Submissions from 2024
Plasma-Water Interaction: Measuring RONS to Investigate the Plasma-Wound Interaction Process, Sharon Mathew, Sonya Sar, and Sohail Zaidi
Predevelopment revolving loan funds to develop affordable housing: Program features and how they can be strengthened, Shishir Mathur, Hilary Nixon, and Shreya Chokshi
Stereo-video landers can rapidly assess marine fish diversity and community assemblages, Kinsey E. Matthews, Ryan T. Fields, Kathleen P. Cieri, Jacklyn L. Mohay, Mary G. Gleason, and Richard M. Starr
The NASA Raman spectroscopic database: Ramdb version 1.00, A. L. Mattioda, L. Gavilan, C. L. Ricketts, P. K. Najeeb, A. Ricca, and C. Boersma
Measures of nutrition status and health for weight-inclusive patient care: A narrative review, Kasuen Mauldin, Giselle A.P. Pignotti, and John Gieng
A Subcortical Model for Auditory Forward Masking with Efferent Control of Cochlear Gain, Braden N. Maxwell, Afagh Farhadi, Marc A. Brennan, Adam Svec, and Laurel H. Carney
Mitigating Risk: Predicting H5N1 Avian Influenza Spread with an Empirical Model of Bird Movement, Fiona McDuie, Cory T. Overton, Austen A. Lorenz, Elliott L. Matchett, Andrea L. Mott, Desmond A. MacKell, Joshua T. Ackerman, Susan E.W. De La Cruz, Vijay P. Patil, Diann J. Prosser, John Y. Takekawa, Dennis L. Orthmeyer, Maurice E. Pitesky, Samuel L. Díaz-Muñoz, Brock M. Riggs, Joseph Gendreau, Eric T. Reed, Mark J. Petrie, and Chris K. Williams
Morphological and ecological evidence for the recognition of Anacolia baueri (Bartramiaceae) as distinct from A. menziesii, John Mclaughlin and Benjamin E. Carter
Comparison of Likelihood Ratios from Probabilistic Genotyping for Two-Person Mixtures across Different Assays and Instruments, Dennis McNevin and Mark Barash
A natural language processing approach to Malware classification, Ritik Mehta, Olha Jurečková, and Mark Stamp
Workplace support for physicians during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Did it affect burnout?, Joy Melnikow, Guibo Xing, Marykate E. Miller, Sabrina Loureiro, Andrew J. Padovani, Robin Whitney, and Richard L. Kravitz
Sketching Instruction in Engineering Design with an Intelligent Tutoring Software, Hillary E. Merzdorf, Donna Jaison, Tracy Anne Hammond, and Vimal Kumar Viswanathan
Dashboard design, Abbas Moallem
Human behavior in cybersecurity privacy and trust, Abbas Moallem
Empirical study of machine learning for intelligent bearing fault diagnosis, Armin Moghadam and Fatemeh Davoudi Kakhki
Flexible capacitive pressure sensor based on warp knitted spacer fabric, Meghdad Kamali Moghaddam, Meysam Moezzi, Tohid Torabi, and Fred Barez
Correction to: Response of regional circulation features to the Indian Ocean dipole and influence on Central Africa climate (Climate Dynamics, (2024), 10.1007/s00382-024-07251-w), Foupouapegnigni Moihamette, Wilfried M. Pokam, Ismaila Diallo, and Richard Washington
Correction to: Response of regional circulation features to the Indian Ocean dipole and influence on Central Africa climate (Climate Dynamics, (2024), 62, 6, (1-21), 10.1007/s00382-024-07251-w), Foupouapegnigni Moihamette, Wilfried M. Pokam, Ismaila Diallo, and Richard Washington
Response of regional circulation features to the Indian Ocean dipole and influence on Central Africa climate, Foupouapegnigni Moihamette, Wilfried M. Pokam, Ismaila Diallo, and Richard Washington
A Fresh Take: Seasonal Changes in Terrestrial Freshwater Inputs Impact Salt Marsh Hydrology and Vegetation Dynamics, Maya S. Montalvo, Emilio Grande, Anna E. Braswell, Ate Visser, Bhavna Arora, Erin C. Seybold, Corianne Tatariw, John C. Haskins, Charlie A. Endris, Fuller Gerbl, Mong Han Huang, Darya Morozov, and Margaret A. Zimmer
Correction to: A Fresh Take: Seasonal Changes in Terrestrial Freshwater Inputs Impact Salt Marsh Hydrology and Vegetation Dynamics (Estuaries and Coasts, (2024), 10.1007/s12237-024-01392-1), Maya S. Montalvo, Emilio Grande, Anna E. Braswell, Ate Visser, Bhavna Arora, Erin C. Seybold, Corianne Tatariw, John C. Haskins, Charlie A. Endris, Fuller Gerbl, Mong Han Huang, Darya Morozov, and Margaret A. Zimmer
Full-Body Haptic and Spatial Audio Cueing Algorithms for Augmented Pilot Perception, Michael T. Morcos, Spencer M. Fishman, Umberto Saetti, Edward N. Bachelder, and Martine Godfroy-Cooper
Instagram as a promotional channel for luxury fashion. Study of fashion shows as communication tools, Belén Moreno-Albarracín and Tania Blanco-Sánchez
TikTok as social communication tool to encourage participation in volunteering projects, Belén Moreno-Albarracín and Tania Blanco-Sánchez
Klinische und psychologische Perspektiven des Foulspiels (German Edition), Stephen J. Morewitz
Neural Network-based Blocking Prediction for Dynamic Network Slicing, Nitin Datta Movva and Genya Ishigaki
How Remote Working and Placelessness Affect Future Planning for Innovation Districts: A Systematic Review of the Literature, Ladan Mozaffarian, Ahoura Zandiatashbar, and Ariadna Reyes-Sanchez
Embodied energy injustice and the political ecology of solar power, Dustin Mulvaney
Not Automation Failures, but Automation Interface Failures, Randall J. Mumaw
Entrepreneurial emotional bias from mass shootings: Evidence from Kickstarter, Hyejin Mun, Yeongin Kim, Yasin Ceran, and Chul Ho Lee
Breakdown of Boltzmann-type models for the alignment of self-propelled rods, Patrick Murphy, Misha Perepelitsa, Ilya Timofeyev, Matan Lieber-Kotz, Brandon Islas, and Oleg A. Igoshin
Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory (MDDI) among transgender women, Jason M. Nagata, Emilio J. Compte, F. Hunter McGuire, Jason M. Lavender, Tiffany A. Brown, Matthew R. Capriotti, Annesa Flentje, Micah E. Lubensky, Juno Obedin-Maliver, and Mitchell R. Lunn
Distributed Spacecraft with Heuristic Intelligence to Monitor Wildfire Spread for Responsive Control, Sreeja Nag, Vinay Ravindra, Richard Levinson, Mahta Moghaddam, Kurtis Nelson, Jan Mandel, Adam Kochanski, Angel Farguell Caus, Amer Melebari, Archana Kannan, and Ryan Ketzner
Ethnographic methods: Training norms and practices and the future of American anthropology, Rosalyn Negrón, Amber Wutich, H. Russell Bernard, Alexandra Brewis, Alissa Ruth, Katherine Mayfour, Barbara Piperata, Melissa Beresford, Cindi SturtzSreetharan, Pardis Mahdavi, Jessica Hardin, Rebecca Zarger, Krista Harper, James Holland Jones, Clarence C. Gravlee, and Bryan Brayboy
Evaluating a microalga (Schizochytrium sp.) as an alternative to fish oil in fish-free feeds for sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria), Katherine A. Neylan, Ronald B. Johnson, Frederic T. Barrows, David P. Marancik, Scott L. Hamilton, and Luke D. Gardner
Piloting a Novel Computational Framework for Identifying Prosthesis-Specific Contributions to Gait Deviations, Jacques Ezechiel N'Guessan, Muhammad Hassaan Ahmed, Matthew Leineweber, and Sachin Goyal
Detecting Malicious Websites by using Deep Q-Networks, Khanh Nguyen and Younghee Park
Antibiofilm Activity of PDMS/TiO2 against Candida glabrata through Inhibited Hydrophobic Recovery, Khoi Nguyen Nguyen, Leena Sao, Kevin Kyllo, Danitza Hernandez, Samantha Salomon, Kalp Shah, Dahyun Oh, and Katy C. Kao
TCAD Structure Input File Generation Using Large Language Model, Le Minh Long Nguyen, Albert Lu, and Hiu Yung Wong
Deception and Lie Detection Using Reduced Linguistic Features, Deep Models and Large Language Models for Transcribed Data, Tien Nguyen, Faranak Abri, Akbar Siami Namin, and Keith S. Jones
Resume Content Generation Using Llama 2 with Adapters, Navaneeth Sai Nidadavolu and William B. Andreopoulos
User Assessment of Passive Exoskeleton in Manual Material Handling, Arnold Nieto, Hardik Vora, Fatemeh Davoudi, and Armin Moghadam
Applicative Recursion and Nominal Licensing, Yining Nie
Enhancing Product Designing with the Help of Artificial Intelligence, Dhyeykumar Nikalwala and Minnie H. Patel
The Study of Feature Engineering in Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Network Intrusion Detection Systems, Steven Ning, Khanh Nguyen, Sohini Bagchi, and Younghee Park
Kismet/CHD7/CHD8 affects gut microbiota, mechanics, and the gut-brain axis in Drosophila melanogaster, Angelo Niosi, Nguyên Henry Võ, Punithavathi Sundaramurthy, Chloe Welch, Aliyah Penn, Yelena Yuldasheva, Adam Alfareh, Kaitlyn Rausch, Takhmina Amin-Rahbar, Jeffery Cavanaugh, Prince Yadav, Stephanie Peterson, Raina Brown, Alain Hu, Any Ardon-Castro, Darren Nguyen, Robert Crawford, Wendy Lee, and Eliza J. Morris
The Accuracy of Domain Specific and Descriptive Analysis Generated by Large Language Models, Denish Omondi Otieno, Faranak Abri, Sima Siami-Namini, and Akbar Siami Namin
Optimization of Swim Pose Estimation and Recognition with Data Augmentation, Jonathan Ouyang, Derrick Trinh, and Chang Charles Choo
Cleaver, Harry, Robert Ovetz
General strike, Robert Ovetz
Framework for Real-Time Closed-Loop Simulation of Advanced Rotorcraft Configurations Using Comprehensive Flight Dynamics Models, Ashwani K. Padthe, Ananth Sridharan, Tom Berger, Mark J.S. Lopez, and Emily D. Glover
Populism’s Influence on News Content: Polarization, Political Parallelism, and Journalistic Professionalism in Rafael Correa’s Ecuador, Manel Palos Pons
A Top Model of Urban Residents’ Subjective Well-Being in China, Bing Pan, Deborah Kerstetter, Xiaoli Yi, Gaojun Zhang, Rui Li, Jie Gao, Xiangyou Sharon Shen, and Guangming Li
Reading Colonial Transitions: Archival Evidence and the Archaeology of Indigenous Action in Nineteenth-Century California, Lee M. Panich, Gustavo Flores, Michael Wilcox, and Monica V. Arellano
Mixed Methods Study Protocol: Language Identity, Discrimination, and Mental Health among Multilingual 1.5 Generation Asian/Asian American Immigrant Young Adults, Chulwoo Park, Mark Edberg, Janet Yougi Bang, and Avizia Yim Long
Changes in Psychological Challenges, Positive Experiences, and Coping Strategies among International Students in the United States before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study, Chulwoo Park, Shannon Shimada, Airi Irene Trisnadi, and Patricia Angelica
COVID-19 vaccine or booster uptake and hesitancy for children aged 6 months–5 years in the United States: A national descriptive study using the household pulse survey between March and May 2023, Chulwoo Park and Pyramida Vagoyan Zabala
Correlating Local Geometry to 11B NMR Chemical Shifts of Tetrahedrally Coordinated Boron in Molecular Sieves, Youngkyu Park, Hubert Koller, Christopher M. Lew, Stacey I. Zones, and Mark E. Davis
Equation of State and Thermometry of the 2D SU (N) Fermi-Hubbard Model, G. Pasqualetti, O. Bettermann, N. Darkwah Oppong, E. Ibarra-García-Padilla, S. Dasgupta, R. T. Scalettar, K. R.A. Hazzard, I. Bloch, and S. Fölling
Smart City Community Watch—Camera-Based Community Watch for Traffic and Illegal Dumping, Nupur Pathak, Gangotri Biswal, Megha Goushal, Vraj Mistry, Palak Shah, Fenglian Li, and Jerry Gao
Community Detection Using Deep Learning: Combining Variational Graph Autoencoders with Leiden and K-Truss Techniques, Jyotika Hariom Patil, Petros Potikas, William B. Andreopoulos, and Katerina Potika
“If I Talk About It, I Start Crying”: Children’s Responses to Parental Immigration Detention in the US, Caitlin Patler, Gabriela Gonzalez, Monica Cardenas Guzman, and Guillermo Paez Gallardo
Comparison of 45-min nap versus no-nap during simulated night shift work on endothelial function: a randomized crossover feasibility trial, P. Daniel Patterson, Cassie J. Hilditch, Sarah E. Martin, David G.L. Roach, Matthew D. Weaver, Tiffany S. Okerman, David Hostler, Leonard S. Weiss, and Steven E. Reis
The effect of a night shift nap on post-night shift performance, sleepiness, mood, and first recovery sleep: A randomized crossover trial, P. Daniel Patterson, Cassie J. Hilditch, Matthew D. Weaver, David G.L. Roach, Tiffany S. Okerman, Sarah E. Martin, Charity G. Patterson, and Leonard S. Weiss
PDRs4All: III. JWST's NIR spectroscopic view of the Orion Bar, Els Peeters; Emilie Habart; Olivier Berné; Ameek Sidhu; Ryan Chown; Dries Van De Putte; Boris Trahin; Ilane Schroetter; Amélie Canin; Felipe Alarcón; Bethany Schefter; Baria Khan; Sofia Pasquini; Alexander G.G.M. Tielens; Mark G. Wolfire; Emmanuel Dartois; Javier R. Goicoechea; Michael Kaufman; and For full author list, see comments below
Assessing the Reliability of Machine Learning Models Applied to the Mental Health Domain Using Explainable AI, Vishnu Pendyala and Hyungkyun Kim
Opinion: How Artificial Intelligence Can Transform St. Louis Traffic, Vishnu S. Pendyala
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for an Affordable Quality of Life, Vishnu S. Pendyala
How Bay Area cities can leverage the power of AI to build safer, more secure communities, Vishnu S. Pendyala
Why Scientific Publishing Culture Needs a Major Overhaul in the age of Generative AI, Vishnu S. Pendyala
Will AI be another unsustainable environmental disaster?, Vishnu S. Pendyala
Explaining Misinformation Detection Using Large Language Models, Vishnu S. Pendyala and Christopher E. Hall
Analysis of Multilanguage Regional Music Tracks Using Representation Learning Techniques in Lower Dimensions, Vishnu S. Pendyala, Samhita Konduri, and Kriti V. Pendyala
Multi-Link Prediction for mmWave Wireless Communication Systems Using Liquid Time-Constant Networks, Long Short- Term Memory, and Interpretation Using Symbolic Regression, Vishnu S. Pendyala and Milind Patil
Drosophila Nhe2 overexpression induces autophagic cell death, Jobelle Peralta, Blake DuPriest, Daniel Orozco, Juan Reyna Pacheco, Laura Martins, Rachel Ann Soriano, Alan Wong, Ramy Wong, and Bree Grillo-Hill
Vietnamese Buddhism in America, Todd Le Roy Perreira
Diet quality, diet motives and nutrition literacy of vegans, vegetarians and semi-vegetarians, Sapna Peruvemba, John Gieng, Susan Chen, and Giselle Adriana Pereira Pignotti
Foraging behavior and age affect maternal transfer of mercury to northern elephant seal pups, Sarah H. Peterson, Michael G. Peterson, Joshua T. Ackerman, Cathy Debier, Chandra Goetsch, Rachel R. Holser, Luis A. Hückstädt, Jennifer C. Johnson, Theresa R. Keates, Birgitte I. McDonald, Elizabeth A. McHuron, and Daniel P. Costa
Origin of the correlation between stellar kinematics and globular cluster system richness in ultradiffuse galaxies, Joel Pfeffer, Steven R. Janssens, Maria Luisa Buzzo, Jonah S. Gannon, Nate Bastian, Kenji Bekki, Jean P. Brodie, Warrick J. Couch, Robert A. Crain, Duncan A. Forbes, J. M.Diederik Kruijssen, and Aaron J. Romanowsky
Evaluating the Implementation of a Relationship-Centered Communication Training for Connecting With Patients in Virtual Visits, Rachyl Pines, Marie C. Haverfield, Stephanie Wong Chen, Ethan Lee, Cati Brown-Johnson, Merisa Kline, and Barbette Weimer-Elder
Impact of Data Heterogeneity on AI/ML Model Accuracy in Assisting Pneumonia Type Prediction, Manasvi Pinnaka, Krishnaveni Parvataneni, and Sohail Zaidi
Integrating Machine Learning Techniques to Improve Pneumonia Diagnostics by Analyzing Chest X-ray Scans, Manasvi Pinnaka and Sohail Zaidi
Integrating Advanced IBM Cloud-Based AI/Machine Learning Platform to Develop Predictive Models for Medical Applications, Manasvi Pinnaka, Sohail Zaidi, and Vimal Viswanathan
Modeling and Vibration Suppression of Rotating Machines Using the Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics and Terminal Sliding Mode Control, Sina Piramoon, Mohammad Ayoubi, and Saeid Bashash
The effect of Certificate-of-Need laws on substance use disorder care for vulnerable populations, Alicia Plemmons, Darwyyn Deyo, and Sarah Drain
Shape Memory Polymers in 4D Printing: Investigating Multi-Material Lattice Structures, David Pokras, Yanika Schneider, Sohail Zaidi, and Vimal K. Viswanathan
Chapter 17. Approaches to Inclusive Recruitment: Practical and Hopeful, Adriana Poo, Anamika Megwalu, Nick Szydlowski, Kathryn Blackmer Reyes, Peggy Cabrera, and Ann Agee
How Gender-Sexuality Alliances cultivate a sense of school belonging from week to week for LGBTQ+ youth, V. Paul Poteat, Jerel P. Calzo, Abigail Richburg, Robert A. Marx, and Hirokazu Yoshikawa
Youth experiences in gender–sexuality alliances predict academic engagement but not disaffection through social–emotional wellbeing, V. Paul Poteat, Jerel P. Calzo, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Daniel Kellogg, Robert A. Marx, Abigail Richburg, and Arthur Lipkin
Gender-Sexuality Alliance Experiences and LGBTQ+ Inclusive School Policies and Practices Predict Youth’s School Belonging, V. Paul Poteat, Robert A. Marx, Abigail Richburg, Jerel P. Calzo, Cayley C. Bliss, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, and Arthur Lipkin
LGBTQ+ students’ weekly academic engagement and disaffection predicted by experiences in gender-sexuality alliance meetings, V. Paul Poteat, Robert A. Marx, S. Henry Sherwood, Jerel P. Calzo, and Hirokazu Yoshikawa
‘Downplay that Spanish Side’: The White Listening Subject in an Ethnically Homogeneous Bilingual Program Cohort, Luis E. Poza
'A Special Case of Bias': Racialized bilinguals, testing and the allocation of opportunity, Luis E. Poza and Maneka D. Brooks
An Extension to Fan Behavior: The Introduction and Initial Measurement of Basking in Other’s Failure (BOFing), Cutting Off Other’s Failure (COOFing), Basking in Other’s Success (BOSing), and Cutting Off Other’s Success (COOSing), Sean Pradhan, Sean Laraway, Cody T. Havard, and Susan Snycerski
Bodies of Knowledge Biomarkers and Rhetoric of the Body, Sarah F. Price and Richard Mocarski
The Adaptable and Resilient Safety System: The Human Factor in Future In-Time Aviation Safety Management Systems, L. Prinzel, P. Krois, K. Ellis, M. Vincent, C. Stephens, N. Oza, E. Chancey, M. Davies, R. Mah, J. Ackerson, S. Infeld, D. Kiggins, and B. Matthews
Transgender and Gender-Diverse People's Experiences of Minority Stress, Mental Health, and Resilience in Relation to Perceptions of Sociopolitical Contexts, Jae A. Puckett, T. Zachary Huit, Debra A. Hope, Richard Mocarski, Brenna R. Lash, Tian Walker, Natalie Holt, Allura Ralston, Makinna Miles, A. Capannola, Clove Tipton, Robert Paul Juster, and L. Zachary DuBois
Legal Gender Affirmation, Psychological Distress, and Physical Health Issues: Indirect Effects via Enacted Stigma, Jae A. Puckett, Sarah Price, Terra Dunn, Kelsi Kuehn, Devon Kimball, Debra A. Hope, Richard Mocarski, Robert Paul Juster, and L. Zachary DuBois
New 2D penta-SiPN: A wide and indirect bandgap semiconductor, I. A. Qattan, Shambhu Bhandari Sharma, K. C. Santosh, and Sufian Abedrabbo