
Submissions from 2024


Data-Driven End-to-End Lighting Automation Based on Human Residential Trajectory Analysis, Jack Zhu, Jingwen Tan, and Wencen Wu


Exploring leisure constraints and participation among urban women through the lens of ambivalent sexism theory, Mingfang Zhu, Jie Gao, Qingxu Yang, and Zhu Ju


Collaborative fisheries research reveals reserve size and age determine efficacy across a network of marine protected areas, Shelby L. Ziegler, Rachel O. Brooks, Lyall F. Bellquist, Jennifer E. Caselle, Steven G. Morgan, Timothy J. Mulligan, Benjamin I. Ruttenberg, Brice X. Semmens, Richard M. Starr, Joe Tyburczy, Dean E. Wendt, Andre Buchheister, Jose R.Marin Jarrin, Christina Pasparakis, Salvador J. Jorgensen, Jennifer A. Chiu, Jordan Colby, Connor L. Coscino, and Leon Davis

Submissions from 2023


The present and future status of heavy neutral leptons, Asli M. Abdullahi, Pablo Barham Alzás, Brian Batell, James Beacham, Alexey Boyarsky, Saneli Carbajal, Animesh Chatterjee, José I. Crespo-Anadón, Frank F. Deppisch, Albert De Roeck, Marco Drewes, Alberto Martin Gago, Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez, Evgueni Goudzovski, Athanasios Hatzikoutelis, Josu Hernandez-Garcia, Matheus Hostert, Marco Hufnagel, and Philip Ilten


Tesol Programs In Flux, Priyanvada Abeywickrama, Stefan Frazier, David Malinowski, and Scott Phillabaum


Utilizing Prior Solutions for Reward Shaping and Composition in Entropy-Regularized Reinforcement Learning, Jacob Adamczyk, Argenis Arriojas, Stas Tiomkin, and Rahul V. Kulkarni

Bounding the Optimal Value Function in Compositional Reinforcement Learning, Jacob Adamczyk, Volodymyr Makarenko, Argenis Arriojas, Stas Tiomkin, and Rahul V. Kulkarni


Qualitative Evidence on the Implementation of Cure Violence in Trinidad and Tobago, Ericka B. Adams and Edward R. Maguire


Wildfire Progression Prediction and Validation Using Satellite Data and Remote Sensing in Sonoma, California, Daisy Adhikari, Wan Chen, Yunao Guo, Lilin Huang, and Jerry Gao


Facilitating hotdesking in a hybrid campus environment: lessons from the hotdesking experiences of doctoral students in a US public university, Manju Aishwarya Adikesavan and Laxmi Ramasubramanian


Toward impact-based monitoring of drought and its cascading hazards, Amir AghaKouchak, Laurie S. Huning, Mojtaba Sadegh, Yue Qin, Yannis Markonis, Farshid Vahedifard, Charlotte A. Love, Ashok Mishra, Ali Mehran, Renee Obringer, Annika Hjelmstad, Shrideep Pallickara, Shakil Jiwa, Martin Hanel, Yunxia Zhao, Angeline G. Pendergrass, Mazdak Arabi, Steven J. Davis, and Philip J. Ward


COVID-19 and Transportation Revenue: Using Scenario Analysis to Project a Range of Plausible Futures, Asha Weinstein Agrawal Agrawal, Hannah King, and Martin Wachs


Monkeypox (Mpox) Vaccine Hesitancy Among Mpox Cases: A Qualitative Study, Harit Agroia, Emily Smith, Akanksha Vaidya, Sarah Rudman, and Monika Roy


Academic Libraries and the Pandemic, José Aguiñaga


Critical Friends, Dialogues of Discomfort, and Researcher Reflexivity in the Sociology of Sport, Adam Ehsan Ali, Tavis Smith, and Michael Dao


CoDiS: Community Detection via Distributed Seed Set Expansion on Graph Streams, Austin Anderson, Petros Potikas, and Katerina Potika


Panoramic Video Quality Assessment Based on Spatial-Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks, Tingting An, Songlin Sun, and Rui Liu


UAV High-Resolution Imaging and Disease Surveys Combine to Quantify Climate-Related Decline in Seagrass Meadows, Lillian R. Aoki, Bo Yang, Olivia J. Graham, Carla Gomes, Brendan Rappazzo, Timothy L. Hawthorne, J. Emmett Duffy, and Drew Harvell


UAV High-Resolution Imaging and Disease Surveys Combine to Quantify Climate-Related Decline in Seagrass Meadows, Lillian R. Aoki, Bo Yang, Olivia J. Graham, Carla Gomes, Brendan Rappazzo, Timothy L. Hawthorne, J. Emmett Duffy, and Drew Harvell


The Perceived Impact of Faculty-in-Residence Programs on Faculty Development, Luis Arabit, Leonard Lira, Jennifer Johnston, Lina Anastasovitou, Christine Ma-Kellams, Kyle Hambrook, Ravneet Tiwana, and Theodore T. Tsau


Joint spatiotemporal models to predict seabird densities at sea, Mayumi L. Arimitsu, John F. Piatt, James T. Thorson, Katherine J. Kuletz, Gary S. Drew, Sarah K. Schoen, Daniel A. Cushing, Caitlin Kroeger, and William J. Sydeman


The Kraken Awakens: Exploring the Digital Launch of a New Sport Team Brand During a Global Pandemic, Cole G. Armstrong, Melissa Davies, Matthew Blaszka, and Ann Pegoraro

Bayesian Inference Approach for Entropy Regularized Reinforcement Learning with Stochastic Dynamics, Argenis Arriojas, Jacob Adamczyk, Stas Tiomkin, and Rahul V. Kulkarni


Entropy regularized reinforcement learning using large deviation theory, Argenis Arriojas, Jacob Adamczyk, Stas Tiomkin, and Rahul V. Kulkarni


Recycling of brass chips by sustainable friction stir extrusion, Parviz Asadi, Mostafa Akbari, Amir Armani, M. R.M. Aliha, Maryam Peyghami, and Tomasz Sadowski


A field assessment of residential laundry to landscape greywater quality in the San Francisco Bay area, Sara Khosrowshahi Asl, Katherine Cushing, Rachel O'Malley, Alexandra Dahl, Afshin Rouhani, Sherry Bryan, and Justin Burks


Coerced work during parole: Prevalence, mechanisms, and characteristics, Dallas Augustine


Autonomous Lending Organization on Ethereum with Credit Scoring, Thomas H. Austin, Katerina Potika, and Chris Pollett


ACOUSTIC CLOAK DESIGN VIA GRADIENT-BASED OPTIMIZATION, Angel Avina, Samer Gerges, Feruza A. Amirkulova, and Winncy Du


System Verilog versus UVM-based Verification of AXI4-Lite Arbitration, Aiswariya Ramesh Babu, Pooja Anand, Youngsoo Kim, and Shrikant Jadhav

Predicting Pilot Performance, Workload and Handling Qualities using SCOPE, Edward Bachelder, Bimal Aponso, and Tom Berger

Method for Predicting Multi-Axis Task Performance and Handling Qualities Rating for a Coaxial-Compound and Tiltrotor Rotorcraft with Validating Data, Edward Bachelder, Tom Berger, Bimal Aponso, and Jeff Lusardi


Business faculty and publication trends: A citation analysis, Christa L. Bailey


Prospection of Peptide Inhibitors of Thrombin from Diverse Origins Using a Machine Learning Pipeline, Nivedha Balakrishnan, Rahul Katkar, Peter V. Pham, Taylor Downey, Prarthna Kashyap, David C. Anastasiu, and Anand K. Ramasubramanian


Resistance distance in connected balanced digraphs, R. Balakrishnan, S. Krishnamoorthy, and Wasin So


Graph deep learning hashtag recommender for reels, Sriya Balineni and William B. Andreopoulos


Sensory perspectives into indigenous fermented foods in the tropics: challenges and opportunities, Oluwaseun P. Bamidele, Olalekan J. Adewole, and Xi Feng


Introduction to Blockchain Technology, Ahmed Banafa


Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT), Ahmed Banafa


Transformative AI: Responsible, Transparent, and Trustworthy AI Systems, Ahmed Banafa

Memristive Neural Networks Application In Predicting of Health Disorders, Isha Baokar and Lili He


Bounds in simple hexagonal lattice and classification of 11-stick knots, Yueheng Bao, Ari Benveniste, Marion Campisi, Nicholas Cazet, Ansel Goh, Jiantong Liu, and Ethan Sherman


Validity of path thermodynamic description of reactive systems: Microscopic simulations, F. Baras, Alejandro L. Garcia, and M. Malek Mansour


Fluctuating hydrodynamics and the Rayleigh–Plateau instability, Bryn Barker, John B. Bell, and Alejandro L. Garcia


Deconstructing the Power Dynamics of Prison Research, Melissa Barragan, Dallas Augustine, Gabriela Gonzalez, and Keramet Reiter


Genetic and environmental drivers of migratory behavior in western burrowing owls and implications for conservation and management, Kelly Barr, Christen M. Bossu, Rachael A. Bay, Eric C. Anderson, Jim Belthoff, Lynne A. Trulio, Debra Chromczak, Colleen L. Wisinski, Thomas B. Smith, and Kristen C. Ruegg


Abyssal hydrothermal springs-Cryptic incubators for brooding octopus, James P. Barry, Steven Y. Litvin, Andrew DeVogelaere, David W. Caress, Chris F. Lovera, Amanda S. Kahn, Erica J. Burton, Chad King, Jennifer B. Paduan, C. Geoffrey Wheat, Fanny Girard, Sebastian Sudek, Anne M. Hartwell, Alana D. Sherman, Paul R. McGill, Aaron Schnittger, Janet R. Voight, and Eric J. Martin


Distributed Finite-Time Secondary Control for DC Microgrids with Reduced Internetwork Data Transmission Dependency, Amir Basati, Saeid Bashash, Josep M. Guerrero, and Juan C. Vasquez


Advanced polynomial trajectory design for high precision control of flexible servo positioning systems, Saeid Bashash


Modeling the “B” regional dust storm on Mars: Dust lofting mechanisms predicted by the new NASA Ames Mars GCM, Courtney M.L. Batterson, Melinda A. Kahre, Alison F.C. Bridger, R. John Wilson, Richard A. Urata, and Tanguy Bertrand


Development of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Vehicles for Ease of Operation, Vernol Battiste and Thomas Z. Strybel


Quantifying annual spatial consistency in chick-rearing seabirds to inform important site identification, Martin Beal; Paulo Catry; Richard A. Phillips; Steffen Oppel; John P.Y. Arnould; Maria I. Bogdanova; Mark Bolton; Ana P.B. Carneiro; Corey Clatterbuck; Melinda Conners; Francis Daunt; Karine Delord; Kyle Elliott; Aymeric Fromant; José Pedro Granadeiro; Jonathan A. Green; Lewis Halsey; Keith C. Shaffer; and For full author list, see comments below


Accounting for Occupational Identity Work in the Attrition of Newcomer Civil Engineers: Theoretical Model, Kacey Beddoes


Thinking Systemically to Better Serve Engineering Students' Mental Health Needs: Policy and Process Recommendations, Kacey Beddoes and Andrew Danowitz


Genomic analyses of hair from Ludwig van Beethoven, Tristan James Alexander Begg; Axel Schmidt; Arthur Kocher; Maarten H.D. Larmuseau; Göran Runfeldt; Paul Andrew Maier; John D. Wilson; Rodrigo Barquera; Carlo Maj; András Szolek; Michael Sager; Stephen Clayton; Alexander Peltzer; Ruoyun Hui; Julia Ronge; Ella Reiter; Cäcilia Freund; William Rhea Meredith; and For full author list, see comments below


Development of a bio-chair using electromygraphic actuation for rehabilitation excercises, Pranav Bellannagari, Sohail H. Zaidi, and Vimal Viswanathan


Algorithms and their Affordances: How Crowdworkers Manage Algorithmic Scores in Online Labour Markets, Francesca Bellesia, Elisa Mattarelli, and Fabiola Bertolotti


Assessing the size and growth of the US wetland and stream compensatory mitigation industry, Todd K. BenDor, Joungwon Kwon, and T. William Lester


Analysis of Fire-Induced Circulations during the FireFlux2 Experiment, Jeremy T. Benik, Angel Farguell, Jeffrey D. Mirocha, Craig B. Clements, and Adam K. Kochanski


An Invitation to Imagine: Conclusion of the HPP Series “What Is Anti-Racism in Health Promotion Practice?”, Wriply Bennet, Keon L. Gilbert, and Kathleen M. Roe


Distribution of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in surface-mixed layer water and intertidal sediments of Lagos lagoon, Gulf of Guinea, Nsikak U. Benson, John P. Unyimadu, and Imokhai T. Tenebe


Teaching Theme Identification, Melissa Beresford and H. Russell Bernard


Moral economies for water: A framework for analyzing norms of justice, economic behavior, and social enforcement in the contexts of water inequality, Melissa Beresford, Amber Wutich, Dustin Garrick, and Georgina Drew


Hall’s universal group is a subgroup of the abstract commensurator of a free group, Edgar A. Bering and Daniel Studenmund


Assessing the relationship between census tract rurality and severe maternal morbidity in California (1997-2018), Rachel L. Berkowitz, Peiyi Kan, Xing Gao, Elleni M. Hailu, Christine Board, Audrey Lyndon, Mahasin Mujahid, and Suzan L. Carmichael


Biogeochemical River Runoff Drives Intense Coastal Arctic Ocean CO2 Outgassing, C. Bertin, D. Carroll, D. Menemenlis, S. Dutkiewicz, H. Zhang, A. Matsuoka, S. Tank, M. Manizza, C. E. Miller, M. Babin, A. Mangin, and V. Le Fouest


How the case against empathy overreaches, Riana J. Betzler


Finding BERT Errors Using Activation Vectors, Vedashree P. Bhandare and William B. Andreopoulos


Distress Signal Recognition Using Pose Estimation and Neural Networks, Palash Shankar Bhusari, Shreya Nagaraddy Hunur, Ravi Kumar Tanti, Saurabh Ramesh Warathe, and Magdalini Eirinaki


Effects of Therapeutic Intervention on Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters in Adults With Neurologic Disorder: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Alka Bishnoi, Meghna Shankar, Rachel Lee, Yang Hu, and Manuel E. Hernandez


The effect of histone deacetylase inhibitors on the efficiency of the CRISPR/Cas9 system, Ymer Björnson, Codey Y. Huang, Jaedyn L. Rollins, Guadalupe Castañeda, Navneet Kaur, Emiko Yamamoto, and Jennifer M. Johnston


In Search of Project Management Principles, Nigel Blampied, Robert Buttrick, George Jucan, Crispin Piney, Chris Stevens, Dave Violette, and R. Max Wideman


Reflections on the Scientific Legacy of Sergej S. Zilitinkevich on PBL and Urban Parameterizations in NWP Models, Robert D. Bornstein and Alexander Baklanov


(EN)COUNTERSPACES: An Analysis of Working Conditions for Student Affairs Professionals of Color in an Un-Ideal World, Ginny Jones Boss and Nicole Bravo


Genomic approaches to mitigating genetic diversity loss in declining populations, Christen M. Bossu, Marina Rodriguez, Christine Rayne, Debra A. Chromczak, Philip G. Higgins, Lynne A. Trulio, and Kristen C. Ruegg


Where Relational Commons Take Place: The City and its Social Infrastructure as Sites of Commoning, Christof Brandtner, Gordon C.C. Douglas, and Martin Kornberger


Roadmap to Cooperative Operating Practices for Strategic Conflict Detection and Resolution in the Upper Class e Traffic Management Concept, Connie L. Brasil, Hyo Sang Yoo, Paul U. Lee, Deborah L. Bakowski, and Mark Evans


Inherent envelope fluctuations in forward masking: Effects of age and hearing loss, Marc A. Brennan, Adam Svec, Afagh Farhadi, Braden N. Maxwell, and Laurel H. Carney


Advancing child sexual abuse investigations using biometrics and social network analysis, Russell Brewer, Bryce Westlake, Thomas Swearingen, Stephen Patterson, David Bright, Arun Ross, Katie Logos, and Dana Michalski


Ocean carbon from space: Current status and priorities for the next decade, Robert J.W. Brewin; Shubha Sathyendranath; Gemma Kulk; Marie Hélène Rio; Javier A. Concha; Thomas G. Bell; Astrid Bracher; Cédric Fichot; Thomas L. Frölicher; Martí Galí; Dennis Arthur Hansell; Tihomir S. Kostadinov; Catherine Mitchell; Aimee Renee Neeley; Emanuele Organelli; Katherine Richardson; Cécile Rousseaux; Dustin Carroll; and For full author list, see comments below


When the fraction of attributable risk does not inform the impact associated with anthropogenic climate change, Patrick T. Brown


Climate warming increases extreme daily wildfire growth risk in California, Patrick T. Brown, Holt Hanley, Ankur Mahesh, Colorado Reed, Scott J. Strenfel, Steven J. Davis, Adam K. Kochanski, and Craig B. Clements


Responding to multiple events in 2020: A qualitative study exploring areas of growth and development among California college students, Anji Buckner, Allyson Khau, and Alana Martin


Why I Climb Mountains With Students: Using Metaphor as a Teaching Tool, Anji Buckner-Capone


Mandating COVID-19 Vaccination on Campus: A Qualitative Analysis of a Cross-Sectional Study of California College Students, Anji Buckner-Capone and Marcelle Dougan


Classifying Real and Bot Users Based on their News Spread for Combating Misinformation, Thi Bui, Anson Pham, Warada Kulkarni, Yutong Yao, and Katerina Potika


Detecting Twitter Bots with Machine Learning and Propagation Graph Analysis, Thi Bui and Katerina Potika


Using extended reality (XR) for medical training and real-time clinical support during deep space missions, B. K. Burian, M. Ebnali, J. M. Robertson, D. Musson, C. N. Pozner, T. Doyle, D. S. Smink, C. Miccile, P. Paladugu, B. Atamna, S. Lipsitz, S. Yule, and R. D. Dias


Data Quality Procedures in Survey Research: An Analysis and Framework for Doctoral Program Curricula, James Burleson, Gregory J. Bott, Michelle Carter, and Jalal Sarabadani


AI-Generated Images as an Emergent Record Format, Jessica Bushey


A Participatory Archives Approach to Fostering Connectivity, Increasing Empathy, and Building Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jessica Bushey


Wound assessment fundamentals for nurses, Alice Butzlaff


Severe hypoglycemia: A diabetes emergency, Alice Butzlaff and Dorothy James Moore


The large-scale structure of globular clusters in the NGC 1052 group, Maria Luisa Buzzo, Duncan A. Forbes, Jean P. Brodie, Steven R. Janssens, Warrick J. Couch, Aaron J. Romanowsky, and Jonah S. Gannon


National CO2 budgets (2015-2020) inferred from atmospheric CO2 observations in support of the global stocktake, Brendan Byrne; David F. Baker; Sourish Basu; Michael Bertolacci; Kevin W. Bowman; Dustin Carroll; Abhishek Chatterjee; Frédéric Chevallier; Philippe Ciais; Noel Cressie; David Crisp; Sean Crowell; Feng Deng; Zhu Deng; Nicholas M. Deutscher; Manvendra K. Dubey; Sha Feng; Omaira E. García; and For full author list, see comments below


Positioning Paradata: A Conceptual Frame for AI Processual Documentation in Archives and Recordkeeping Contexts, Scott Cameron, Pat Franks, and Babak Hamidzadeh


A Curriculum Framework for Autonomous Network Defense using Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning, Robert G. Campbell, Magdalini Eirinaki, and Younghee Park


Evaluating the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of tele-comprehensive behavior therapy for tics (teleCBIT) for Tourette syndrome in youth and adults, Matthew R. Capriotti, Brianna C.M. Wellen, Brianna N. Young, Michael B. Himle, Christine A. Conelea, Flint M. Espil, Heather Simpson, and Carol A. Mathews


Work in Progress: Applied Programming Experiences (APEX) for Community College Students, Valerie A. Carr, Jennifer Avena, David Schuster, Wendy Lee, and Belle Wei


Mapping the Influence: A Nexus Analysis Approach to Addressing Food Access, Andrew Carter