Submissions from 2024
AI Test Modeling and Analysis for Intelligent Chatbot Mobile App - A Case Study on Wysa, Jerry Gao, Prerna Garsole, Radhika Agarwal, and Shengqiang Liu
Camera-Based Crime Behavior Detection and Classification, Jerry Gao, Jingwen Shi, Priyanka Balla, Akshata Sheshgiri, Bocheng Zhang, Hailong Yu, and Yunyun Yang
General Chair Message: IEEE CISOSE 2024, Jerry Zeyu Gao, Hiroyuki Sato, and Wen Wu
Matching emotion regulation strategies with specific emotions in tourist experiences, Jie Gao and Ye Zhang
The roles of flavonoids in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease and extraintestinal manifestations: A review, Xinrui Gao, Xi Feng, Tao Hou, Wen Huang, Zhili Ma, and Dexin Zhang
Intersectional Microaggressions and Implications for Health Inequities and HIV Among Latino/x Sexual Minority Males in Puerto Rico, Moctezuma Garcia
Analysis of Letters to the Three Wise Men: Myth and Rite Transferred to Brands, Ainhoa García-Rivero and Belén Moreno-Albarracín
Toward the Discovery of New Elements: Production of Livermorium (Z=116) with Ti 50, J. M. Gates, R. Orford, D. Rudolph, C. Appleton, B. M. Barrios, J. Y. Benitez, M. Bordeau, W. Botha, C. M. Campbell, J. Chadderton, A. T. Chemey, R. M. Clark, H. L. Crawford, J. D. Despotopulos, O. Dorvaux, N. E. Esker, P. Fallon, C. M. Folden, and B. J.P. Gall
Postoperative Neurologic Outcome in Patients Undergoing Resective Surgery for Parietal Lobe Epilepsy, Stuart Gates II, Dawn E. Hackman, Nitin Agarwal, Wenbo Zhang, Pamela Barnard, and James R. White
Multi-Party Flight Trajectory Negotiation for Upper Class E Traffic Management, Shayna Gaulden, Tien Nguyen, Michael Korens, Wenbin Wei, Min Xue, Paul U. Lee, and Joseph Silva
Intra- and interannual variation in the foraging behavior of common Murres (Uria aalge) in the Central California current, Sean Gee, Pete Warzybok, Michael E. Johns, Jaime Jahncke, and Scott A. Shaffer
Fast Software-Based Real Time Panoramic Image Processing, Matthew Gerlits, Melody Moh, and Teng Sheng Moh
Mental Health of Older Adults, Jerilyn Smith Gigi and Anne MacRae
Optimization of a Lunar Surface Battery Using Regolith as Thermal Insulation, Avraham Shem Gileadi and Ali Guarneros-Luna
Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers: Developing and Fortifying Policies that Diversify the Educator Workforce, Conra Gist, Travis J. Bristol, and Saili Kulkarni
The use of machine learning for the determination of a type/model of firearms by the characteristics on cartridge cases, Pavel Giverts, Ksenia Sorokina, Mark Barash, and Vladimir Fedorenko
Forward Flight System Identification for an Electric Medium-Sized Variable-Rotational Speed Rotor, Emily D. Glover, Radu Teodorescu, Matthew Floros, Mark J.S. Lopez, Tom Berger, and Ashwani K. Padthe
Teaching Community Engagement Through an Anti-Racism Lens: Lessons Learned From a Pilot Micro Course in Public Health and Health Care, Vicky Gomez, Amia Nash, Brittany Chambers, and Meredith Minkler
Flight Testing and Analysis for a Family of Group 2 and 3 Multicopter UAS, Anthony Gong, Mark J.S. Lopez, Tom Berger, Emily D. Glover, and Sung Hyeok Cho
Immigration enforcement: The impact of crimmigration on mixed-immigration-status families in the US and the need for reform, Gabriela Gonzalez
Algorithmic policing: Part 1. Tech startups, venture capital and law enforcement in America, Roberto J. González
Death by remote control: Drone warfare in Afghanistan, Ukraine and beyond, Roberto J. González
Scalable and Consolidated Microbial Platform for Rare Earth Element Leaching and Recovery from Waste Sources, Nathan M. Good, Christina S. Kang-Yun, Morgan Z. Su, Alexa M. Zytnick, Colin C. Barber, Huong N. Vu, Joseph M. Grace, Hoang H. Nguyen, Wenjun Zhang, Elizabeth Skovran, Maohong Fan, Dan M. Park, and Norma Cecilia Martinez-Gomez
The Applicability of LLMs in Generating Textual Samples for Analysis of Imbalanced Datasets, Saroj Gopali, Faranak Abri, Akbar Siami Namin, and Keith S. Jones
The Performance of Sequential Deep Learning Models in Detecting Phishing Websites Using Contextual Features of URLs, Saroj Gopali, Akbar S. Namin, Faranak Abri, and Keith S. Jones
A Comparative Multivariate Analysis of VAR and Deep Learning-based Models for Forecasting Volatile Time Series Data, Saroj Gopali, Sima Siami-Namini, Faranak Abri, and Akbar Siami Namin
Ukrainian Libraries: Fortresses of Information Resistance, Ulia Gosart
Ultrathin Boron Growth onto Nanodiamond Surfaces via Electrophilic Boron Precursors, Krishna Govindaraju, Tyanna Supreme, Daniel N. Labunsky, Nicole Martin, Juan Miguel Del Rosario, Alana Washington, Ezhioghode O. Uwadiale, Solomon Adjei, Sandra Ladjadj, Cynthia V. Melendrez, Sang Jun Lee, Maria V. Altoe, Avery Green, Sebastian Riano, Sami Sainio, Dennis Nordlund, and Abraham Wolcott
Study of Using Variational Quantum Linear Solver for Solving Poisson Equation, Nithin Reddy Govindugari and Hiu Yung Wong
Postpartum Mental Health and Perceptions of Discrimination Among Asian Fathers During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Deepika Goyal, Justine Dol, Jackie Huynh, Sulekha Anand, and Cindy Lee Dennis
Food Insecurity Knowledge and Training Among College Students in Health Majors, Virginia B. Gray, Cara Cuite, Megan Patton-López, Rickelle Richards, Mateja Savoie-Roskos, Stephanie Machado, Emily Heying, Matthew Landry, Susan Chen, Rebecca L. Hagedorn-Hatfield, Georgianna Mann, Zubaida Qamar, Kendra OoNorasak, and Victoria A. Zigmont
Genetic Algorithm for Automated Parameterization of Network Hamiltonian Models of Amyloid Fibril Formation, Gianmarc Grazioli, Andy Tao, Inika Bhatia, and Patrick Regan
Ubiquitous acceleration in Greenland Ice Sheet calving from 1985 to 2022, Chad A. Greene, Alex S. Gardner, Michael Wood, and Joshua K. Cuzzone
Rescaling: Change agency and the emerging geography of economic relationships, Markus Grillitsch, Björn Asheim, Nichola Lowe, Sophie Kelmenson, Lea Fünfschilling, Karl Johan Lundquist, Yahia Mahmoud, Mikhail Martynovich, Pauline Mattsson, Magnus Nilsson, Johan Miörner, and Torben Schubert
Interest in over-the-counter progestin-only pills among transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive individuals in the United States, Kate Grindlay, Juno Obedin-Maliver, Sachiko Ragosta, Jen Hastings, Mitchell R. Lunn, Annesa Flentje, Matthew R. Capriotti, Zubin Dastur, Micah E. Lubensky, and Heidi Moseson
Bikeability Disparities in Orange County, California: Intersection of Place and Demographics, Jeanette Gritton, Maria Cristina Martinez, Georgiana Bostean, and Megan Thiele Strong
Development of a Heatsink with Embedded Thermosyphons for Passive Cooling of High-Power LED Panels, Ayush Guha, Ayaan Raza, and Sohail Zaidi
Peer effects on brand activism: evidence from brand and user chatter on Twitter, Mithila Guha and Daniel Korschun
Development of a Safety Hazards Risk Assessment Tool for Uncrewed Aircraft System Traffic Management During Preflight Planning, Vimmy Gujral, Paul U. Lee, Gregory Costedoat, Jolene Feldman, Lilly Spirkovska, and Charles Walter
Speech-Based Human-Exoskeleton Interaction for Lower Limb Motion Planning, Eddie Guo, Christopher Perlette, Mojtaba Sharifi, Lukas Grasse, Matthew Tata, Vivian K. Mushahwar, and Mahdi Tavakoli
Genie: Enhancing information management in the restaurant industry through AI-powered chatbot, Megha Gupta, Venkatasai Dheekonda, and Mohammad Masum
CMI: Cluster-Centric Missing Value Imputation with Feature Consistency, Megha Gupta, Shripal Shah, Mohammad Masum, and Sai Chandra Kosaraju
SPIDARman: System-Level Physics-Informed Detection of Anomalies in Reactor Collected Data Considering Human Errors, Ezgi Gursel, Bhavya Reddy, Katy Daniels, Jamie Baalis Coble, Mahboubeh Madadi, Vivek Agarwal, Ronald Boring, Vaibhav Yadav, and Anahita Khojandi
Printed graphene and its composite with copper for electromagnetic interference shielding applications, Daniel Gutierrez, Pranay Doshi, Hiu Yung Wong, Dennis Nordlund, and Ram P. Gandhiraman
PDRs4All II. JWST’s NIR and MIR imaging view of the Orion Nebula, Emilie Habart; Els Peeters; Olivier Berné; Boris Trahin; Amélie Canin; Ryan Chown; Ameek Sidhu; Dries Van De Putte; Felipe Alarcón; Ilane Schroetter; Emmanuel Dartois; Sílvia Vicente; Alain Abergel; Edwin A. Bergin; Jeronimo Bernard-Salas; Christiaan Boersma; Emeric Bron; Michael Kaufman; and For full author list, see comments below
Reputation or court: Individualism, collectivism, and the choice of enforcement mechanism in exchange, Aidin Hajikhameneh
Towards a Dynamic Data Driven Wildfire Digital Twin (WDT): Impacts on Deforestation, Air Quality and Cardiopulmonary Disease, M. Halem, A. K. Kochanski, J. Mandel, J. Sleeman, B. Demoz, A. Bargteil, S. Patil, S.Shivadekar, A. Iorga, J. Dorband, J. Mackinnon, S. Chiao, Z. Yang, Ya Yesha, J. Sorkin, E. Kalnay, S. Safa, and C. Da
“Doing” and “Undoing” power as critical intercultural assessment: Original teaching idea—semester for the core intercultural communication course, Rona Tamiko Halualani
WHAT CONSTITUTES A CRITICAL INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION PERSPECTIVE?: The significance of negation and specification, Rona Tamiko Halualani
JAPNA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement Is Adopted: Commitment to DEI Action and Measurement, Michelle De Coux Hampton
Injury and performance-related running biomechanics in advanced footwear technology compared to minimalist footwear, J. J. Hannigan, Luisa Westley, and Li Jin
Charged-particle transport in high energy density plasmas, Stephanie B. Hansen, Lucas J. Stanek, Brian M. Haines, S. X. Hu, Patrick F. Knapp, Michael S. Murillo, Liam G. Stanton, and Heather D. Whitley
Integrating a Dissemination and Implementation Science Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) Framework as a Cornerstone of a Masters in Dietetics Training Program, Samantha M. Harden, Kristen Chang, and Susan Chen
Solvation free energy in governing equations for DNA hybridization, protein–ligand binding, and protein folding, Caroline Harmon, Austin Bui, Jasmin M. Espejo, Marc Gancayco, Jennifer M. Le, Juan Rangel, and Daryl K. Eggers
Experiments in conservation aquaculture to optimize restoration for Olympia oysters Ostrea lurida in Elkhorn Slough, CA, USA, Jacob Harris, Luke Gardner, Amanda S. Kahn, April D. Ridlon, and Kerstin Wasson
Itinerant Entrepreneurs: #bigger6, Digital Humanities Pedagogy & Minimal Computing, Katherine D. Harris
Novel eco-friendly bio-nano-hybridized woolen felts for effective oil/water separation, Mehdi Hatami, Shima Panahi, Meysam Moezzi, Fred Barez, and Young Wook Chang
Association of dietary adherence and dietary quality with weight loss success among those following low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets: a secondary analysis of the DIETFITS randomized clinical trial, Michelle E. Hauser, Jennifer C. Hartle, Matthew J. Landry, Priya Fielding-Singh, Cynthia W. Shih, Fei Fei Qin, Joseph Rigdon, and Christopher D. Gardner
Exploring Biases of the Healthy Eating Index and Alternative Healthy Eating Index When Scoring Low-Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diets, Michelle E. Hauser, Jennifer C. Hartle, Matthew J. Landry, Priya Fielding-Singh, Cynthia W. Shih, Fei Fei Qin, Joseph Rigdon, and Christopher D. Gardner
Family Rituals and Coping During a Global Pandemic: A Cross-Cultural Comparison, Marie C. Haverfield, Roi Estlein, Daria Titova, Darcey deSouza, Yesenia Carrillo, Brooklyn Willis, and Sabrina Maciel
Communication processes in an advance care planning initiative: A socio-ecological perspective for service evaluation, Marie C. Haverfield, Jessica Ma, Anne Walling, David B. Bekelman, Cati Brown-Johnson, Natalie Lo, Karl A. Lorenz, and Karleen F. Giannitrapani
Transforming the discharge conversation through support and structure: A scoping review, Marie Haverfield, Gisselle De Leon, Angelica Johnson, Victoria L. Jackson, Geetali Basu, and Jane Dodge
How do working students fare? A person-centric approach to understanding patterns of work–school conflict and facilitation, Lucille Headrick and Young Ah Park
Errors of multiple exponence in child English: a study of past tense formation, Johannes Hein, Imke Driemel, Fabienne Martin, Yining Nie, and Artemis Alexiadou
CASA: A Compact and Scalable Accelerator for Approximate Homomorphic Encryption, Pengzhou He, Samira Carolina Oliva Madrigal, Çetin Kaya Koç, Tianyou Bao, and Jiafeng Xie
Translating the language of patents, Françoise Herrmann
Bjet_MCMC: A New Tool to Automatically Fit the Broadband Spectral Energy Distributions of Blazars, Olivier Hervet, Caitlin A. Johnson, and Adrian Youngquist
Handbook of Understanding Terrorism: Forensic Social Sciences Case Studies, Martine Herzog-Evans and Stephen Morewitz
Assessing Neural Synchrony in the Cochlear Nerve to Electrical Stimulation in Children With Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder, Shuman He, Xiuhua Chao, Yi Yuan, Jeffrey Skidmore, and Kristin M. Uhler
Peripheral Neural Synchrony in Postlingually Deafened Adult Cochlear Implant Users, Shuman He, Skidmore Jeffrey, Ian Bruce, Jacob J. Oleson, and Yi Yuan
Erratum to: Reconfigurations in brain networks upon awakening from slow wave sleep: Interventions and implications in neural communication (Network Neuroscience), Cassie J. Hilditch, Kanika Bansal, Ravi Chachad, Lily R. Wong, Nicholas G. Bathurst, Nathan H. Feick, Amanda Santamaria, Nita L. Shattuck, Javier O. Garcia, and Erin E. Flynn-Evans
An at-home evaluation of a light intervention to mitigate sleep inertia symptoms, Cassie J. Hilditch, Sean Pradhan, Gregory Costedoat, Nicholas G. Bathurst, Zachary Glaros, Kevin B. Gregory, Nita L. Shattuck, and Erin E. Flynn-Evans
AI for Library and Information Science (AI4LIS): Towards a Research Agenda, Darra Hofman, Alamir Novin, Souvick Ghosh, and Ehsan Mohammadi
The power of Chinatown: Searching for spatial justice in Los Angeles, Laureen D. Hom
The pregnancy police: Conceiving crime, arresting personhood, Grace E. Howard
The reincarnation of the Asian Buddhist peril: White Christian nationalism and contestations of mindfulness in K-12 public schools, Funie Hsu/Chhî
Engaged Buddhism in the United States, Funie Hsu
Evaluating the Impact of an Evidence-Based Practice Education Program in a Nurse Residency Program on Evidence-Based Practice Beliefs, Implementation, and Competency, Amy Hu and Robin L. Whitney
Two decades of heart regeneration research: Cardiomyocyte proliferation and beyond, Herman Huang, Guo N. Huang, and Alexander Y. Payumo
Quantitative label-free digital holographic imaging of cardiomyocyte optical volume, nucleation, and cell division, Herman Huang, Sangsoon Park, Ines Ross, Joseph Moreno, Sheamin Khyeam, Jacquelyn Simmons, Guo N. Huang, and Alexander Y. Payumo
Cryogenic Behaviors of 65nm Transistor: On-State IV and Parameters, Po Shao Huang, Sahil Shah, Alhaji A. Sharka, Gilbert Kengni, Yuri Masuoka, and Hiu Yung Wong
Research on Federated Learning's Contribution to Trustworthy and Responsible Artificial Intelligence, Shijia Huang, Yaxin Liang, Fangzhou Shen, and Fanru Gao
Exploring the effect of human-drone communication modality on safety and balance control in virtual construction environments, Boyi Hu, Shuyan Xia, Zixian Zhu, Jiun Yao Cheng, Yue Luo, Idris Jeelani, and Masoud Gheisari
Assessment of Digital Collaboration Skills, Esperanza Huerta, Ana Lidia Franzoni Velázquez, and Scott Jensen
Tai Chi Expertise Classification in Older Adults Using Wrist Wearables and Machine Learning, Yang Hu, Mengyue Huang, Jonathan Cerna, Rachneet Kaur, and Manuel E. Hernandez
Structural complexity of snapshots of two-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard systems, Eduardo Ibarra-García-Padilla, Stephanie Striegel, Richard T. Scalettar, and Ehsan Khatami
Linker-dependent control of the chiroptical properties of polymethylene-vaulted trans-bis[(β-iminomethyl)naphthoxy]platinum(ii) complexes, Masahiro Ikeshita, Shing Cho Ma, Gilles Muller, and Takeshi Naota
An Exploration of the Environmental Setting Mothers and Early Adolescent Youth Prefer to Have Conversations About Daily Stressors, Dina Izenstark, Janet Y. Bang, Kelly M. Tu, and Natalee Maynard
Tuning of ultraviolet-curable ink printability via in situ ultraviolet irradiation during direct ink write applications, Sean Jackson, Lysette Zaragoza, Balaji Krisna Kumar, and Tarik Dickens
Is decentralization sustainable in the bitcoin system?, Varghese S. Jacob, Sailendra Prasanna Mishra, and Suresh Radhakrishnan
The PIPER survey. II. The globular cluster systems of low surface brightness galaxies in the Perseus cluster, Steven R. Janssens, Duncan A. Forbes, Aaron J. Romanowsky, Jonah Gannon, Joel Pfeffer, Warrick J. Couch, Jean P. Brodie, William E. Harris, Patrick R. Durrell, and Kenji Bekki
Towards a Theory of Lyric Curriculum, Scott Jarvie and Cori McKenzie
Anti-Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Racism in Academic Pediatrics: Recommendations for Training, Research, and Clinical Practice, Joyce R. Javier and Lois M. Takahashi
Enhancing Diagnostic Accuracy: A Hybrid Approach to Mitigate Speckle and Rician Noise in Medical Images, Naveenkumar Jayakumar, Saurabh Saoji, Sagar V. Joshi, Hemlata Mane, Roshni Narkhede, and Shrikant Jadhav