
Submissions from 2023


Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds, Bethany L. Clark; Ana P.B. Carneiro; Elizabeth J. Pearmain; Marie Morgane Rouyer; Thomas A. Clay; Win Cowger; Richard A. Phillips; Andrea Manica; Carolina Hazin; Marcus Eriksen; Jacob González-Solís; Josh Adams; Yuri V. Albores-Barajas; Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto; Maria Saldanha Alho; Deusa Teixeira Araujo; José Manuel Arcos; Fiona McDuie; and For full author list, see comments below


A New Fire Initialization Method for Operational Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Models: Assimilation of Infrared Perimeters and Satellite Detections, Kathleen Nicole Clough


Returning to (Neo)Normal: A Case Study in Critical Intercultural Health Communication, Kristen L. Cole, Leandra Hinojosa Hernández, and Sarah De Los Santos Upton


Conceptualizing socio-emotional disablism: a duoethnography of Crohn’s disease and OCD during COVID-19, Kristen L. Cole and Brandi Lawless


Deep dives and high tissue density increase mean dive costs in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), Mason R. Cole, Colin Ware, Elizabeth A. McHuron, Daniel P. Costa, Paul J. Ponganis, and Birgitte I. McDonald


Understanding Our Airways: How Lung Structure and Function is Impacted by Respiratory Infections and Immune Responses, Katherine Coll


Investigating the factor structure and measurement invariance of the eating disorder examination questionnaire (EDE-Q) among cisgender gay men and lesbian women from the United States, Emilio J. Compte, F. Hunter McGuire, Tiffany A. Brown, Jason M. Lavender, Stuart B. Murray, Matthew R. Capriotti, Annesa Flentje, Micah E. Lubensky, Mitchell R. Lunn, Juno Obedin-Maliver, and Jason M. Nagata


Remote Patient Monitoring Technologies and Markets, Michael W. Condry and Xiaohong Iris Quan


Exploring the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Number of Reported Missing Persons in Canada during 2020, Alexandria Connolly, Mauranne Ste-Marie, and Kevin O'Shea


The Effect of Covid-19 on The Decision-Making Processes of Local School Governing Boards with Regard to Considering and Enacting State and Federal Policies, J Jesus Contreras


Dani Cook, a UC San Diego (UCSD) Learning and User Experience Librarian, discussed what it looks like to take a person-centered approach in academic libraries., Dani Cook


WHITE RACIAL IGNORANCE: White Lies and Inverted Epistemologies, Chris Corces-Zimmerman and Tonia Guida


To Save the Republic: The California Workingmen’s Party in Humboldt County, Daniel Cornford

Working People of California, Daniel Cornford


Mary Beth Corrigan, Curator of Collections on Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation, Mary Beth Corrigan PhD


Cognitive Dissonance: Analysis of the Theory, Marcus Crespo


POSTDELIVERY, Daniel E. Crocker and Birgitte I. McDonald


Beyond a seat at the table: imagining educational equity through critical inclusion, Rebecca A. Cruz, Allison R. Firestone, and Matthew Love


Editorial: The governance of artificial intelligence in the “autonomous city”, Federico Cugurullo, Sarah Barns, Vincent J. Del Casino, Natalie M. Gulsrud, Tan Yigitcanlar, and Xiaoling Zhang


A VARIANT OF NIM PLAYED ON BOOLEAN MATRICES, Stephen J. Curran, Stephen C. Locke, and Richard M. Low


Thinking Styles, Conspiracist Belief, and the Mediating Role of the Dunning-Kruger Effect in Modeling Belief Change, Lucas C. Cusano




An Evaluation of Phase, Aerosol-Cloud Interactions and Microphysical Properties of Single- and Multi-Layer Clouds Over the Southern Ocean Using in Situ Observations From SOCRATES, John J. D’Alessandro, Greg M. McFarquhar, Jeffrey L. Stith, Minghui Diao, Paul J. DeMott, Christina S. McCluskey, Thomas C.J. Hill, Greg C. Roberts, and Kevin J. Sanchez


STEM students leading cultural change: How agency and capacity for collective action are cultivated within a distributed network, Robert P. Dalka, Chandra Anne Turpen, Devyn Elizabeth Shafer, and Brianne Gutmann


Classifying World War II Era Ciphers with Machine Learning, Brooke Dalton


The Long-term Spectral Changes of Eta Carinae: Are they Caused by a Dissipating Occulter as Indicated by cmfgen Models?, Augusto Damineli, Desmond J. Hillier, Felipe Navarete, Anthony F.J. Moffat, Gerd Weigelt, Michael F. Corcoran, Theodore R. Gull, Noel D. Richardson, Peter Ho, Thomas I. Madura, David Espinoza-Galeas, Henrik Hartman, Patrick Morris, Connor S. Pickett, Ian R. Stevens, Christopher M.P. Russell, Kenji Hamaguchi, Francisco J. Jablonski, and Mairan Teodoro


Monsters Are Real, Johnny Damm


Binh Danh: The Enigma of Belonging, Binh Danh


Exploring the Shift in Player Enthusiasm Towards Games, David Daniel


A Longitudinal Study of Student Mental Health during the Course of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Andrew Danowitz and Kacey Beddoes


Board 338: Mental Health in Engineering Education Before, During, and After COVID-19 Related Disruptions, Andrew Danowitz and Kacey Beddoes


How the COVID-19 pandemic reshaped demographic variation in mental health among diverse engineering student populations, Andrew Danowitz and Kacey Beddoes


Social Justice in India: A Comparative Study of Rawls and Ambedkar, Abinash DARNAL

Changing places in Silicon Valley, Charles N. Darrah


FROM PROJECTS TO PARTNERSHIP: Using Ethnography to Engage Students, Charles N. Darrah and Katie Plante Smith


Archivist in the machine: paradata for AI-based automation in the archives, Jeremy Davet, Babak Hamidzadeh, and Patricia Franks


ML-Based User Authentication Through Mouse Dynamics, Sai Kiran Davuluri


Martin Ocelotl: Clandestine cult leader, J. Jorge Klor de Alva


The U.S. Invasion of the Dominican Republic: From Cooperation to Conquest, Andrew DeFabio


Socionatures, Space, and Decolonisation: Amílcar Cabral's Praxis of Dialectics, Aharon deGrassi


The development of the Cognitive Assessment for Tagalog Speakers (CATS): A culturally and linguistically tailored test battery for Filipino Americans, Jessica de Leon, Ivan Bondoc, Eugenie Mamuyac, Lainie Posecion, Eduardo Europa, Lolita C. Kintanar, Niecholle Roco, Mikkael Lamoca, Danielle P. Escueta, and Van M.Ta Park


Bidiagonal decompositions of Vandermonde-type matrices of arbitrary rank, Jorge Delgado, Plamen Koev, Ana Marco, José Javier Martínez, Juan Manuel Peña, Per Olof Persson, and Steven Spasov


Evaluation of Left Shoulder as Part-Time Travel Lane Design Alternatives and Transportation Management Center Staff Training Module Development, Zhuohang Deng, Zhiliang Luo, Neil Hockaday, Ahmed Farid, and Anurag Pande


Enhancing Facial Emotion Recognition Using Image Processing with CNN, Sourabh Deokar


Features of turbulence during wildland fires in forested and grassland environments, Ajinkya Desai, Warren E. Heilman, Nicholas S. Skowronski, Kenneth L. Clark, Michael R. Gallagher, Craig B. Clements, and Tirtha Banerjee

Effect of Graphene Quantum Dots on the Mechanical Properties of Bisphenol F-Based Epoxy, Prathamesh P. Deshpande and Ozgur Keles


We are Here - Underrepresentation of Asian-American women in TK-12 leadership positions in California public schools and districts, Padmavathy Desikachari


Estimating Air Pollution Levels Using Machine Learning, Srujay Rao Devaraneni


Magnitude, Trends, and Variability of the Global Ocean Carbon Sink From 1985 to 2018, Tim DeVries, Kana Yamamoto, Rik Wanninkhof, Nicolas Gruber, Judith Hauck, Jens Daniel Müller, Laurent Bopp, Dustin Carroll, Brendan Carter, Thi Tuyet Trang Chau, Scott C. Doney, Marion Gehlen, Lucas Gloege, Luke Gregor, Stephanie Henson, Ji Hyun Kim, Yosuke Iida, Tatiana Ilyina, and Peter Landschützer


Comparative Analysis of Transformer-Based Models for Text-To-Speech Normalization, Pankti Dholakia


Baseline structural imaging correlates of treatment outcomes in semantic variant primary progressive aphasia, Heather R. Dial, Eduardo Europa, Stephanie M. Grasso, Maria Luisa Mandelli, Kristin M. Schaffer, H. Isabel Hubbard, Lisa D. Wauters, Lindsey Wineholt, Stephen M. Wilson, Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini, and Maya L. Henry


Autonomous Shuttle Implementation and Best Practices, Dil Samina Diba, Ninad Gore, and Srinivas S. Pulugurtha


Resilience Training for Healthcare Professionals: A Literature Review, Michelle Dictor


Revisiting the Rainbow: Culturally Responsive Updates to a Standard Clinical Resource, Angela M. Dietsch, Richard Mocarski, Debra A. Hope, Nathan Woodruff, and Miechelle McKelvey


Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders and the Workplace, Jennifer Dimoff, Jacquelyn Brady, Stephanie Gilbert, and Roderick MacLeod


Game-theoretic analysis of the impact of crew overnight hotel cost on airlines’ fleet assignment and crew pairing, Chengjin Ding, Xinyuan Chen, Weiwei Wu, Wenbin Wei, and Zelin Xin


Dualism and Psychosemantics: Holography and Pansematism in Early Buddhist Philosophy, Federico DIVINO


Evaluation of a culturally adapted reminiscence therapy intervention: Improving mood, family and community connectedness in Spanish- and Vietnamese-speaking older adults, Sadhna Diwan, Angelica Eliazar, Duy Pham, and Maria Fuentes


Understanding perceived climate risks to household water supply and their implications for adaptation: evidence from California, Kristin B. Dobbin, Amanda L. Fencl, Gregory Pierce, Melissa Beresford, Silvia Gonzalez, and Wendy Jepson


Smart Transportation in Small- and Medium-sized Cities in Central California, Hongwei Dong


Exploring the Impacts of Mind Wandering on Driver Takeover in Automated Vehicles: A Comparative Study of Multimodal Displays, Miaomiao Dong, Egbe Etu Etu, Lin Jiang, and Gaojian Huang


Proof-of-Stake for SpartanGold, Nimesh Ashok Doolani


Ethnic Studies Implementation in a K-8 District: Culture, Critical Consciousness and Collective Efficacy, Genvieve Dorsey


Printing of electromagnetic interference shielding materials, Pranay Doshi, Hiu Yung Wong, Daniel H. Gutierrez, Arlene Lopez, Dennis Nordlund, and Ram P. Gandhiraman


Sudden cardiac death in the young: An update for NPs, Julianne Doucette and Ruth Rosenblum

The Societal Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic and a Look Ahead to What’s Next, Marcelle Dougan


Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccination status: A cross-sectional study of California students in higher education, Marcelle M. Dougan and Anji Buckner


Reclaiming Placemaking for an Alternative Politics of Legitimacy and Community in Homelessness, Gordon C.C. Douglas


Research by the seat of your pants: The bicycle, the camera, and the sequential case method in studying urban informality, Gordon C.C. Douglas


Academic discourse and peer collaboration in online high school learning environments, Sara Douglas, Emily Slusser, and Mark Felton


COVID-19 Concerns, Coping and Perceived Peer Norms: Correlates of Increased Alcohol and Marijuana Use Among Sexual Minority Women, Laurie A. Drabble, Cat Munroe, Alison Cerezo, and Tonda L. Hughes


A live fuel moisture climatology in California, Jack R. Drucker, Angel Farguell, Craig B. Clements, and Adam K. Kochanski


Feedback for Continuous Improvement in the Classroom: New Perspectives, Practices, and Possibilities, Brent Duckor and Carrie Holmberg


Online Incivility and Contextual Factors: Data-Driven Detection and Analysis, Catherine Dumas, Souvick Ghosh, Lingzi Hong, Amir Karami, and Priya Vaidya


Examining the Relationship Between Legal Systems and Forensic Science: Current Issues and Proposed Solutions, Rowan Dunton


Negotiating Meaning Systems in Multi-stakeholder Partnerships Addressing Grand Challenges: Homelessness in Western Canada, Sarah Easter, Matt Murphy, and Mary Yoko Brannen


Compassion and Care Through Musical Social Emotional Learning, Scott N. Edgar, Kara Ireland D'Ambrosio, and Elise Hackl


Why do healthcare workers adopt digital health technologies - A cross-sectional study integrating the TAM and UTAUT model in a developing economy, Onome Christopher Edo, David Ang, Egbe Etu Etu, Imokhai Tenebe, Solomon Edo, and Oladapo Ayodeji Diekola


Fintech adoption dynamics in a pandemic: An experience from some financial institutions in Nigeria during COVID-19 using machine learning approach, Onome Christopher Edo, Egbe Etu Etu, Imokhai Tenebe, Oluwarotimi Samuel Oladele, Solomon Edo, Oladapo Ayodeji Diekola, and Joshua Emakhu


Lessons Learned, Opportunities Developed: Building Administrative and Governance Capacities Through the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Eras, Frances L. Edwards and J. Steven Ott


Our pride, our joy: An intersectional constructivist grounded theory analysis of resources that promote resilience in SGM communities, O. Winslow Edwards, Eliot Lev, Juno Obedin-Maliver, Mitchell R. Lunn, Micah E. Lubensky, Matthew R. Capriotti, J. J. Garrett-Walker, and Annesa Flentje


Model binding experiments with cucurbit[7]uril and p-sulfonatocalix[4]arene support use of explicit solvation term in governing equation for binding equilibria, Daryl Eggers, Adam Brewer, Kimberly J. Cacatian, L. Allison Camat, Dominic Castagnoli, Nina Chuang, Lillian N. Chung, Thanh Do, Emily Huynh, Thanayuth Jenpichitkulchai, Anoop Kaur, Frank Le, Roy Ong, Duc Pham, and Kevin Shao


Dual Effect of Secondary Solutes on Binding Equilibria: Contributions from Solute–Reactant Interactions and Solute–Water Interactions, Daryl Eggers, Jennifer M. Le, Nhi T. Nham, Duc N. Pham, and Bria M. Castellano


Evaluation of Nanoclay Additives for Improving Resistance to Moisture Damage in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA), Amro El Badawy and Ashraf Rahim


A hybrid machine learning and natural language processing model for early detection of acute coronary syndrome, Joshua Emakhu, Egbe Etu Etu, Leslie Monplaisir, Celestine Aguwa, Suzan Arslanturk, Sara Masoud, Imokhai Theophilus Tenebe, Hashem Nassereddine, Mohamed Hamam, and Joseph Miller


Reclamation: Resilience of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe, Jan English-Lueck, Roberto J. González, and Alan Leventhal


Automatic TCAD Model Parameter Calibration using Autoencoder, Matthew Eng and Hiu Yung Wong


Can Undergraduate Artists With No Training in Forensic Art Produce Accurate Age Progressions?, William B. Erickson, James Lampinen, Charlie Frowd, and Gregory Mahoney


How Can I Help You Today? How First-Generation Latinx/A/O Community College Students Perceive Counseling, Isaac Escoto


Work in Progress: An Investigation of the Influence of Academic Culture on Engineering Graduates' Workforce Expectations and Subsequent Work Behaviors, Philippa Eshun and Kacey Beddoes


Misconduct on Public Transit: An Exploratory Analysis Using the Comments Formerly Known as Tweets, Egbe Etu Etu, Asha Weinstein Agrawal, Imokhai Tenebe, Jordan Larot, and Dang Minh Nhu Nguyen


What changes the travel pattern: A national survey on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on older adults’ public transportation usage, Egbe Etu Etu, Keertana Sureshbabu, Susan Summerville, Ankur Parmar, and Gaojian Huang


All the Cars I Drove Off Cliffs, Tyler Brett Eveland


A PICARESQUE CRITIQUE: The Anthropology of Disasters and Displacement in the Era of Global Warming and Pandemics, A. J. Faas


State aesthetics and the Other–Nature in disaster memorials, A. J. Faas


Graded motor imagery and its phases for individuals with phantom limb pain following amputation: A scoping review., Kierra Falbo, Phelan H, Hackman Dawn, Vogsland R, and Rich TL


Fast Intra Prediction Algorithm for AVS3, Lingfeng Fang, Songlin Sun, and Rui Liu


Examining the Role of Echo-Chambers within Online Incel Communities Using Sentiment Analysis and Group Based Trajectory Modeling, Francesca Florine Fanucchi


Singular Spaces II: From the Eccentric to the Extraordinary in Spanish Art Environments, Jo Farb Hernandez


The Effects of Exercise on the Mental Wellness of Children (ages 3-6), Reem Farhat