheng, Hiu Yung Wong, and Yuhao Zhang
Protect the Children, Body and Soul, Kenjus T. Watson, Tiffani Marie, Ersie Anastasia Gentzis, and Dante Dixson
Controlling Popularity Bias in Sequential Recommendation Models, Brandon Weaver, Melody Moh, and Teng Sheng Moh
Analysis of historic and current New Jersey deer population densities in Kelly and Ray (2023), G. Kent Webb
Hubbard parameters for programmable tweezer arrays, Hao Tian Wei, Eduardo Ibarra-García-Padilla, Michael L. Wall, and Kaden R.A. Hazzard
No Bones About It: Sex Is Binary, Elizabeth Weiss
Sheet resistance prediction of laser induced graphitic carbon with transformer encoder-enabled contrastive learning, Yupeng Wei, Gerd Grau, and Dazhong Wu
Conditional variational transformer for bearing remaining useful life prediction, Yupeng Wei and Dazhong Wu
State of health and remaining useful life prediction of lithium-ion batteries with conditional graph convolutional network, Yupeng Wei and Dazhong Wu
Remaining useful life prediction using graph convolutional attention networks with temporal convolution-aware nested residual connections, Yupeng Wei, Dazhong Wu, and Janis Terpenny
A Test of the Behavioral Model of Tic Disorders Using a Dynamical Systems Framework, Brianna C.M. Wellen, Krishnapriya Ramanujam, Mark Lavelle, Matthew R. Capriotti, Jonathan Butner, Matthew J. Euler, and Michael B. Himle
Cosmogenic radionuclides in meteorites from the Otway Massif blue ice area, Antarctica: An unusual, well-preserved H5 chondrite strewn field, Kees C. Welten, Marc W. Caffee, Monika E. Kress, Marlene D. Giscard, A. J.Timothy Jull, Ralph P. Harvey, and John Schutt
The light of the world: La Luz del Mundo, liminality and NRM studies, Donald A. Westbrook
BDSM Safety in Pornography: Its Perceived Accuracy and Impact on Practitioners’ Safe Word Practices, Bryce G. Westlake
Innovations from the launch of the child sexual abuse reduction research network, Bryce G. Westlake, Kathryn Seigfried-Spellar, Russell Brewer, Sarah Napier, Katie Logos, and Julia Davidson
Selective Partitioned Regression for Accurate Kidney Health Monitoring, Alex Whelan, Ragwa Elsayed, Alessandro Bellofiore, and David C. Anastasiu
Poor nutrition status associated with low patient satisfaction six months into treatment for head and neck/esophageal cancer treatment: A prospective multicenter cohort study, Adrianne M. Widaman, Andrew G. Day, Maggie A. Kuhn, Rupinder Dhaliwal, Vickie Baracos, Merran Findlay, Judith D. Bauer, Marian de van der Schueren, Alessandro Laviano, Lisa Martin, and Leah Gramlich
Private landowner interest in prescribed fire in California: findings from workshops in the Sierra Nevada, Kate M. Wilkin, Amanda M. Stasiewicz, and Susan D. Kocher
(Un)Doing Diversity Work in a "Diverse" Space: Examining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Work in Historically Black College and University Athletics, A. Lamont Williams, Marcis Fennell, and Yannick Kluch
The Switch Up: BlackCrit, The Heritage, and the Wave of Athletic Racial Capitalism, A. Lamont Williams, Amanda Schweinbenz, and Ann Pegoraro
Why VR? Exploring the Intersection of Virtual Reality and Information Science, Rachel D. Williams, Catherine Dumas, Anthony Chow, Darra Hofman, and John MacLeod
Mental Health and Aging, Erin L. Woodhead
Personality and Emotional Development, Erin L. Woodhead
Preface, Erin L. Woodhead and Brian P. Yochim
Psychology of Aging: A Biopsychosocial Perspective, SECOND EDITION, Erin L. Woodhead and Brian P. Yochim
Decadal Evolution of Ice-Ocean Interactions at a Large East Greenland Glacier Resolved at Fjord Scale With Downscaled Ocean Models and Observations, M. Wood, A. Khazendar, I. Fenty, K. Mankoff, A. T. Nguyen, K. Schulz, J. K. Willis, and H. Zhang
For sustained digital advantage, find a huge customer problem and create the processes that will solve it, Robert Chapman Wood
Resilience Through Social Support: An Intersectional Analysis of Sexual Minority Women’s Social Resources for Wellbeing, Angie R. Wootton, Paul R. Sterzing, Amy A. Mericle, Laurie A. Drabble, Linda R. Cahoon, and Tonda L. Hughes
Sample Sizes for 10 Types of Qualitative Data Analysis: An Integrative Review, Empirical Guidance, and Next Steps, Amber Wutich, Melissa Beresford, and H. Russell Bernard
Ab initio investigation of the martensitic phase transitions in ternary high temperature shape memory alloys PdxNi0.5-xTi0.5, Zhigang Wu, Hessam Malmir, Othmane Benafan, Santosh Kc, and John W. Lawson
Extracting off-diagonal order from diagonal basis measurements, Bo Xiao, Javier Robledo Moreno, Matthew Fishman, Dries Sels, Ehsan Khatami, and Richard Scalettar
A Data-Driven Dynamic Modeling of Airport Runway Queuing System, Changxing Xu, Weili Zeng, Zhengyang Han, Wenbin Wei, and Yadong Zhou
Photoinduced Charge Injection from Shallow Point Defects in Diamond into Water, Kang Xu, Daniela Pagliero, Gabriel I. López-Morales, Johannes Flick, Abraham Wolcott, and Carlos A. Meriles
Digital Twin Based Satellite Orbit Prediction for Internet of Things (IoT) Systems, Xinchen Xu, Hong Wen, Yongfeng Wang, Huanhuan Song, Tian Liu, and Shih Yu Chang
Using Standardized Patients to Improve the Quality of Care for AAPI Populations, Ann S. Yabusaki, Meekyung Han, and D. J. Ida
Forced labor and Transportation: Multi-disciplinary perspectives, Kezban Yagci Sokat, Marisa Auguste, Christi Wigle, and Chris Baglin
Anti-trafficking and humanitarian operations: transferring learnings for a better world, Kezban Yagci Sokat and Maria Besiou
Transit monitoring capacity expansion: Analytics for combating human trafficking, Kezban Yagci Sokat, Melissa Chi, and Jonathan Hudlow
Nitrogen isotope homogenization of dissolved ammonium with depth and 15N enrichment of ammonium during incorporation into expandable layer silicates in organic-rich marine sediment from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Toshiro Yamanaka, Arisa Sakamoto, Kanon Kiyokawa, Jaeguk Jo, Yuji Onishi, Yoshihiro Kuwahara, Ji Hoon Kim, Lucie C. Pastor, Andreas Teske, Daniel Lizarralde, Tobias W. Höfig, Ivano W. Aiello, Jeanine L. Ash, Diana P. Bojanova, Martine D. Buatier, Virginia P. Edgcomb, Christophe Y. Galerne, Swanne Gontharet, and Verena B. Heuer
Collateralized Loan and Debt Obligations: Management Fees, Interest Alignment, and Regulation, Inae Yang, Jang Hyung Cho, and Linda M. Dunn-Jensen
The interplay of friendship stress, social support, and optimism on psychological distress in college students, Minji Yang, Andres Perez-Rojas, and Matthew J. Miller
Layout analysis of the RCEP international airline network based on hub identification using improved contribution matrix, Wendong Yang, Yulin Chi, Yining Huang, Wenbin Wei, and Zhengjia Xu
Long-Term Network Structure Evolution Investigation for Sustainability Improvement: An Empirical Analysis on Global Top Full-Service Carriers, Wendong Yang, Yun Jiang, Yulin Chi, Zhengjia Xu, and Wenbin Wei
From whales to minnows: The impact of crypto-reward fairness on user engagement in social media, Woojin Yang, Yeongin Kim, Tae Hun Kim, Chul Ho Lee, and Yasin Ceran
Novel Subject-Dependent Human-Posture Recognition Approach Using Tensor Regression, Kun Yan, Guannan Liu, Rende Xie, Shih Hau Fang, Hsiao Chun Wu, Shih Yu Chang, and Li Ma
A High-Precision Risk Analysis Model of Logistics UAV Network with Multiple Constraining Factors, Yonggang Yan, Xinfei Li, Zhiyuan Shen, and Wenbin Wei
Micro-breaks in focus: mitigating emotional labour impact in the hospitality industry from a conservation of resources perspective, Lixia Yao, Jie Gao, Ye Zhang, and Huimin Zhang
Multi-Label Text Classification with Transfer Learning, Likhitha Yelamanchili, Ching Seh Mike Wu, Chris Pollett, and Robert Chun
Introduction to the Psychology of Aging, Brian P. Yochim and Erin L. Woodhead
Transcriptome reveals the effect of oleic acid on the biosynthesis of triterpenoids in Morchella esculenta, Chengbo Yuan, Xi Feng, Lijia Zhang, Wen Huang, and Ying Liu
Understanding the Fear of Crime and Perceived Risk Across Immigrant Generations: Does the Quality of Social Ties Matter?, Yue Yuan, Susan McNeeley, and Chris Melde
Consistent Seasonal Hydrography From Moorings at Northwest Greenland Glacier Fronts, Marie J. Zahn, Kristin L. Laidre, Malene Simon, Kathleen M. Stafford, Michael Wood, Josh K. Willis, Elizabeth M. Phillips, and Ian Fenty
Analyzing the Influence of Low-Frequency Induced Vibrations on the Tensile Strength of 3D Printed Materials, Sohail H. Zaidi, Shreyas Ravada, and Ayati Vyas
Clots reveal anomalous elastic behavior of fiber networks, Andrei Zakharov, Myra Awan, Terrence Cheng, Arvind Gopinath, Sang Joon John Lee, Anand K. Ramasubramanian, and Kinjal Dasbiswas
Chalk it up to experience: CEO general ability and earnings management, Leila Zbib, Kourosh Amirkhani, and Douglas Fairhurst
Competing effects of low salt ratio on electrochemical performance and compressive modulus of PEO-LiTFSI/LLZTO composite electrolytes, Jiaxin Zhang, Valeria Perez, Thomas Jae Garcia, Dan Il Yoon, David Wagner, Yanika Schneider, Min Hwan Lee, Sang Joon John Lee, and Dahyun Oh
A complex adaptive system analysis of emerging tourism work paradigms, Ye Zhang, Jie Gao, Edmund Goh, and Yaoqi Li
Properties of modified chitosan-based films and coatings and their application in the preservation of edible mushrooms: A review, Yingqi Zhang, Xi Feng, Defang Shi, Salam A. Ibrahim, Wen Huang, and Ying Liu
Surface-layer turbulence associated with a fast spreading grass fire, Shiyuan Zhong, Melissa Gonzalez-Fuentes, Craig B. Clements, Xindi Bian, Warren E. Heilman, Joseph J. Charney, Mario M. Valero, Adam K. Kochanski, and Michael T. Kiefer
Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency Through Retrieve-Augmented Generation Approach in Large Language Models, Beilei Zhu and Chandrasekar Vuppalapati